Univ. Prof. Dr. Schahram Dustdar
Full Professor
Head of the Distributed Systems Group
IEEE Fellow, Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA) Fellow
ACM Distinguished Scientist, ACM Distinguished Speaker
Member of the Academia Europaea
dustdar @ dsg.tuwien.ac.at
+43 1 58801 18414
last edited: March 19, 2025
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Journal Articles
- Li Y., Donta P. K., Wang X., Murturi I., Huang M., Dustdar S. (2025). KDN-FLB: Knowledge-defined Networking through Federated Learning and Blockchain. IEEE Computer
- Xiang Z., Xue X., Zheng Z., Gao H., Chen Y., Dustdar S. (2025). Enabling Sustainable and Unmanned Facial Detection and Recognition Services With Adaptive Edge Resource. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
- Guo F., Hecker A., Dustdar S. (2025). A Scalable and Secure Transaction Attachment Algorithm for DAG-Based Blockchain. IEEE Internet of Things Journal
- Li Y., Wang X., Li H., Donta P. K., Huang M., Dustdar S. (2025). Communication-Efficient Federated Learning for Heterogeneous Clients. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology
- Peng Y, Wang J., Wang W., Liu L., Atiquzzaman M., Guizani M., Dustdar S. (2025). An Efficient Multi-band Infrared Small Objects Detection Approach for Low-Altitude Artificial Intelligence of Thing. IEEE Internet of Things Journal
- Du A., Jia J., Dustdar S., Chen J., Wang X. (2025). Online Service Placement, Task Scheduling, and Resource Allocation in Hierarchical Collaborative MEC Systems. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
- Furutanpey A., Raith P., Dustdar S. (2024). FrankenSplit: Efficient Neural Feature Compression With Shallow Variational Bottleneck Injection for Mobile Edge Computing. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 23, Issue 12, pp. 10770-10786
- Chang L., Yu C., Zhang L., Xu X., Dustdar S. (2024). Safety assessment of tunnel construction based on counterintuitivity detection using multi-profile multi-model ensemble learning. Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 240, pp. 122459: 1 - 122459:14
- Luo L., Zhang C., Yu H., Sun G., Luo S., Dustdar S. (2024). Communication-Efficient Federated Learning With Adaptive Aggregation for Heterogeneous Client-Edge-Cloud Network. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume 17, Issue 6, pp. 3241-3255
- Batista E., Alencar B., Silva E., Canário J., Rios R. A., Dustdar S., Figueiredo G., Prazeres C. (2024). A new intelligent scheduler to improve reactive OpenFlow communication in SDN‑based IoT data streams. Discover Internet of Things, Volume 4, pp. 15: 1 - 15:22
- Donta P. K., Sedlak B., Murturi I., Casamayor Pujol V., Dustdar S. (2024). Human-based Distributed Intelligence in Computing Continuum Systems. IEEE Internet Computing
- Meuser T., Lovén L., Bhuyan M., Patil S. G., Dustdar S., Aral A., Bayhan S., Becker C., de Lara E., Ding A. Y., Edinger J., Gross J., Mohan N., Pimentel A. D., Rivière E., Schulzrinne H., Simoens P., Solmaz G., Welzl M. (2024). Revisiting Edge AI: Opportunities and Challenges. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 28, Issue 4, pp. 49-59
- Zhang H., Li L., Lu Q., Yue Y., Huang Y., Dustdar S. (2024). Distributed realtime rendering in decentralized network for mobile web augmented reality. Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 158, pp. 530-544
- Long W., Xiao Z., Jiang H., Xiong Y., Qin Z., Li Y., Dustdar S. (2024). Learning Semantic Behavior for Human Mobility Trajectory Recovery. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 25, Issue 8, pp. 8849-8864
- Li K., Wang X., He Q., Wang J., Li J., Zhan S., Lu G., Dustdar S. (2024). Computation Offloading in Resource-Constrained Multi-Access Edge Computing. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 23, Issue 11, pp. 10665-10677
- Huang Y., Wang H., Qiao X., Su X., Li Y., Dustdar S., Zhang P. (2024). SCAXR: Empowering Scalable Multi-User Interaction for Heterogeneous XR Devices. IEEE Network, Volume 38, Issue 4, pp. 250-258
- Zhao H., Deng S., Xiang Z., Yan X., Yin J., Dustdar S., Zomaya A. Y. (2024). Scheduling Multi-Server Jobs with Sublinear Regrets via Online Learning. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume 17, Issue 3, pp. 1168-1180
- Hu J., Jiang H., Liu D., Xiao Z., Zhang Q., Liu J., Dustdar S. (2024). Combining IMU With Acoustics for Head Motion Tracking Leveraging Wireless Earphone. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 23, Issue 6, pp. 6835-6847
- Plebani P., Schulte S., Tamburri D. A., Dustdar S. (2024). Service-Oriented Computing: A Trajectory for Research to 2030. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 28, Issue 3, pp. 59-63
- Yang Y., Wu J., Chen T., Peng C., Wang J., Deng J., Tao X., Liu G., Li W., Yang L., He Y., Yang T., Aghvami A. H., Eliassen F., Dustdar S., Niyato D., Sun W., Xu Y., Yuan Y., Xie J., Li R., Dai C. (2024). Task-Oriented 6G Native-AI Network Architecture. IEEE Network, Volume 38, Issue 1, pp. 219-227
- Liu L., Fu J., Feng J., Wang G., Pei Q., Dustdar S. (2024). Blockchain-Based Distributed Collaborative Computing for Vehicular Digital Twin Network. IEEE Network, Volume 38, Issue 2, pp. 164-170
- Zhang Q., Che X., Chen Y., Ma X., Xu M., Dustdar S., Liu X., Wang S. (2024). A Comprehensive Deep Learning Library Benchmark and Optimal Library Selection. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 23, Issue 5, pp. 5069-5082
- Cheng G., Wang Y., Deng S., Xiang Z., Yan X., Zhao P., Dustdar S. (2024). A Lightweight Authentication-Driven Trusted Management Framework for IoT Collaboration. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume 17, Issue 3, pp. 747-760
- Dao N.-N., Na W., Cho S., Dustdar S. (2024). Toward Privacy-Sensitive Heterogeneous Hypercomputing. IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume 62, Issue 4, pp. 24-30
- Sedlak B., Casamayor Pujol V., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2024). Equilibrium in the Computing Continuum through Active Inference. Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 160, pp. 92-108
- Li L., Huang Y., Qiao X., Meng Y., Yu D., Ren P., Dustdar S. (2024). Toward Distributed Collaborative Rendering Service for Immersive Mobile Web. IEEE Network, Volume 38, Issue 3, pp. 137-145
- Pinto G. P., Donta P. K., Dustdar S., Prazeres C. (2024). A Systematic Review on Privacy-aware IoT Personal Data Stores. Sensors, Volume 24, Issue 7, pp. 2197: 1 - 2197: 23
- Casamayor Pujol V., Sedlak B., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2024). On Causality in Distributed Continuum Systems. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 28, Issue 2, pp. 57-64
- Hazra A., Morichetta A., Murturi I., Lovén L., Dehury C. K., Casamayor Pujol V., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2024). Distributed AI in Zero-Touch Provisioning for Edge Networks: Challenges and Research Directions. Computer, Volume 57, Issue 3, pp. 69-78
- Deng S., Zhao H., Huang B., Zhang C., Chen F., Deng Y., Yin J., Dustdar S., Zomaya A. Y. (2024). Cloud-Native Computing: A Survey From the Perspective of Services. Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 112, Issue 1, pp. 12-46
- Wilson S., Adu-Duodu K., Li Y., Solaiman E., Rana O., Dustdar S., Ranjan R. (2024). Data Management Challenges in Blockchain-Based Applications. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 28, Issue 1, pp. 70-80
- Wang M., Jiang H., Zhao P., Li J., Liu J., Min G., Dustdar S. (2024). RoPriv: Road Network-Aware Privacy-Preserving Framework in Spatial Crowdsourcing. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 23, Issue 3, pp. 2351-2366
- Tong Z., Deng X., Xiao Z., He D., Chronopoulos A. T., Dustdar S. (2024). A Bilateral Game Approach for Task Outsourcing in Multi-Access Edge Computing. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Volume 21, Issue 1, pp. 266-279
- Hu J., Jiang H., Liu D., Xiao Z., Dustdar S., Liu J. (2024). A Wireless Self-Service System for Library Using Commodity RFID Devices. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 11, Issue 3, pp. 4998-5010
- Hu J., Jiang H., Xiao Z., Chen S., Dustdar S., Liu J. (2024). HeadTrack: Real-time Human–Computer Interaction via Wireless Earphones. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Volume 42, Issue 4, pp. 990-1002
- Lu Y., Cai B., Tang X., Liu L., Du J., Yu S., Atiquzzaman M., Dustdar S. (2024). Tree-ORAP: A Tree-based Oblivious Random-Access Protocol for Privacy-Protected Blockchain. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume 17, Issue 3, pp. 1252-1264
- Xiao T., Chen C., Dong M., Ota K., Liu L., Dustdar S. (2024). Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Trading Decision-Making in Platooning-Assisted Vehicular Networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 32, Issue 3, pp. 2143-2158
- Gill S. S., Wu H., Patros P., Ottaviani C., Arora P., Casamayor Pujol V., Haunschild D., Parlikad A. K., Cetinkaya O., Lutfiyya H., Stankovski V., Li R., Ding Y., Qadir J., Abraham A., Ghosh S. K., Song H. H., Sakellariou R., Rana O., Rodrigues J. J. P. C., Kanhere S. S., Dustdar S., Uhlig S., Ramamohanarao K., Buyya R. (2024). Modern computing: Vision and challenges. Telematics and Informatics Reports, Volume 13, pp. 100116: 1 - 100116: 38
- Zhang Q., Zhu Z., Zhou A., Sun Q., Dustdar S., Wang S. (2024). Energy-Efficient Federated Training on Mobile Device. IEEE Network, Volume 38, Issue 1, pp. 180-186
- Dehury C. K., Srirama S. N., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2024). Securing Clustered Edge Intelligence With Blockchain. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, Volume 13, Issue 1, pp. 22-29
- Gill S. S., Xu M., Patros P., Wu H., Kaur R., Kaur K., Fuller S., Singh M., Arora P., Parlikad A. K., Stankovski V., Abraham A., Ghosh S. K., Lutfiyya H., Kanhere S. S., Bahsoon R., Rana O., Dustdar S., Sakellariou R., Uhlig S., Buyya R. (2024). Transformative effects of ChatGPT on modern education: Emerging Era of AI Chatbots. Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, Volume 4, pp. 19-23
- Sedlak B., Murturi I., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2024). A Privacy Enforcing Framework for Data Streams on the Edge. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, Volume 12, Issue 3, pp. 852-863
- Jiang H., Chen S., Xiao Z., Hu J., Liu J., Dustdar S. (2024). Pa-Count: Passenger Counting in Vehicles Using Wi-Fi Signals. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 23, Issue 4, pp. 2684-2697
- Sun D., Hu J., Wu H., Wu J., Yang J., Sheng Q. Z., Dustdar S. (2024). A Comprehensive Survey on Collaborative Data-access Enablers in the IIoT. ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 56, Issue 2, pp. 50: 1 - 50: 37
- Yang Y., Ma M., Wu H., Yu Q., You X., Wu J., Peng C., Yum T.-S. P., Aghvami A. H., Li G. Y., Wang J., Liu G., Gao P., Tang X., Cao C., Thompson J., Wong K.-K., Chen S., Wang Z., Debbah M., Dustdar S., Eliassen F., Chen T., Duan X., Sun S., Tao X., Zhang Q., Huang J., Zhang W., Li J., Gao Y., Zhang H., Chen X., Ge X., Xiao Y., Wang C.-X., Zhang Z., Ci S., Mao G., Li C., Shao Z., Zhou Y., Liang J., Li K., Wu L., Sun F., Wang K., Liu Z., Yang K., Wang J., Gao T., Shu H. (2023). 6G Network AI Architecture for Everyone-Centric Customized Services. IEEE Network, Volume 37, Issue 5, pp. 71-80
- Altarrazi S., Szydlo T., Dustdar S., Srirama S. N., Ranjan R. (2023). Addressing the Faults Landscape in the Internet of Things: Toward Datacentric and System Resilience. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 27, Issue 6, pp. 43-51
- Xu Y., Feng Z., Xing M., Wu H., Chen S., Xue X., Dustdar S. (2023). Metapath-guided multi-headed attention networks for trust prediction in heterogeneous social networks. Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 282, pp. 111119: 1 - 111119: 12
- Xiao Z., Shu J., Jiang H., Lui J. C. S., Min G., Liu J., Dustdar S. (2023). Multi-Objective Parallel Task Offloading and Content Caching in D2D-Aided MEC Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 22, Issue 11, pp. 6599-6615
- Zhu Y., Huang Y., Qiao X., Tan Z., Bai B., Ma H., Dustdar S. (2023). A Semantic-Aware Transmission with Adaptive Control Scheme for Volumetric Video Service. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Volume 25, pp. 7160-7172
- Raith P., Rausch T., Furutanpey A., Dustdar S. (2023). faas-sim: A trace-driven simulation framework for serverless edge computing platforms. Software: Practice and Experience, Volume 53, Issue 12, pp. 2327-2361
- Durán A., Fernández P., García J. M., Dustdar S. (2023). FIDES: A Proposal for Federated Accountability in the Compute Continuum. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 27, Issue 5, pp. 33-42
- Yang J., Yang K., Xiao Z., Jiang H., Xu S., Dustdar S. (2023). Improving Commute Experience for Private Car Users via Blockchain-Enabled Multitask Learning. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 10, Issue 24, pp. 21656-21669
- Dai X., Xiao Z., Jiang H., Lei M., Min G., Liu J., Dustdar S. (2023). Offloading Dependent Tasks in Edge Computing with Unknown System-Side Information. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume 16, Issue 6, pp. 4345-4359
- Xiao M., Wang Z., Zhao Y., Geng G., Dustdar S., Donta P. K., Ji G. (2023). A new fault feature extraction method of rolling bearings based on the improved self-selection ICEEMDAN-permutation entropy. ISA Transactions, Volume 143, pp. 536-547
- Donta P. K., Murturi I., Casamayor Pujol V., Sedlak B., Dustdar S. (2023). Exploring the Potential of Distributed Computing Continuum Systems. Computers, Volume 12, Issue 10, pp. 198: 1 - 198: 29
- Ravi B., Varghese B., Murturi I., Donta P. K., Dustdar S., Dehury C. K., Srirama S. N. (2023). Stochastic Modeling for Intelligent Software-Defined Vehicular Networks: A Survey. Computers, Volume 12, Issue 8, pp. 162: 1 - 162: 34
- Casamayor Pujol V., Donta P. K., Morichetta A., Murturi I., Dustdar S. (2023). Edge Intelligence—Research Opportunities for Distributed Computing Continuum Systems. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 27, Issue 4, pp. 53-74
- Cao H., Jiang H., Yang K., Chen S., Wu W., Liu J., Dustdar S. (2023). Data-Augmentation-Enabled Continuous User Authentication via Passive Vibration Response. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 10, Issue 16, pp. 14137-14151
- Liu J., Peng C., Sun R., Liu L., Zhang N., Dustdar S., Leung V. C. M. (2023). CPAHP: Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme with Hierarchical Pseudonym for 5G-Enabled IoV. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume 72, Issue 7, pp. 8929-8940
- Guo H., Xu M., Zhang J., Liu C., Yu D., Dustdar S., Cheng X. (2023). FileDAG: A Multi-Version Decentralized Storage Network Built on DAG-based Blockchain. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 72, Issue 11, pp. 3191-3202
- Sharghivand N., Mashayekhy L., Ma W., Dustdar S. (2023). Time-Constrained Service Handoff for Mobile Edge Computing in 5G. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp. 2241-2253
- Raith P., Nastic S., Dustdar S. (2023). Serverless Edge Computing-Where We Are and What Lies Ahead. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 27, Issue 3, pp. 50-64
- Feng J., Bao S., Xu X., Zhang Z., Hou P., Steyskal F., Dustdar S. (2023). Rotating machinery fault diagnosis based on feature extraction via an unsupervised graph neural network. Applied Intelligence, Volume 53, Issue 18, pp. 21211-21226
- Xiao Z., Li H., Jiang H., Li Y., Alazab M., Zhu Y., Dustdar S. (2023). Predicting Urban Region Heat via Learning Arrive-Stay-Leave Behaviors of Private Cars. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 24, Issue 10, pp. 10843-10856
- Liu L., Sun Y., Wang K., Dong M., Atiquzzaman M., Dustdar S. (2023). On Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks With Full-Duplex Radios: An End-to-End Delay Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 24, Issue 10, pp. 10912-10922
- Shen X., Jiang H., Liu D., Yang K., Deng F., Zhang T., Xiao Z., Lui J. C. S., Liu J., Dustdar S., Luo J. (2023). PupilHeart: Heart Rate Variability Monitoring via Pupillary Fluctuations on Mobile Devices. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 10, Issue 20, pp. 18042-18053
- Donta P. K., Sedlak B., Casamayor Pujol V., Dustdar S. (2023). Governance and sustainability of distributed continuum systems: a big data approach. Journal of Big Data, Volume 10, 53: 1 - 53: 31
- Xiang Z., Zheng Y., Zheng Z., Deng S., Guo M., Dustdar S. (2023). Cost-Effective Traffic Scheduling and Resource Allocation for Edge Service Provisioning. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 31, Issue 6, pp. 2934-2949
- Li Y., Wang X., Zeng R., Yang M., Li K., Huang M., Dustdar S. (2023). VARF: An Incentive Mechanism of Cross-Silo Federated Learning in MEC. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 10, Issue 17, pp. 15115-15132
- Li K., Wang X., He Q., Ni Q., Yang M., Dustdar S. (2023). Computation Offloading for Tasks With Bound Constraints in Multiaccess Edge Computing. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 10, Issue 17, pp. 15526-15536
- Casamayor Pujol V., Morichetta A., Murturi I., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2023). Fundamental Research Challenges for Distributed Computing Continuum Systems. Information, Volume 14, Issue 3, pp. 198: 1 - 198: 10
- Karagiannis V., Frangoudis P. A., Dustdar S., Schulte S. (2023). Context-Aware Routing in Fog Computing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp. 532-549
- Lu Y., Tang X., Liu L., Yu F. R., Dustdar S. (2023). Speeding at the Edge: An Efficient and Secure Redactable Blockchain for IoT-Based Smart Grid Systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 10, Issue 14, pp. 12886-12897
- Hazra A., Donta P. K., Amgoth T., Dustdar S. (2023). Cooperative Transmission Scheduling and Computation Offloading with Collaboration of Fog and Cloud for Industrial IoT Applications. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 10, Issue 5, pp. 3944-3953
- Gounaris A., Michailidou A.-V., Dustdar S. (2023). Toward Building Edge Learning Pipelines. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 27, Issue 1 pp. 61-69
- Chen C., Yao G., Liu L., Pei Q., Song H., Dustdar S. (2023). A Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure System for Road Hazards Detection With Edge Intelligence. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 24, Issue 5, pp. 5186-5198
- Li K., Wang X., He Q., Yang M., Huang M., Dustdar S. (2023). Task Computation Offloading for Multi-Access Edge Computing via Attention Communication Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp. 2985-2999
- Arleo A., Tsigkanos C., Leite R. A., Dustdar S., Miksch S., Sorger J. (2023). Visual Exploration of Financial Data with Incremental Domain Knowledge. Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 42, Issue 1, pp. 101-116
- Zhang Z., Hu J., Xu X., Wang G., Dustdar S., Chen S. (2023). Functional importance evaluation approach for cloud manufacturing services based on complex network and evidential reasoning rule. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 175, pp. 108895: 1 - 108895: 14
- Guo F., Xiao X., Hecker A., Dustdar S. (2023). A Theoretical Model Characterizing Tangle Evolution in IOTA Blockchain Network. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 10, Issue 2, pp. 1259-1273
- Iftikhar S., Gill S. S., Song C., Xu M., Aslanpour M. S., Toosi A. N., Du J., Wu H., Ghosh S., Chowdhury D., Golec M., Kumar M., Abdelmoniem A. M., Cuadrado F., Varghese B., Rana O., Dustdar S., Uhlig S. (2023). AI-based fog and edge computing: A systematic review, taxonomy and future directions. Internet of Things, Volume 21, pp. 100674: 1 - 100674: 41
- Zhu S., Yu T., Xu T., Chen H., Dustdar S., Gigan S., Gunduz D., Hossain E., Jin Y., Lin F., Liu B., Wan Z., Zhang J., Zhao Z., Zhu W., Chen Z., Durrani T. S., Wang H., Wu J., Zhang T., Pan Y. (2023). Intelligent Computing: The Latest Advances, Challenges, and Future. Intelligent Computing, Volume 2, 0006: 1 - 0006: 45
- Zhao H., Deng S., Chen F., Yin J., Dustdar S., Zomaya A. (2023). Learning to Schedule Multi-Server Jobs with Fluctuated Processing Speeds. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 34, Issue 1, pp. 234-245
- Dai X., Xiao Z., Jiang H., Chen H., Min G., Dustdar S., Cao J. (2023). A Learning-Based Approach for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Computation Offloading. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 10, Issue 8, pp. 7244-7258
- Cao H., Jiang H., Liu D., Wang R., Min G., Liu J., Dustdar S., Lui J. C. S. (2023). LiveProbe: Exploring Continuous Voice Liveness Detection via Phonemic Energy Response Patterns. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 10, Issue 8, pp. 7215-7228
- Dai X., Xiao Z., Jiang H., Alazab M., Lui J. C. S., Dustdar S., Liu J. (2023). Task Co-Offloading for D2D-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing in Industrial Internet of Things. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 480-490
- Dai X., Xiao Z., Jiang H., Alazab M., Lui J. C. S., Min G., Dustdar S., Liu J. (2023). Task Offloading for Cloud-Assisted Fog Computing With Dynamic Service Caching in Enterprise Management Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 662-672
- Laso S., Berrocal J., Fernandez P., García J. M., Garcia-Alonso J., Murillo J. M., Ruiz-Cortés A., Dustdar S. (2022). Elastic Data Analytics for the Cloud-to-Things Continuum. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 26, Issue 6, pp. 42-49
- Bhattacharya S., Victor N., Chengoden R., Ramalingam M., Selvi G. C., Reddy Maddikunta P. K., Donta P. K., Dustdar S., Jhaveri R. H., Reddy Gadekallu T. (2022). Blockchain for Internet of Underwater Things: State-of-the-Art, Applications, Challenges, and Future Directions. Sustainability, Volume 14, Issue 23, pp. 15659: 1 - 15659: 21
- Hossein Motlagh N., Loven L., Cao J., Liu X., Nurmi P., Dustdar S., Tarkoma S., Su X. (2022). Edge Computing: The Computing Infrastructure for the Smart Megacities of the Future. Computer, Volume 55, Issue 12, pp. 54-64
- Ren P., Qiao X., Huang Y., Liu L., Pu C., Dustdar S. (2022). Fine-Grained Elastic Partitioning for Distributed DNN Towards Mobile Web AR Services in the 5G Era. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume 15, Issue 6, pp. 3260-3274
- Ren P., Qiao X., Huang Y., Liu L., Pu C., Dustdar S., Chen J. (2022). Edge AR X5: An Edge-Assisted Multi-User Collaborative Framework for Mobile Web Augmented Reality in 5G and Beyond. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Volume 10, Issue 4, pp. 2521-2537
- Zhao H., Deng S., Liu Z., Xiang Z., Yin J., Dustdar S., Zomaya A. Y. (2022). DPoS: Decentralized, Privacy-Preserving, and Low-Complexity Online Slicing for Multi-Tenant Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 21, Issue 12, pp. 4296-4309
- Tsigkanos C., Bersani M. M., Frangoudis P. A., Dustdar S. (2022). Edge-Based Runtime Verification for the Internet of Things. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume 15, Issue 5, pp. 2713-2727
- Huang Y., Zhu Y., Qiao X., Su X., Dustdar S., Zhang P. (2022). Toward Holographic Video Communications: A Promising AI-driven Solution. IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume 60, Issue 11, pp. 82-88
- Murturi I., Dustdar S. (2022). A Decentralized Approach for Resource Discovery using Metadata Replication in Edge Networks. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume 15, Issue 5, pp. 2526-2537
- Dao N.-N., Do T.-H., Cho S., Dustdar S. (2022). Information Revealed by Vision: A Review on the Next-Generation OCC Standard for AIoV. IT Professional, Volume 24, Issue 4, pp. 58-65
- Avasalcai C., Tsigkanos C., Dustdar S. (2022). Resource Management for Latency-Sensitive IoT Applications with Satisfiability. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume 15, Issue 5, pp. 2982-2993
- Vila M., Casamayor-Pujol V., Dustdar S., Teniente E. (2022). Edge-to-cloud sensing and actuation semantics in the industrial Internet of Things. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Volume 87, pp. 101699: 1 - 101699: 18
- Huang Y., Qiao X., Lai W., Dustdar S., Zhang J., Li J. (2022). Enabling DNN Acceleration With Data and Model Parallelization Over Ubiquitous End Devices. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 9, Issue 16, pp. 15053-15065
- Allahbakhsh M., Amintoosi H., Dustdar S., Motahari Nezhad H. R. (2022). Sharing Reputation Data Across Online Communities. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 26, Issue 4, pp. 60-67
- Almurshed O., Rana O., Li Y., Ranjan R., Jha D. N., Patel P., Jayaraman P. P., Dustdar S. (2022). A Fault-Tolerant Workflow Composition and Deployment Automation IoT Framework in a Multicloud Edge Environment. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 26, Issue 4, pp. 45-52
- Xiao Z., Chen Y., Jiang H., Hu Z., Lui J. C. S., Min G., Dustdar S. (2022). Resource management in UAV-assisted MEC: state-of-the-art and open challenges. Wireless Networks, Volume 28, Issue 7, pp. 3305-3322
- Siddiqui S., Hameed S., Shah S. A., Ahmad I., Aneiba A., Draheim D., Dustdar S. (2022). Toward Software-Defined Networking-Based IoT Frameworks: A Systematic Literature Review, Taxonomy, Open Challenges and Prospects. IEEE Access, Volume 10, pp. 70850-70901
- Sudharsan B., Breslin J. G., Tahir M., Ali M. I., Rana O., Dustdar S., Ranjan R. (2022). OTA-TinyML: Over the Air Deployment of TinyML Models and Execution on IoT Devices. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 26, Issue 3, pp. 69-78
- Lachner C., Laufer J., Dustdar S., Pohl K. (2022). A Data Protection Focused Adaptation Engine for Distributed Video Analytics Pipelines. IEEE Access, Volume 10, pp. 68669-68685
- Xu X, Xu X., Shi P., Ye Z., Bai Y., Zhang S., Dustdar S., Wang G. (2022). Data classification based on attribute vectorization and evidence fusion. Applied Soft Computing, Volume 121, pp. 108712: 1 - 108712: 21
- Wen Z., Hu H., Yang R., Qian B., Sham R., Sun R., Xu J., Patel P., Rana O., Dustdar S., Ranjan R. (2022). Orchestrating Networked Machine Learning Applications Using Autosteer. IEEE Internet Computing Volume 26, Issue 6, pp. 51-58
- Zhao H., Deng S., Liu Z., Yin J., Dustdar S. (2022). Distributed Redundant Placement for Microservice-based Applications at the Edge. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume 15, Issue 3, pp. 1732-1745
- Shen X., Jiang H., Liu D., Yang K., Deng F., Lui J. C. S., Liu J., Dustdar S., Luo J. (2022). PupilRec: Leveraging Pupil Morphology for Recommending on Smartphones. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 9, Issue 17, pp. 15538-15553
- Huang Y., Qiao X., Ren P., Liu L., Pu C., Dustdar S., Chen J. (2022). A Lightweight Collaborative Deep Neural Network for the Mobile Web in Edge Cloud. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 21, Issue 7, pp. 2289-2305
- Sun S., Dustdar S., Ranjan R., Morgan G., Dong Y., Wang L. (2022). Remote Sensing Image Interpretation with Semantic Graph-based Methods: A Survey. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Volume 15, pp. 4544-4558
- Murturi I., Dustdar S. (2022). DECENT: A Decentralized Configurator for Controlling Elasticity in Dynamic Edge Networks. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Volume 22, Issue 3, Article No.: 78, pp. 1–21
- Weng X., Xu X., Chang L., Hou P., Wang G., Dustdar S. (2022). Evidence fusion-based alarm system design considering coarse and fine changes of process variable. Journal of Process Control, Volume 113, pp. 68-79
- Huang Y., Qiao X., Dustdar S., Zhang J., Li J. (2022). Toward Decentralized and Collaborative Deep Learning Inference for Intelligent IoT Devices. IEEE Network, Volume 36, Issue 1, pp. 59-68
- Zhang Z., Xu X., Zhang X., Xu X., Ye Z., Wang G., Dustdar S. (2022). Intelligent identification for vertical track irregularity based on multilevel evidential reasoning rule model. Applied Intelligence, Volume 52, Issue 14, pp. 16555-16571
- Gill S. S., Xu M., Ottaviani C., Patros P., Bahsoon R., Shaghaghi A., Golec M., Stankovski V., Wu H., Abraham A., Singh M., Mehta H., Ghosh S. K., Baker T., Parlikad A. K., Lutfiyya H., Kanhere S. S., Sakellariou R., Dustdar S., Rana O., Brandic I., Uhlig S. (2022). AI for Next Generation Computing: Emerging Trends and Future Directions. Internet of Things, Volume 19, pp. 100514:1 - 100514:34
- Huang C., Yao L., Wang X., Sheng Q. Z., Dustdar S., Wang Z., Xu X. (2022). Intent-Aware Interactive Internet of Things for Enhanced Collaborative Ambient Intelligence. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 26, Issue 5, pp. 68-75
- Lan D., Taherkordi A., Eliassen F., Liu L., Delbruel S., Dustdar S., Yang Y. (2022). Task Partitioning and Orchestration on Heterogeneous Edge Platforms: The Case of Vision Applications. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 9, Issue 10, pp. 7418 - 7432
- Ding A. Y., Peltonen E., Meuser T., Aral A., Becker C., Dustdar S., Hiessl T., Kranzlmüller D., Liyanage M., Magshudi S., Mohan N., Ott J., Rellermeyer J. S., Schulte S., Schulzrinne H., Solmaz G., Tarkoma S., Varghese B., Wolf L. (2022). Roadmap for Edge AI: A Dagstuhl Perspective. Computer Communication Review, Volume 52, Issue 1, pp. 28-33
- Gao T., Chen D., Tang Y., Du B., Ranjan R., Zomaya A. Y., Dustdar S. (2022). Adaptive density peaks clustering: Towards exploratory EEG analysis. Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 240, pp. 108123:1 - 108123:14
- Deng S., Lv P., Yang G., Dustdar S., Li Y., Ma D., Wu Z., Pan G. (2022). Darwin-S: A Reference Software Architecture for Brain-Inspired Computers. IEEE Computer, Volume 55, Issue 5, pp. 51-63
- Dustdar S., Casamayor Pujol V., Donta P. K. (2022). On Distributed Computing Continuum Systems. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
- Chen H., Deng S., Zhu H., Zhao H., Jiang R., Dustdar S., Zomaya A. Y. (2022). Mobility-Aware Offloading and Resource Allocation for Distributed Services Collaboration. Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 33, Issue 10, pp. 2428-2443
- Deng Z., Wang Y., Liu T., Dustdar S., Ranjan R., Zomaya A. Y., Liu Y., Wang L. (2022). Spatial-Keyword Skyline Publish/Subscribe Query Processing over Distributed Sliding Window Streaming Data. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 71, Issue 10, pp. 2659 - 2674
- Deng S., Zhao H., Xiang Z., Zhang C., Jiang R., Li Y., Yin J., Dustdar S., Zomaya A. Y. (2022). Dependent Function Embedding for Distributed Serverless Edge Computing. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 33, Issue 10, pp. 2346-2357
- Dao N-N, Vu D-N, Tran A-T, Phan T. V., Dustdar S., Cho S. (2022). On System Stability in Multitier Roadside Computing Toward an Intelligent Transportation. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp. 1128-1138
- Murturi I., Egyed A., Dustdar S. (2022). Utilizing AI Planning on the Edge. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 26, Issue 2, pp. 28-35
- Avasalcai C., Zarrin B., Dustdar S. (2022). EdgeFlow - Developing and Deploying Latency-Sensitive IoT Edge Applications. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 9, Issue 5, pp. 3877-3888
- Jandl A., Frangoudis P. A., Dustdar S. (2022). Edge-Based Autonomous Management of Vertical Farms. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 26, Issue 1, pp. 68-75
- Yin J., Xi M., Deng S., Tan S., Chen J., Wei Y., Wu Z., Dustdar S. (2022). A Service Pattern-Oriented Computing Architecture for Service Ecosystems. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 26, Issue 1, pp. 51-59
- Tuli S., Gill S. S., Xu M., Garraghan P., Bahsoon R., Dustdar S., Sakellariou R., Rana O., Buyya R., Casale G., Jennings N. R. (2022). HUNTER: AI based holistic resource management for sustainable cloud computing. Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 184, pp. 111124:1 - 111124:15
- Patros P., Spillner J., Papadopoulos A. V., Varghese B., Rana O., Dustdar S. (2021). Toward Sustainable Serverless Computing. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 25, Issue 6, pp. 42-50
- Avasalcai C., Tsigkanos C., Dustdar S. (2021). Adaptive Management of Volatile Edge Systems at Runtime With Satisfiability. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Volume 22, Issue 1, pp. 26:1 - 26:21
- Mazzara M., Dragoni N., Bucchiarone A., Giaretta A., Larsen S. T., Dustdar S. (2021). Microservices: Migration of a Mission Critical System. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume 14, Issue 5, pp. 1464-1477
- Casamayor Pujol V., Dustdar S. (2021). Fog Robotics - Understanding the Research Challenges. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 25, Issue 5, pp. 10-17
- Varghese B., de Lara E., Ding A., Hong C.-H., Bonomi F., Dustdar S., Harvey P., Hewkin P., Shi W., Thiele M., Willis P. (2021). Revisiting the Arguments for Edge Computing Research. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 25, Issue 5, pp. 36-42
- Hasselbring W., Wojcieszak M., Dustdar S. (2021). Control Flow Versus Data Flow in Distributed Systems Integration: Revival of Flow-Based Programming for the Industrial Internet of Things. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 25, Issue 4, pp. 5-12
- Bjørndal N., de Araújo L. J. P., Bucchiarone A., Dragoni N., Mazzara M., Dustdar S. (2021). Benchmarks and performance metrics for assessing the migration to microservice-based architectures. Journal of Object Technology, Volume 20, Issue 2, pp. 3:1 - 3:17
- Ristov S., Fahringer T., Prodan R., Kostoska M., Gusev M., Dustdar S. (2021). Interhost Orchestration Platform Architecture for Ultrascale Cloud Applications. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 25, Issue 3, pp. 23-30
- Sudharsan B., Patel P., Breslin J., Ali M. I., Mitra K., Dustdar S., Rana O., Jayaraman P. P., Ranjan R. (2021). Toward Distributed, Global, Deep Learning Using IoT Devices. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 25, Issue 3, pp. 6-12
- Weng X., Xu X., Bai Y., Ma F., Wang G., Dustdar S. (2021). A data-driven industrial alarm decision method via evidence reasoning rule. Journal of Process Control, Volume 105, pp. 15-26
- Dustdar S., Fernandez P., García J. M., Ruiz-Cortés A. (2021). Elastic Smart Contracts in Blockchains. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, Volume 8, Issue 12, pp. 1901-1912
- Jiang H., Wang M., Zhao P., Xiao Z., Dustdar S. (2021). A Utility-Aware General Framework With Quantifiable Privacy Preservation for Destination Prediction in LBSs. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 29, Issue 5, pp. 2228-2241
- Zhang Z., Xu X., Chen P., Wu X., Xu X., Wang G., Dustdar S. (2021). A novel nonlinear causal inference approach using vector‐based belief rule base. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Volume 36, Issue 9, pp. 5005-5027
- Alwasel K., Jha D. N., Habeeb F., Demirbaga U., Rana O., Baker T., Dustdar S., Villari M., James P., Solaiman E., Ranjan R. (2021). IoTSim-Osmosis: A framework for modeling and simulating IoT applications over an edge-cloud continuum. Journal of Systems Architecture, Volume 116, pp. 101956: 1 - 101956: 13
- Wen Z., Garg S., Aujla G. S., Alwasel K., Puthal D., Dustdar S., Zomaya A. Y., Ranjan R. (2021). Running Industrial Workflow Applications in a Software-defined Multi-Cloud Environment using Green Energy Aware Scheduling Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Volume 17, Issue 8, pp. 5645-5656
- Dao N.-N., Pham Q.-V., Do D.-T., Dustdar S. (2021). The Sky is the Edge - Toward Mobile Coverage From the Sky. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 25, Issue 2, pp. 101-108
- Huang Y., Qiao X., Ren P., Dustdar S., Chen J. (2021). EdgeBooster: Edge-Assisted Real-time Image Segmentation for the Mobile Web in WoT. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 8, Issue 9, pp. 7288-7302
- Frangoudis P. A., Tsigkanos C., Dustdar S. (2021). Connectivity Technology Selection and Deployment Strategies for IoT Service Provision Over LPWAN. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 25, Issue 1, pp. 61-70
- Deng S., Zhang C., Li C., Yin J., Dustdar S., Zomaya A. Y. (2021). Burst Load Evacuation Based on Dispatching and Scheduling In Distributed Edge Networks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 32, Issue 8, pp. 1918-1932
- Rausch T., Rashed A., Dustdar S. (2021). Optimized container scheduling for data-intensive serverless edge computing. Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 114, pp. 259-271
- Deng S., Xiang Z., Taheri J., Khoshkholghi M. A., Yin J., Zomaya A. Y. , Dustdar S. (2021). Optimal Application Deployment in Resource Constrained Distributed Edges. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 20, Issue 5, pp. 1907-1923
- Dustdar S., Mutlu O., Vijaykumar N. (2020). Rethinking Divide and Conquer-Towards Holistic Interfaces of the Computing Stack. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 24, Issue 6, pp. 45-57
- Aujla G. S., Barati M., Rana O., Dustdar S., Noor A., Llanos J. T., Carr M., Marikyan D., Papagiannidis S., Ranjan R. (2020). COM-PACE: Compliance-Aware Cloud Application Engineering Using Blockchain. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 24, Issue 5, pp. 45-53
- Qiao X., Huang Y., Dustdar S., Chen J. (2020). 6G Vision: An AI-Driven Decentralized Network and Service Architecture. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 24, Issue 4, pp. 33-40
- Baez M., Casati F., Gaedke M., Dustdar S. (2020). Obituary: Remembering Florian Daniel. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 24, Issue 3, pp. 58-59
- Nastic S., Morichetta A., Pusztai T., Dustdar S., Ding X., Vij D., Xiong Y. (2020). SLOC: Service Level Objectives for Next Generation Cloud Computing. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 24, Issue 3, pp. 39-50
- Puthal D., Yang L. T., Dustdar S., Wen Z., Jun S., van Moorsel A., Ranjan R. (2020). A User-centric Security Solution for Internet of Things and Edge Convergence. ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, Volume 4, Issue 3, Article No.: 32, pp. 19
- Zheng B., Yin J., Deng S., Wu Z., Dustdar S. (2020). A Service-Oriented Network Infrastructure for Crossover Service Ecosystems. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 24, Issue 1, pp. 48-58
- Gill S. S., Tuli S., Toosi A. N., Cuadrado F., Garraghan P., Bahsoon R., Lutfiyya H., Sakellariou R., Rana O., Dustdar S., Buyya R. (2020). ThermoSim: Deep Learning based Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Thermal-aware Resource Management for Cloud Computing Environments. Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 166, Article 110596, 20 pp.
- Ren P., Qiao X., Huang Y., Liu L., Dustdar S., Chen J. (2020). Edge-Assisted Distributed DNN Collaborative Computing Approach for Mobile Web Augmented Reality in 5G Networks. IEEE Network, Volume 34, Issue 2, pp. 254-261
- Scekic O., Schiavinotto T., Videnov S., Rovatsos M., Truong H.-L., Miorandi D., Dustdar S. (2020). A Programming Model for Hybrid Collaborative Adaptive Systems. Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 6-19
- Deng S., Zhao H., Fang W., Yin J., Dustdar S, Zomaya A. Y. (2020). Edge Intelligence: The Confluence of Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 7, Issue 8, pp. 7457-7469
- Jha D. N., Alwasel K., Alshoshan A., Huang X., Naha R. K., Battula S. K., Garg S., Puthal D., James P., Zomaya A., Dustdar S., Ranjan R. (2020). IoTSim-Edge: A simulation framework for modeling the behavior of Internet of Things and edge computing environments. Software: Practice and Experience, Volume 50, Issue 6, pp. 844-867
- Tuli S., Tuli S., Wander G., Wander P., Gill S. S., Dustdar S., Sakellariou R., Rana O. (2020). Next Generation Technologies for Smart Healthcare: Challenges, Vision, Model, Trends and Future Directions. Internet Technology Letters, Volume 3, Issue 2, e145, pp. 1 - 6
- Tsigkanos C., Avasalcai C., Dustdar S. (2019). Architectural Considerations for Privacy on the Edge. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 23, Issue 4, pp. 76-83
- Qiao X., Ren P., Nan G., Liu L., Dustdar S., Chen J. (2019). Mobile Web Augmented Reality in 5G and Beyond: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions. China Communications, Volume 16, Issue 9, pp. 141-154
- Alqahtani A., Solaiman E., Patel P., Dustdar S., Ranjan R. (2019). Service level agreement specification for end-to-end IoT application ecosystems. Software: Practice and Experience, Volume 49, Issue 12, pp. 1689-1711
- Villari M., Fazio M., Dustdar S., Rana O., Jha D. N., Ranjan R. (2019). Osmosis: The Osmotic Computing Platform for Microelements in the Cloud, Edge, and Internet of Things. IEEE Computer, Volume 52, Issue 8, pp. 14-26
- Tran N. K., Sheng Q. Z., Babar M. A., Yao L., Zhang W. E., Dustdar S. (2019). Internet of Things Search Engine. Communications of the ACM, Volume 62, Issue 7, pp. 66-73
- Tsigkanos C., Murturi I., Dustdar S. (2019). Dependable Resource Coordination on the Edge at Runtime. Proceedings of the IEEE, (invited), Volume 107, Issue 8, pp. 1520-1536
- Yao L., Wang X., Sheng Q. Z., Dustdar S., Zhang S. (2019). Recommendations on the Internet of Things: Requirements, Challenges, and Directions. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 23, Issue 3, pp. 46-54
- Kim H., Lee E. A., Dustdar S. (2019). Creating a Resilient IoT With Edge Computing. IEEE Computer, Volume 52, Issue 8, pp. 43-53
- Gusev M., Koteska B., Kostoska M., Jakimovski B., Dustdar S., Scekic O., Rausch T., Nastic S., Ristov S., Fahringer T. (2019). A Deviceless Edge Computing Approach for Streaming IoT Applications.IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 23, Issue 1, pp. 37 - 45
- Qiao X., Ren P, Dustdar S., Liu L, Ma H., Chen J. (2019). Web AR: A Promising Future for Mobile Augmented Reality - State of the Art, Challenges, and Insights. Proceedings of the IEEE, (invited), Volume 107, Issue 4, pp. 651-666
- Carnevale L., Celesti A., Galletta A., Dustdar S., Villari M. (2019). Osmotic computing as a distributed multi-agent system: The Body Area Network scenario. Internet of Things, Volume 5, pp.130-139
- Scekic O., Nastic S., Dustdar S. (2019). Blockchain-Supported Smart City Platform for Social Value Co-Creation and Exchange. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 23, Issue 1, pp. 19-28
- Grefen P. Rinderle-Ma S., Dustdar S., Fdhila W., Mendling J., Schulte S. (2018). Charting Process-Based Collaboration Support in Agile Business Networks. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 22, Issue 3, pp. 48 - 57
- Vögler M., Schleicher J. M., Inzinger C., Dustdar S. (2018). Optimizing Elastic IoT Application Deployments. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume 11, Issue 5, pp. 879-892
- Riveni M., Nguyen T.-D., Aktas M. S., Dustdar S. (2018). Application of provenance in social computing: A case study. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, DOI: 10.1002/cpe.4894
- Qiao X., Ren P., Dustdar S., Chen J. (2018). A New Era for Web AR with Mobile Edge Computing. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 22, Issue 4, pp. 46-55
- Ranjan R., Rana O., Nepal S., Yousif M., James P., Wen Z., Barr S., Watson P., Jayaraman P. P., Georgakopoulos D., Villari M., Fazio M., Garg S., Buyya R., Wang L., Zomaya A. Y., Dustdar S. (2018). The Next Grand Challenges: Integrating the Internet of Things and Data Science, IEEE Cloud Computing, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 12-26
- Rausch T., Dustdar S., Ranjan R. (2018). Osmotic Message-Oriented Middleware for the Internet of Things. IEEE Cloud Computing, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 17-25
- Bucchiarone A., Dragoni N., Dustdar S., Larsen S. T., Mazzara M. (2018). From Monolithic to Microservices: An Experience Report from the Banking Domain, IEEE Software, Volume 35, Issue 3, pp. 50-55
- Gusev M., Dustdar S. (2018). Going Back to the Roots - The Evolution of Edge Computing, An IoT Perspective, IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 22, Issue 2, pp. 5-15
- Yao L., Sheng Q. Z., Benatallah B., Dustdar S., Wang X., Shemshadi A., Kanhere S. S. (2018). WITS: an IoT-endowed computational framework for activity recognition in personalized smart homes. Computing, Volume 100, Issue 4, pp. 369 - 385
- Mendling J., Weber I., van der Aalst W., vom Brocke J., Cabanillas C., Daniel F., Debois S., Di Ciccio C., Dumas M., Dustdar S., Gal A., Garcia-Banuelos L., Governatori G., Hull R., La Rosa M., Leopold H., Leymann F., Recker J., Reichert M., Reijers H. A., Rinderle-Ma S., Solti A., Rosemann M., Schulte S. Singh M. P., Slaats T., Staples M., Weber B., Weidlich M., Weske M., Xu X., Zhu L. (2018). Blockchains for Business Process Management - Challenges and Opportunities. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS), Volume 9, Issue 1, Article No.: 4, 4:1-4:16
- Moldovan D., Copil G., Dustdar S. (2018). Elastic systems: Towards cyber-physical ecosystems of People, Processes, and Things. Computer Standards & Interfaces, Volume 57, pp. 76-82
- Jayaraman P., Perera C., Georgakopoulos D., Dustdar S., Thakker D., Ranjan R. (2017). Analytics-as-a-service in a multi-cloud environment through semantically-enabled hierarchical data processing. Software: Practice and Experience, Volume 47, Issue 8, pp. 1139-1156
- Hochreiner C., Vögler M., Schulte S., Dustdar S. (2017). Cost-efficient enactment of stream processing topologies. PeerJ Computer Science, 3, e141, pp. 36
- Nastic S., Rausch T., Scekic O., Dustdar S., Gusev M., Koteska B., Kostoska M., Jakimovski B., Ristov S., Prodan R. (2017). A Serverless Real-Time Data Analytics Platform for Edge Computing. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 21, Issue 4, pp. 64-71
- Schleicher J. M., Vögler M., Inzinger C., Dustdar S. (2017). Modeling and management of usage-aware distributed datasets for global Smart City Application Ecosystems. PeerJ Computer Science, 3:e115
- Nardelli M., Nastic S., Dustdar S., Villari M., Ranjan R. (2017). Osmotic Flow: Osmotic Computing+ IoT Workflow. IEEE Cloud Computing, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 68-75
- Bouguettaya A., Singh M., Huhns M., Sheng Q. Z., Dong H., Yu Q., Ghari Neiat A., Mistry S., Benatallah B., Medjahed B., Ouzzani M., Casati F., Liu X., Wang H., Georgakopoulos D., Chen L., Nepal S., Malik Z., Erradi A., Wang Y., Blake B., Dustdar S., Leymann F., Papazoglou M. (2017). A Service Computing Manifesto: The Next 10 Years. Communications of the ACM, Volume 60 Issue 4, pp. 64-72
- Garcia J. M., Fernandez P., Ruiz-Cortes A., Dustdar S., Toro M. (2017). Edge and Cloud Pricing for the Sharing Economy. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 21, Issue 2, pp. 78-84
- Vögler M., Schleicher J. M., Inzinger C., Dustdar S. (2017). Ahab: A Cloud-based Distributed Big Data Analytics Framework for the Internet of Things. Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley, DOI: 10.1002/spe.2424
- Villari M., Fazio M., Dustdar S., Rana O., Ranjan R. (2016). Osmotic Computing: A New Paradigm for Edge/Cloud Integration. IEEE Cloud Computing, Volume 3, Issue 6, pp. 76-83
- Copil G., Moldovan D., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2016). Continuous elasticity: Design and operation of elastic systems. it - Information Technology, Volume 58, Issue 6, pp. 329-348
- Schleicher J. M., Vögler M., Dustdar S., Inzinger C. (2016). Application Architecture for the Internet of Cities: Blueprints for future Smart City Applications. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 20, Issue 6, pp. 68-75
- Tan W., Fan Y., Ghoneim A., Hossain M. A., Dustdar S. (2016). From the Service-Oriented Architecture to the Web API Economy. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 20, Issue 4, pp. 64-68
- Schleicher J. M., Vögler M., Inzinger C., Dustdar S. (2016). Smart Brix - A continuous evolution framework for Container application deployments. PeerJ Computer Science, 2, e66, 24 pp.
- Shi W., Dustdar S. (2016). The Promise of Edge Computing. IEEE Computer, Volume 49, Issue 5, pp. 78-81
- Copil G., Moldovan D., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2016). rSYBL: A Framework for Specifying and Controlling Cloud Services Elasticity. Transactions on Internet Technology, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp. 18:1 - 18:20
- Vögler M., Schleicher J. M., Inzinger C., Dustdar S, Ranjan R. (2016). Migrating Smart City Applications to the Cloud. IEEE Cloud Computing, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 72-79
- Qin Y., Sheng Q. Z., Falkner N. J. G., Dustdar S., Wang H., Vasilakos A. V. (2016). When things matter: A survey on data-centric internet of things. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 64, pp. 137-153
- Qiao X., Chen J., Tan W., Dustdar S. (2016). Service Provisioning in Content-Centric Networking: Challenges, Opportunities, and Promising Directions. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 20, Issue 2, pp. 26-33
- Schleicher J. M., Vögler M., Dustdar S., Inzinger C. (2016). Enabling a Smart City Application Ecosystem: Requirements and Architectural Aspects. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 20, Issue 2, pp. 58-65
- Cao T.-D., Pham T.-V., Vu Q.-H., Truong H.-L., Le D-H., Dustdar S. (2016). MARSA: A Marketplace for Realtime Human-Sensing Data. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp. 16:1 - 16:21
- Noor T. H., Sheng Q. Z., Yao L., Dustdar S., Ngu A. H. H. (2016). CloudArmor: Supporting Reputation-Based Trust Management for Cloud Services. IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems, Volume 27, Issue 02, pp. 367-380
- Vögler M., Schleicher J. M., Inzinger C., Dustdar S. (2016). A Scalable Framework for Provisioning Large-scale IoT Deployments. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Volume 16, Issue 2, 20 pp.
- Hoenisch P., Schuller D., Schulte S., Hochreiner C., Dustdar S. (2016). Optimization of Complex Elastic Processes. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume 9, Issue 5, pp. 700-713
- Murray-Rust D., Scekic O., Papapanagiotou P., Truong H.-L., Robertson D., Dustdar S. (2015). A Collaboration Model for Community-Based Software Development with Social Machines. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Collaborative Computing, Volume 1, Issue 5, e6
- Copil G., Truong H.-L., Moldovan D., Dustdar S., Trihinas D., Pallis G., Dikaiakos M. (2015). Evaluating Cloud Service Elasticity Behavior. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, Volume 24, Issue 03, pp. 1541002-1 - 1541002-30
- Nastic S., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2015). SDG-Pro: A Programming Framework for Software-defined IoT Cloud Gateways. Journal of Internet Services and Applications, Volume 6, 21, 17 pp.
- Ranjan R., Benatallah B, Dustdar S., Papazoglou M. P (2015). Cloud Resource Orchestration Programming: Overview, Issues, and Directions. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 19, Issue 5, pp 46 - 56
- Xu X., Sheng Q., Zhang L., Fan Y., Dustdar S. (2015). From Big Data to Big Service. IEEE Computer (invited), Volume 48, Issue 7, pp. 80 - 83
- Hochreiner C., Schulte S., Dustdar S., Lecue F. (2015). Elastic Stream Processing for Distributed Environments. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 19, Issue 6, pp. 54 - 59
- Cito J., Gotowka D., Leitner P., Pelette R., Suljoti D., Dustdar S. (2015). Identifying Web Performance Degradations through Synthetic and Real-User Monitoring. Journal of Web Engineering, Volume 14, Issue 5&6
- Yao L., Sheng Q., Dustdar S. (2015). Web-Based Management of the Internet of Things. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 19, Issue 4; pp. 60 - 67
- Zabolotnyi R., Leitner P., Hummer W., Dustdar S. (2015). JCloudScale: Closing the Gap Between IaaS and PaaS. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), Volume 15, Issue 3, Article No.: 10, 20 pp.
- Scekic O., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2015). PRINGL: A Domain-Specific Language for Incentive Management in Crowdsourcing. Computer Networks, Volume 90, pp. 14 - 33
- Murguzur A., Trujillo S., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S, Ortiz O., Sagardui G. (2015). Run-Time Variability for Context-Aware Smart Workflows. IEEE Software, Volume 32, Issue 3, pp. 52 - 60
- Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2015). Principles for Engineering IoT Cloud Systems. IEEE Cloud Computing, (Spotlight Paper, invited), Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 68 - 76
- Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2015). Programming Elasticity in the Cloud. IEEE Computer, Volume 48, Issue 3, pp. 87 - 90
- Fernández P., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S., Ruiz-Cortés A. (2015). Programming Elasticity and Commitment in Dynamic Processes. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 19, Number 2, pp. 68 - 74
- Metzger A., Leitner P., Ivanović D., Schmieders E, Franklin R., Carro M., Dustdar S., Pohl K. (2015). Comparing and Combining Predictive Business Process Monitoring Techniques. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Volume 45, Issue 2, pp. 276-290
- Lü J., Rosenblum D., Bultan T., Issarny V., Dustdar S., Storey M., Zhang D. (2015). Roundtable: The Future of Software Engineering for Internet Computing. IEEE Software (invited), Volume 32, Issue 1; pp. 91 - 97
- Moldovan D., Copil G., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2015). MELA: Elasticity Analytics for Cloud Services. International Journal of Big Data Intelligence, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 45 - 62
- Qanbari S., Li F., Dustdar S. (2014). Toward Portable Cloud Manufacturing Services. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 18, Issue 6, pp. 77 - 80
- Noor T. H., Sheng Q. Z., Ngu A. H. H., Dustdar S. (2014). Analysis of Web-Scale Cloud Services. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 55-61
- Burgstahler D., Schulte S., Abels S., Kipp K., Hoenisch P., Dustdar S., Steinmetz R. (2014). Informationssysteme für Verkehrsteilnehmer: Datenintegration, Cloud-Dienste und der Persönliche Mobilitätsassistent. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK)
- Manzoor A., Truong H. -L., Dustdar S. (2014). Quality of Context: Models and Applications for Context-aware Systems in Pervasive Environments. The Knowledge Engineering Review, Volume 29, Issue 2, pp. 154 - 170
- Liptchinsky V., Khazankin R., Schulte St., Satzger B., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2014). On Modeling Context-Aware Social Collaboration Processes. Information Systems Journal, Elsevier, Volume 43, pp. 66 - 82
- Inzinger C., Hummer W., Satzger B., Leitner P., Dustdar S. (2014). Generic Event-based Monitoring and Adaptation Methodology for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems. Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley, doi: 10.1002/spe.2254
- Tan W., Blake M., Saleh I., Dustdar S. (2013). Social-Network-Sourced Big Data Analytics. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 17, Issue 5, pp. 62 - 69
- Schulte S., Schuller D., Hoenisch P., Lampe U., Steinmetz R., Dustdar S. (2013). Cost-Driven Optimization of Cloud Resource Allocation for Elastic Processes. International Journal of Cloud Computing, Volume 1, No. 2, pp. 1 - 14
- Sengupta B., Jain A., Bhattacharya K., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2013). Collective Problem Solving Using Social Compute Units. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, World Scientific Publishing
- Truong H.-L., Dustdar S., Bhattacharya K. (2013). Conceptualizing and Programming Hybrid Services in the Cloud. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, World Scientific Publishing
- Gambi, A., Hummer, W., Truong, H.-L., Dustdar, S. (2013). Testing Elastic Computing Systems. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 17, Issue 6, pp. 76 - 82
- Li F, Vögler M., Sehic S., Qanbari S., Nastic S., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2013). Web-Scale Service Delivery for Smart Cities. IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 78–83
- Hummer, W., Satzger, B., Dustdar, S. (2013). Elastic Stream Processing in the Cloud. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews (WIRE): Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, (invited), 3: pp. 333-345, doi: 10.1002/widm.1100
- Allahbakhsh M., Benatallah B., Ignjatovic A., Motahari Nezhad H., Bertino E., Dustdar S. (2013). Quality Control in Crowdsourcing Systems: Issues and Directions. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 17, Issue 2, pp. 76 - 81.
- Leitner, P., Hummer, W., Dustdar, S. (2013). Cost-Based Optimization of Service Compositions (Spotlight Paper). IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), Volume 6, No. 2, pp. 239-251
- Scekic O., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2013). Incentives and Rewarding in Social Computing. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 56, No. 6, June, 2013
- Leitner, P., Ferner, J., Hummer, W., Dustdar, S. (2013). Data-Driven and Automated Prediction of Service Level Agreement Violations in Service Compositions. Distributed and Parallel Databases
- Hummer, W., Gaubatz, P., Strembeck, M., Zdun, U., Dustdar, S. (2013). Enforcement of Entailment Constraints in Distributed Service-Based Business Processes. Information and Software Technology
- Mulo E., Zdun U., Dustdar S. (2013). Domain-Specific Language for Event-based Compliance Monitoring in Process-driven SOAs. Service Oriented Computing and Applications, (invited), Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 59 - 73
- Manzoor A., Truong H.-L., Calatroni A., Roggen D., Bouroche M., Clarke S., Cahill V., Tröster G., Dustdar S. (2013). Analyzing the impact of different action primitives in designing high-level human activity recognition systems. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Thematic Issue "Designing and developing intelligent environments", IOS Press
- Mayr C., Zdun U., Dustdar S. (2013). Enhancing traceability of persistent data access flows in process-driven SOAs, Distributed and Parallel Databases, Volume 31, Issue 1; pp. 1 - 45
- Hummer, W., Raz, O., Shehory, O., Leitner, P., Dustdar, S. (2013). Testing of Data-Centric and Event-Based Dynamic Service Compositions. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, (invited), 23: 465–497, doi: 10.1002/stvr.1493
- Satzger B., Psaier H., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2013). Auction-based Crowdsourcing Supporting Skill Management. Information Systems Journal (IS), Elsevier, Volume 38, Issue 4; pp. 547 - 560
- Emeakaroha V. C., Brandic I., Maurer M., Dustdar S. (2013). Cloud Resource Provisioning and SLA Enforcement Via LoM2HiS Framework. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (invited, Special Issue), Volume 25, Issue 10; pp. 1462 - 1481
- Satzger B., Hummer W., Inzinger C., Leitner P., Dustdar S. (2013). Winds of Change: From Vendor Lock-In to the Meta Cloud. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp. 69 - 73
- Alexandrescu A., Li F., Dustdar S., Craus M. (2012), Efficient Scheduling for Data Processing in Large-Scale Sensory Environments. Journal of Applied Sciences, Science Alert, Volume 12 (2012), Issue 19; pp. 2006 - 2015
- Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2012). Discovering and Managing Social Compositions in Collaborative Enterprise Crowdsourcing Systems. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, Volume 21, No. 4; pp. 297 - 341.
- Dustdar, S., Guo, Y., Han, R., Satzger, B., Truong, H.L. (2012). Programming Directives for Elastic Computing, IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 16, No. 6; pp. 72 - 77
- Malik A., Dustdar S. (2012). Enhanced Sharing and Privacy in Collaborative Virtual Teams, Journal of Information Assurance and Security, Volume 7, Issue 1; pp. 60 - 69.
- Tai S., Leitner P., Dustdar S. (2012). Design by Units: Abstractions for Human and Compute Resources for Elastic Systems, IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp. 84 - 88
- Van der Aalst W.M.P., Dustdar S. (2012). Process Mining Put into Context. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 16, Issue 1; pp. 82 - 86.
- Dustdar S., Truong H. L. (2012). Virtualizing Software and Humans for Elastic Processes in Multiple Clouds - a Service Management Perspective. International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, (invited), Volume 3, No. 2; pp. 109 - 126.
- Truong H. L., Comerio M., De Paoli F., Gangadharan G.R., Dustdar S. (2012). Data Contracts for Cloud-based Data Marketplaces. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, 2012
- Truong H. L., Dustdar S. (2012). A Survey on Cloud-based Sustainability Governance Systems. International Journal of Web Information Systems, (invited), (Outstanding Paper Award Winner, 2013)
- Schall D., Skopik F., Dustdar S. (2012). Expert Discovery and Interactions in Mixed Service-Oriented Systems, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), Volume 5, Issue 2; pp. 233 - 245.
- Dustdar S., Pichler R., Savenkov V., Truong H. (2012). Quality-aware Service-Oriented Data Integration: Requirements, State of the Art and Open Challenges.
ACM SIGMOD Record, Volume 41 (2012), Number 1; pp. 11 - 19. - Dorn C., Taylor R., Dustdar S. (2012). Flexible Social Workflows: Collaborations as Human Architecture. IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 16, Context-Aware Computing (2012), Number 2; pp. 72 - 77.
- Tran H., Zdun U., Holmes T., Oberortner E., Mulo E., Dustdar S. (2012). Compliance in service-oriented architectures: A model-driven and view-based approach. Information and Software Technology, Volume 54 (2012), Issue 6; pp. 531 - 552.
- Moser O., Rosenberg F., Dustdar S. (2012). Domain-Specific Service Selection for Composite Services. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Computer Society. Volume 38, Number 4; pp. 828 - 843.
- Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2012). Trusted Information Sharing Using SOA-Based Social Overlay Networks. International Journal of Computer Science & Applications (IJCSA), Volume 9 (2012), No. 1; S. 116 - 151.
- Dorn C., Dustdar S. (2011). Weighted Fuzzy Clustering for Capability-driven Service Aggregation. Service Oriented Computing and Applications, Special Issue, Springer
- Dustdar S., Guo Y., Satzger B., Truong H. (2011) Principles of Elastic Processes, IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 15 (2011), Issue 5; pp. 66 - 71.
- Leymann F., Fehling C., Mietzner R., Nowak A., Dustdar S. (2011). Moving Applications to the Cloud: An Approach based on Application Model Enrichment,
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, Volume 20 (2011), No. 3; pp. 307 - 356. - Tran H., Zdun U., Dustdar S. (2011). Name-based view integration for enhancing the reusability in process-driven SOAs, International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, Volume 5 (2011), No. 3; pp. 229 - 239.
- Rasch K., Li F., Sehic S., Ayani R., Dustdar S. (2011). Context-driven Personalized Service Discovery in Pervasive Environments, World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems (WWW), Springer (Online since 27th January, 2011)
- Dorn C., Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2011). Interaction mining and skill-dependent recommendations for multi-objective team composition, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Volume 70 (2011), Issue 10; pp. 866 - 891.
- Mayr C., Zdun U., Dustdar S. (2011). View-based model-driven architecture for enhancing maintainability of data access services, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Volume 70 (2011), Issue 9; pp. 794 - 819.
- Dustdar S., Gaedke M. (2011). The Social Routing Principle, IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 15 (2011), Number 4; pp. 80 - 83.
- Brandic I., Dustdar S. (2011). Grid vs Cloud - A Technology Comparison,
it - Information Technology, (invited), Volume 53 (2011), Number 4; pp. 173 - 179. - Dustdar S., Bhattacharya K. (2011). The Social Compute Unit, IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 15 (2011), Issue 3; pp. 64 - 69.
- Skopik F., Schall D., Psaier H., Treiber M., Dustdar S. (2011). Towards Social Crowd Environments using Service-oriented Architectures. it - Information Technology: Special Issue on Knowledge Processes and Services, Volume 53, No. 3, pp. 108 - 116
- Hummer W., Leitner P., Dustdar S. (2011) SEPL – A Domain-Specific Language and Execution Environment for Protocols of Stateful Web Services, Distributed and Parallel Databases, Springer, Volume 29 (2011), Number 4; pp. 277 - 307.
- Truong H., Dustdar S. (2011). Cloud computing for small research groups in computational science and engineering: current status and outlook, Computing, Volume 91 (2011), Number 1; pp. 75 - 91.
- Wetzstein B., Leitner Ph., Rosenberg F., Dustdar S., Leymann F. (2011). Identifying influential factors of business process performance using dependency analysis, Enterprise Information Systems, (invited), Volume 5 (2011), No. 1; pp. 79 - 98.
- Emeakaroha V., Maurer M., Brandic I., Dustdar S. (2010). FoSII - Foundations of Self-Governing ICT Infrastructures, ERCIM NEWS, Number 83 (2010), October 2010; pp. 40 - 41
- Psaier H., Dustdar S. (2010). A survey on self-healing systems: approaches and systems, Computing, (invited), Online First (2010), 05.08.2010; 31 pp.
- Schall, D., Dustdar, S., Blake, M.B.(2010). Programming Human and Software-Based Web Services, IEEE Computer, July 2010, pp. 82-85
- Brandic I., Music D., Dustdar S. (2010). VieSLAF Framework: Facilitating Negotiations in Clouds by Applying Service Mediation and Negotiation Bootstrapping, Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience (SCPE), Special Issue: Grid and Cloud Computing and their Application Vol. 11, (2010), 2; pp. 189 - 204.
- Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2010). Modeling and Mining of Dynamic Trust in Complex Service-oriented Systems. Information Systems35 (2010), pp. 35–757
- Schwiegelshohn U., Badia R., Bubak M., Danelutto M., Dustdar S., Gagliardi F., Geiger A., Hluchy L., Kranzlmüller D., Laure E., Priol T., Reinefeld A., Resch M., Reuter A., Rienhoff O., Rüter T., Sloot P., Talia D., Ullmann K., Yahyapour R., Von Voigt G. (2010). Perspectives on grid computing. Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier
- Dustdar S., Gutleber J., Moser R., Orsini L. (2010). An Assessment of a Model for Error Processing in the CMS Data Acquisition System, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, (invited), Voume 219 (2010), Part 2; pp. 1 - 8.
- Michlmayr, A., Rosenberg, F., Leitner, P., Dustdar, S. (2010). End-to-End Support for QoS-Aware Service Selection, Binding and Mediation in VRESCo, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), IEEE Computer Society, 2010, Volume 3, Issue 3; pp. 193 - 205.
- Michlmayr, A., Rosenberg, F., Leitner, P., Dustdar, S. (2010). Selective Service Provenance in the VRESCo Runtime, International Journal on Web Services Research (JWSR), IGI Global, 2010.
- Tran, H., Zdun, U., Dustdar, S. (2009). VbTrace: using view-based and model-driven development to support traceability in process-driven SOAs , Software and Systems Modeling, Springer
- Truong, H.-L., Dustdar, S. (2009). Integrating Data for Business Process Management, IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, September 2009 Vol. 32 No. 3, pp. 48 - 53
- Platzer, C., Rosenberg, F., Dustdar, S. (2009).
Web service clustering using multidimensional angles as proximity measures , Vol 9, (3), 1-26
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- Schall, D., Dustdar S. (2009). The New Role of Humans in the Future Internet. ERCIM News, Special Theme on Future Internet Technology, vol. 77, pp. 38-39, April, 2009.
- Leitner, P., Rosenberg, F., Dustdar, S., (2009). Daios - Efficient Dynamic Web Service Invocation. IEEE Internet Computing, May/June 2009, pp. 72 - 80.
- Truong, H.-L., Dustdar, S. (2009). Online Interaction Analysis Framework for Ad-hoc Collaborative Processes in SOA-based Environments, ToPNoC Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency on Concurrency in Process-Aware Information Systems, Springer, pp. 260-277
- Benslimane, D., Dustdar,S., Sheth, A., (2008). Services Mashups: The New Generation of Web Applications, IEEE Internet Computing, (invited), Vol. 12 (2008), 5; pp. 13 - 15.
- Dustdar, S., Krämer, B. (2008). Introduction to Special Issue on Service Oriented Computing (SOC), ACM Transactions on the Web, (invited), Vol. 2 (2008), 2
- Rosenberg, F., Michlmayr, A., Dustdar, S., (2008). Top-Down Business Process Development and Execution using Quality of Service Aspects. Enterprise Information Systems, Vol. 2, No. 4, November 2008, pp. 459–475, Taylor & Francis.
- Truong, H.-L., Dustdar, S. (2008). A Survey on Context-aware Web Service Systems, International Journal of Web Information Systems, 5(1):5 - 31, Emerald, 2009.
- Papazoglou, M., Traverso, P., Dustdar, S., Leymann, F. (2008). Service-Oriented Computing: A Research Roadmap, International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 17(2), pp. 223-255.
- Schall, D., Truong, H.-L., Dustdar, S. (2008). Unifying Human and Software Services in Web-Scale Collaborations, IEEE Internet Computing, May/June 2008
- Dustdar, S., Papazoglou, M. (2008). Services and Service Composition - An Introduction. it - Information Technology, April 2008, (c) Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag
- Aiello, M., Dustdar, S. (2008). Are our Homes Ready for Services? A Domotic Infrastructure based on the Web Service Stack, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier, 2008.01.002, p. 1-20
- Catarci, T., de Leoni, M., Marrella, A., Mecella, M., Vetere, G., Salvatore, B., Dustdar, S., Juszczyk, L., Manzoor, A., Truong, H.-L. (2008). Pervasive Software Environments for Supporting Disaster Responses, IEEE Internet Computing, January 2008
- Papazoglou, M.P., Traverso, P., Dustdar, S., Leymann, F. (2007). Service-Oriented Computing: State of the Art and Research Challenges, IEEE Computer, November 2007, pp. 64-71.
- Treiber, M., Dustdar, S. (2007). Active Web Service Registries. IEEE Internet Computing, October 2007,pp. 16 - 21.
- Mrissa, M., Ghedira, C., Benslimane, D., Maamar, Z., Rosenberg, F., Dustdar, S., (2007).
A context-based mediation approach to compose semantic Web services . ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Special Issue on Semantic Web Services: Issues, Solutions and Applications, 8(1), November 2007, ACM Press.
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- Zdun, U., Hentrich, C., Dustdar, S. (2007).
Modeling process-driven and service-oriented architectures using patterns and pattern primitives , ACM Press, September 2007
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- Schahram Dustdar, Hong-Linh Truong, A Pervasive, Service-Oriented Architecture for Supporting Teamwork, ERCIM News 70, Special: Service-oriented Computing, pages 47-48, July 2007
- Baldauf, M., Dustdar, S., Rosenberg, F. (2007). A Survey on Context Aware Systems. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 263-277.
- Truong, H.-L., Dustdar, S., Fahringer, T. (2007). Performance Metrics and Ontologies for Grid Workfows, Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, 23 (2007) pp. 760 - 772.
- Dustdar, S., Juszczyk, L. (2007). DynamicReplication and Synchronization of Web Services for High Availability in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, Service Oriented Computing and Applications, Springer, Vol 1 (1), 2007
- Zdun, U., Dustdar, S. (2007). Model-Driven Integration of Process-Driven SOA Models. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, Inderscience, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2007, pp. 109 - 119..
- Dorn, C., Dustdar, S. (2007). Sharing Hierarchical Context for Mobile Web services, Distributed and Parallel Databases, Springer, Vol. 21, pp. 85 - 111.
- Dustdar, S., Hoffmann, T. (2007). Interaction pattern detection in process oriented Information systems, Data and Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier, 62 (2007) pp. 138 - 155
- Maamar, Z., Benslimane, D., Thiran, P., Ghedira, C., Dustdar, S., Sattanathan, S. (2007). Towards a Context-based Multi-Type Policy Aproach for Web services Composition, Data and Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier, Vol. 62, pp. 327 - 351.
- Dustdar, S., Treiber M. (2006). Integration of transient Web services into a virtual peer to peer Web service registry. Distributed and Parallel Databases, Springer, Vol. 20, pp. 91-115, 2006.
- Dustdar, S., Gombotz, R. (2006). Discovering Web service workflows using Web services Interaction Mining. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPIM), Vol. 1, pp. 256-266. .
- Schall, D., Aiello, M., Dustdar, S. (2006). Web services on Embedded Devices. International Journal of Web Information Systems (IJWIS), Troubador Publisher, Volume: 2, Issue :1, Page: 45-50.
- Dustdar, S., Treiber, M. (2006). View Based Integration of Heterogeneous Web Service Registries - the Case of VISR. WWW Journal, Springer, 9: 457 - 483.
- Chebbi, I., Dustdar, S., Tata, S. (2006). The view-based approach to dynamic inter-organizational workflow cooperation. Data and Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier, Vol. 56,(2), pp. 139-173, 2006.
- S. Dustdar (2006). Book review: Marlon Dumas, Wil M. van der Aalst, Arthur H. ter Hofstede, Process-Aware Information Systems: Bridging People and Software Through Process Technology, September 2005, Hardcover, 432 pp., ISBN: 0-471-66306-9, US $99.95. Information Processing & Management, (invited), Volume 42 (2006), Issue 5; p. 1396 - 1397.
- Schmit, B., Dustdar, S. (2005). Model-driven Development of Web service Transactions. International Journal of Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architecure, 1(1), October 2005
- Dustdar, S., Treiber M. (2005). A View Based Analysis on Web service Registries. Distributed and Parallel Databases, Springer, 18, pp. 147-171.
- Truong, H.-L., Fahringer, T., Dustdar, S. (2005). Dynamic Instrumentation, Performance Monitoring and Analysis of Grid Scientific Workflows. Journal of Grid Computing, Springer, September 2005
- Anzböck, R., Dustdar, S. (2005) Modeling and Implementing Medical Web services. Data and Knowledge Engineering, 55 (2), pp. 203-236, Elsevier.
- Dustdar, S., Hoffmann, T., van der Aalst, W.M.P. (2005) Mining of ad-hoc business processes with TeamLog. Data and Knowledge Engineering, 55 (2), pp. 129-158, Elsevier.
- Hauswirth, M., Dustdar, S. (2005). Peer-to-Peer: Grundlagen und Architektur, Datenbank-Spektrum 13, pp. 5 - 13, dpunkt.verlag, Mai 2005. (in German)
- Jørstad, I., Dustdar, S., van Thanh, D. (2005). An Analysis of current Mobile Services and Enabling Technologies. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 2005, Inderscience, Vol. 1, No.1/2 pp. 92 - 102.
- Dustdar, S. (2005). ReconcilingKnowledge Management and Workflow management Systems: The Activity-based Knowledge Management Approach. Journal of Universal Computer Science, Springer, April 2005, vol. 11, no. 4 (2005), 589-604.
- Dustdar, S., Schreiner W. (2005). A Survey on Web services Composition. International Journal of Web and Grid Services, 1(1), 1 - 30, 2005.
- Dustdar, S. (2005). Architecture and Design of an Internet-enabled Integrated Workflow and Groupware system. Business Process Management Journal, Special Issue on Internet-enabled Workflow, 11:3, pp. 275 - 290.
- Dustdar, S. (2004). Caramba - A Process-Aware Collaboration System Supporting Ad Hoc and Collaborative Processes in Virtual Teams, Distributed and Parallel Databases, 15:1, 45-66, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Special Issue on Teamware Technologies, January 2004
- Dustdar, S. (2004). Web Services Workflows - Composition, Coordination, and Transactions in Service-Oriented Computing, Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, Sage Publications, p. 237-246, September 2004.
- Dustdar, S., Gall, H. (2003). Architectural concerns in distributed and mobile collaborative systems. Journal of Systems Architecture, 49:457-473, Elsevier.
- Dustdar, S. (2001) Guest Editorial. Multimedia Computer Supported Collaborative Work, IEEE Multimedia (Winter 2000).
- Dustdar, S., Hofstede, G. (1999). Videoconferencing across cultures - a conceptual framework for floor control issues. Journal of Information Technology, 14, pp. 161-169.
- Dustdar, S. (1998). Critical Issues using MBone-Videoconferencing on the Internet. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 6,3, p. 273-283
- Dustdar, S., Huber, R. (1998). Group Decision Making on Urban Planning Using Desktop Multimedia Conferencing. Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol.6,1, pp. 1-14.
- Dustdar, S., Angelides, M. C. (1997). Organizational impacts of multimedia information systems. Journal of Information Technology. 12, 1, pp. 33-43.
- Dustdar, S. (1995). Business Process Redesign durch interaktive Multimedia Informationssysteme. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 37/4, pp. 377-383.
- Dustdar, S. (1995). Desktop Multimedia Conferencing: IBM's Person to Person in Organizational Context. Journal of Organizational Computing, 5, (1), pp. 25-29.
- Dustdar, S. (1994). The Development of multimedia delivery channels for financial services at Barclays Bank. Electronic Markets, 4(13/14) </ol>
- Qanbari S., Behinaein N., Rahimzadeh R., Dustdar S. (2015). Diameter of Things (DoT): A Protocol for Real-time Telemetry of IoT Applications, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
- Laso S., Murturi I., Frangoudis P., Herrera J. L., Murillo J. M., Dustdar S. (2025). A Multidimensional Elasticity Framework for Adaptive Data Analytics Management in the Computing Continuum. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2025), June 8-12, 2025, Montreal, Canada
- Sedlak B., Morichetta A., Wang Y., Fei Y., Wang L., Dustdar S., Qu X. (2025). SLO-Aware Task Offloading Within Collaborative Vehicle Platoons. 22nd International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2024), December 3-6, 2024, Tunis, Tunisia
- Ma Y., Li T., Du Y., Dustdar S., Wang Z., Li Y. (2024). Sustainable Connections: Exploring Energy Efficiency in 5G Networks. 20th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT 2024), December 9-12, 2024, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Keusch A., Blumauer-Hiessl T., Furutanpey A., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2024). Platform-agnostic MLOps on Edge, Fog and Cloud Platforms in Industrial IoT. 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), November 17-19, 2024, Porto, Portugal, hybrid support
- Peroutka T., Murturi I., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2024). A Graph-based Approach to Human Activity Recognition. 6th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI 2024), October 28-30, 2024, Washington D.C., USA (invited paper)
- Loisel F., Zeqo G., Morichetta A., Lackinger A., Dustdar S. (2024). RainCloud: Decentralized Coordination and Communication in Heterogeneous IoT Swarms. 1st International Symposium on Parallel Computing and Distributed Systems (PCDS 2024), September 21-22, 2024, Singapore
- Dautov R., Song H., Roman D., Husom E. J., Sen S., Balionyte-Merle V., Firmani D., Leotta F., Mathew J. G., Rossi J., Balzotti L., Morichetta A., Dustdar S., Metsch T., Frascolla V., Khalid A., Landi G., Brenes J., Toma I., Szab R., Schaefer C., Kim S., Udroiu C., Ulisses A., Pietsch V., Akselsen S., Munch-Ellingsen A., Pavlova I., Petrova-Antonova D., Kim H.-G., Kim C., Allen B., Kim S., Paulson E. (2024). INTEND: Human-Like Intelligence for Intent-Based Data Operations in the Cognitive Computing Continuum. Networking Session of the 8th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2024), September 16-18, 2024, Bucharest, Romania
- Kaltenböck D., Murturi I., Dustdar S. (2024). A Zero Trust Single Sign-On Framework with Attribute-Based Access Control. 26th International Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2024), September 9-13, 2024, Vienna, Austria
- Sedlak B., Casamayor Pujol V., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2024). Intelligent Service Adaptations through Active Inference Agents. Poster Session at the 5th International Workshop on Active Inference (IWAI 2024), September 9-11, 2024, Oxford, UK
- Sedlak B., Casamayor Pujol V., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2024). Diffusing High-level SLO in Microservice Pipelines. 18th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2024), July 15-18, 2024, Shanghai, China
- Pinter P., Morichetta A. Dustdar S. (2024). Distributed Model Serving for Real-time Opinion Detection. 18th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2024), July 15-18, 2024, Shanghai, China
- Lackinger A., Morichetta A., Dustdar S. (2024). Time Series Predictions for Cloud Workloads: A Comprehensive Evaluation. 18th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2024), July 15-18, 2024, Shanghai, China
- Morichetta A., Lackinger A., Dustdar S. (2024). Cohabitation of Intelligence and Systems: Towards Self-reference in Digital Anatomies. Invited Session at the IEEE International Congress on Intelligent and Service-Oriented Systems Engineering (CISOSE 2024), July 15-18, 2024, Shanghai, China
- Raith P., Nastic S., Dustdar S. (2024). SimuScale: Optimizing Parameters for Autoscaling of Serverless Edge Functions through Co-Simulation. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2024), July 7-13, 2024, Shenzhen, China, hybrid conference
- Cilic I., Jukanovic V., Podnar Zarko I., Frangoudis P., Dustdar S. (2024). QEdgeProxy: QoS-Aware Load Balancing for IoT Services in the Computing Continuum. IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Communications (EDGE 2024), July 7-13, 2024, Shenzhen, China, hybrid conference
- Sedlak B., Casamayor Pujol V., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2024). Markov Blanket Composition of SLOs. IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Communications (EDGE 2024), July 7-13, 2024, Shenzhen, China, hybrid conference
- Casamayor Pujol V., Sedlak B., Xu Y., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2024). Invited Paper: DeepSLOs for the Computing Continuum. Proceedings of the Workshop on Advanced Tools, Programming Languages, and PLatforms for Implementing and Evaluating algorithms for Distributed systems (ApPLIED 2024) at ACM PODC 2024, June 17-21, 2024, Nantes, France
- Guan J., Zhang Q., Murturi I., Donta P. K., Dustdar S., Wang S. (2024). Collaborative Inference in DNN-based Satellite Systems with Dynamic Task Streams. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2024), June 9-13, 2024, Denver, CO, USA
- Firmani D., Leotta F., Mathew J. G., Rossi J., Balzotti L., Song H., Roman D., Dautov R., Husom E. J., Sen S., Balionyte-Merle V., Morichetta A., Dustdar S., Metsch T., Frascolla V., Khalid A., Landi G., Brenes J., Toma I., Szabó R., Schaefer C., Udroiu C., Ulisses A., Pietsch V., Akselsen S., Munch-Ellingsen A., Pavlova I., Kim H.-G., Kim C., Allen B., Kim S., Paulson E. (2024). INTEND: Intent-Based Data Operation in the Computing Continuum. Research Project Exhibition at the 36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2024), June 3-7, 2024, Limassol, Cyprus
- Zhang Q., Yuan X., Xing R., Zhang Y., Zheng Z., Ma X., Xu M., Dustdar S., Wang S. (2024). Resource-efficient In-orbit Detection of Earth Objects. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2024), May 20-23, 2024, Vancouver, Canada
- Raith P., Rattihalli G., Dhakal A., Chalamalasetti S. R., Milojicic D., Frachtenberg E., Nastic S., Dustdar S. (2024). Opportunistic Energy-Aware Scheduling for Container Orchestration Platforms Using Graph Neural Networks. 24th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGRID 2024), May 6-9, 2024, Philadelphia, PA, USA
- Sedlak B., Casamayor Pujol V., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2024). Active Inference on the Edge: A Design Study. Workshop on Pervasive and Resource-constrained AI part of IEEE PerCom 2024, March 11-15, 2024, Biarritz, France
- Holzer S., Frangoudis P. A., Tsigkanos C., Dustdar S. (2024). SMT-as-a-Service for Fog-Supported Cyber-Physical Systems. 25th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN 2024), January 4-7, 2024, Chennai, India
- Zheng L., Ding D., Li Z., Gao J., Xiao J., Chen H., Dustdar S., Zhang J. (2024). Anomaly Detection in Battery Charging Systems: A Deep Sequence Model Approach. 21th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (IEEE ISPA 2023), December 21-24, 2023, Wuhan, China, hybrid conference
- Mou Y., Guo F., Lu W., Li Y., Beyan O., Rose T., Dustdar S., Decker S. (2023). Towards FAIR Data in Distributed Machine Learning Systems. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2023), December 4-8, 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Sedlak B., Casamayor Pujol V., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2023). Designing Reconfigurable Intelligent Systems with Markov Blankets. 21st International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2023), November 28 - December 1, 2023, Rome, Italy
- Murturi I., Donta P. K., Casamayor Pujol V., Morichetta A., Dustdar S. (2023). Learning-driven Zero Trust in Distributed Computing Continuum Systems. 21st IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PICom 2023), November 14-17, 2023, Abu Dhabi, UAE, hybrid conference
- Bekbulatova V., Morichetta A., Dustdar S. (2023). FL-SERENADE: Federated Learning for SEmi-supeRvisEd Network Anomaly DEtection. A case study. Special Session on Distributed Machine Learning for Edge/Fog Computing: Challenges and Future Directions at the 21st IEEE PICom 2023, November 14-17, 2023, Abu Dhabi, UAE, hybrid conference
- Murturi I., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2023). CommunityAI: Towards Community-based Federated Learning. 5th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI 2023), November 1-3, 2023, Atlanta, GA, USA
- Pusztai T., Nastic S., Raith P., Dustdar S., Vij D., Xiong Y. (2023). Vela: A 3-Phase Distributed Scheduler for the Edge-Cloud Continuum. 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2023), September 25-28, 2023, Boston, MA, USA
- Hu J., Jiang H., Liu D., Xiao Z., Cao H., Qi Y., Dustdar S., Liu J. (2023). EarSonar: An Acoustic Signal-based Middle-Ear Effusion Detection using Earphones. 43rd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2023), July 18-21, 2023, Hong Kong, China
- Morichetta A., Spring N., Raith P., Dustdar S. (2023). Intent-based Management for the Distributed Computing Continuum. IEEE CISOSE 2023 Congress Joint Invited Track, July 17-20, 2023, Athens, Greece
- Morichetta A., Casamayor Pujol V., Nastic S., Dustdar S., Vij D., Xiong Y., Zhang Z. (2023). PolarisProfiler: A Novel Metadata-Based Profiling Approach for Optimizing Resource Management in the Edge-Cloud Continnum. 17th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2023), July 17-20, 2023, Athens, Greece
- Furutanpey A., Barzen J., Bechtold M., Dustdar S., Leymann F., Raith P., Truger F. (2023). Architectural Vision for Quantum Computing in the Edge-Cloud Continuum. IEEE International Conference on Quantum Software (QSW 2023), July 2-8, 2023, Chicago, IL, USA, hybrid conference
- Sedlak B., Casamayor Pujol V., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2023). Controlling Data Gravity and Data Friction: From Metrics to Multidimensional Elasticity Strategies. IEEE International Conference on Software Services Engineering (SSE 2023), July 2-8, 2023, Chicago, IL, USA, hybrid conference
- Casamayor Pujol V., Dustdar S. (2023). Towards a Prime Directive of SLOs. IEEE International Conference on Software Services Engineering (SSE 2023), July 2-8, 2023, Chicago, IL, USA, hybrid conference
- Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2023). Towards Intelligent Data Protocols for the Edge. IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Edge Computing and Communications (iEDGE 2023) at IEEE EDGE 2023, July 2-8, 2023, Chicago, IL, USA, hybrid conference
- Govori E., Murturi I., Dustdar S. (2023). A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Procedural Geometry Workloads on Resource-Constrained Devices. IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE 2023), July 2-8, 2023, Chicago, IL, USA, hybrid conference
- Morichetta A., Casamayor Pujol V., Nastic S., Pusztai T., Raith P., Dustdar S., Vij D., Xiong Y., Zhang Z. (2023). Demystifying deep learning in predictive monitoring for cloud-native SLOs. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2023), July 2-8, 2023, Chicago, IL, USA, hybrid conference
- Beheshti A., Yang J., Sheng Q. Z., Benatallah B., Casati F., Dustdar S., Motahari Nezhad H. R., Zhang X., Xue S. (2023). ProcessGPT: Transforming Business Process Management with Generative Artificial Intelligence. Symposium on Services for Data Ecosystems (SDE 2023) at IEEE ICWS 2023, July 2-8, 2023, Chicago, IL, USA, hybrid conference
- Sedlak B., Casamayor Pujol V., Donta P. K., Werner S., Wolf K., Falconi M., Pallas F., Dustdar S., Tai S., Plebani P. (2023). Towards Serverless Data Exchange Within Federations. 17th Symposium and Summer School on Service-Oriented Computing (SummerSOC 2023), June 25 - July 1, 2023, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece
- Guo F., Xiao X., Hecker A., Dustdar S. (2023). An Efficient Graph-Based IOTA Tangle Generation Algorithm. IoT and Sensor Networks Symposium at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2023), May 28 - June 1, 2023, Rome, Italy
- Casamayor Pujol V., Donta P. K., Morichetta A., Murturi I., Dustdar S. (2023). Distributed Computing Continuum Systems - Opportunities and Research Challenges. Tutorial at the 20th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2022), November 29 - December 2, 2022, Seville, Spain
- Nastic S., Raith P., Furutanpey A., Pusztai T., Dustdar S. (2022). A Serverless Computing Fabric for Edge & Cloud. 4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI 2022), December 14-16, 2022, (Pittsburgh, PA, USA) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Raith, P., Rausch, T., Dustdar, S., Rossi, F., Cardellini, V., Ranjan, R. (2022). Mobility-Aware Serverless Function Adaptations Across the Edge-Cloud Continuum. 15th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2022), December 6-9, 2022, Vancouver, WA, USA
- Pusztai T., Nastic S., Morichetta A., Casamayor Pujol V., Raith P., Dustdar S., Vij D., Xiong Y., Zhang Z. (2022). Polaris Scheduler: SLO- and Topology-aware Microservices Scheduling at the Edge. 15th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2022), December 6-9, 2022, Vancouver, WA, USA
- Guo F., Xiao X., Hecker A., Dustdar S. (2022). Modeling Ledger Dynamics in IOTA Blockchain. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2022), December 4-8, 2022, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, hybrid because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Xiao X., Guo F., Hecker A., Dustdar S. (2022). Fast Tip Selection for Burst Message Arrivals on A DAG-based Blockchain Processing Node at Edge. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2022), December 4-8, 2022, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, hybrid because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Furutanpey A., Dustdar S. (2022). Adaptive and Collaborative Inference: Towards a No-compromise Framework for Distributed Intelligent Systems. 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2022), October 25-27, 2022, Valletta, Malta, hybrid because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Raith P., Rausch T., Prüller P., Furutanpey A., Dustdar S. (2022). An End-to-End Framework for Benchmarking Edge-Cloud Cluster Management Techniques. 2nd International Workshop on Testing Distributed Internet of Things Systems (TDIS 2022) co-located with IEEE IC2E 2022, September 26-30, 2022, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
- Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2022). The Promising Role of Representation Learning for Distributed Computing Continuum Systems. 16th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2022), August 15-18, 2022, San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA
- Amiri A., Zdun U., van Hoorn A., Dustdar S. (2022). Cost-Aware Multidimensional Auto-Scaling of Service- and Cloud-Based Dynamic Routing to Prevent System Overload. IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2022), July 11-15, 2022, Barcelona, Spain, hybrid because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Dehury C. K., Donta P. K., Dustdar S., Srirama S. N. (2022). CCEI-IoT: Clustered and Cohesive Edge Intelligence in Internet of Things. IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Communications (EDGE 2022), July 11-15, 2022, Barcelona, Spain, hybrid because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Hu J., Jiang H., Liu D., Xiao Z., Dustdar S., Liu J., Min G. (2022). BlinkRadar: Non-Intrusive Driver Eye-Blink Detection with UWB Radar. 42nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2022), July 10-13, 2022, Bologna, Italy
- Gackstatter P., Frangoudis P., Dustdar S. (2022). Pushing Serverless to the Edge with WebAssembly Runtimes. 22nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Internet Computing (CCGrid 2022), May 16-19, 2022, Taormina, Italy, hybrid because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Sedlak B., Murturi I., Dustdar S. (2022). Specification and Operation of Privacy Models for Data Streams on the Edge. 6th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC 2022), May 16, 2022, Taormina, Italy, hybrid because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Bartelucci N., Bellavista P., Pusztai T., Morichetta A., Dustdar S. (2022). High-Level Metrics for Service Level Objective-aware Autoscaling in Polaris: a Performance Evaluation. 6th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC 2022), May 16, 2022, Taormina, Italy, hybrid because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Huang Y., Qiao X., Li Y., Dustdar S. (2022). AoDNN: An Auto-Offloading Approach to Optimize Deep Inference for Fostering Mobile Web. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2022), May 2-5, 2022, (London, United Kingdom) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Liu S., Yu H., Liao C., Li J., Lin W., Liu A. X., Dustdar S. (2022). Pyraformer: Low-Complexity Pyramidal Attention for Long-Range Time Series Modeling and Forecasting. 10th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2022), April 25-29, 2022, online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Morichetta A., Casamayor Pujol V., Dustdar S. (2021). A roadmap on learning and reasoning for distributed computing continuum ecosystems. IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE 2021), December 18-20 2021, Guangzhou, China, hybrid because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Casamayor Pujol V., Raith P., Dustdar S. (2021). Towards a new paradigm for managing computing continuum applications. IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI 2021), December 13-15, 2021, (Atlanta, GA, USA) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Amiri A., Zdun U., van Hoorn A., Dustdar S. (2021). Automatic Adaptation of Reliability and Performance Trade-Offs in Service- and Cloud-Based Dynamic Routing Architectures. 21st IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS 2021), December 6-10, 2021, Hainan Island, China, hybrid because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Murturi I., Jia C., Kerbl B., Wimmer M., Dustdar S., Tsigkanos C. (2021). On Provisioning Procedural Geometry Workloads on Edge Architectures. 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2021), October 26-28, 2021, (Setubal, Portugal) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Reisinger M., Frangoudis P. A., Dustdar S. (2021). System support and mechanisms for adaptive edge-to-cloud DNN model serving. 9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2021), October 4-8, 2021, (San Francisco, CA, USA) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Shabelnyk O., Frangoudis P. A., Dustdar S., Tsigkanos C. (2021). Updating Service-Based Software Systems in Air-Gapped Environments. 15th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2021), September 13-17, 2021, (Växjö, Sweden) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Dustdar S., García J. M., Fernandez P., Ruiz-Cortés A. (2021). An Elasticity Framework for Smart Contracts. IEEE International Conference on Smart Data Services (SMDS 2021), September 5-11, 2021, (Chicago, IL, USA) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), (invited paper)
- Pusztai T., Morichetta A., Pujol V. C., Dustdar S., Nastic S., Ding X., Vij D., Xiong Y. (2021). SLO Script: A Novel Language for Implementing Complex Cloud-Native Elasticity-Driven SLOs. IEEE 28th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2021), September 5-11, 2021, (Chicago, IL, USA) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Raith P., Dustdar S. (2021). Edge Intelligence as a Service. IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2021), September 5-11, 2021, (Chicago, IL, USA) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- McNamee F., Dustdar S., Kilpatrick P., Shi W., Spence I., Varghese B. (2021). The Case for Adaptive Deep Neural Networks in Edge Computing. IEEE 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2021), September 5-11, 2021 (Chicago, IL, USA) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Pusztai T., Morichetta A., Pujol V. C., Dustdar S., Nastic S., Ding X., Vij D., Xiong Y. (2021). A Novel Middleware for Efficiently Implementing Complex Cloud-Native SLOs. IEEE 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2021), September 5-11, 2021, (Chicago, IL, USA) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Nastic S., Pusztai T., Morichetta A., Pujol V. C., Dustdar S., Vij D., Xiong Y. (2021). Polaris Scheduler: Edge Sensitive and SLO Aware Workload Scheduling in Cloud-Edge-IoT Clusters. IEEE 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2021), September 5-11, 2021, (Chicago, IL, USA) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Pusztai T., Rossi F., Dustdar S. (2021). Pogonip: Scheduling Asynchronous Applications on the Edge. IEEE 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2021), September 5-11, 2021, (Chicago, IL, USA) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Tsigkanos C., Bersani M. M., Frangoudis P. A., Dustdar S. (2021). Edge-Based Runtime Verification for the Internet of Things. IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2021) - J1C2 Special Session, September 5-11, 2021, (Chicago, IL, USA) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Zhao H., Deng S., Liu Z., Yin J., Dustdar S. (2021). Distributed Redundancy Scheduling for Microservice-based Applications at the Edge. IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2021) - J1C2 Special Session, September 5-11, 2021, (Chicago, IL, USA) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Frangoudis P. A., Reisinger M., Dustdar S. (2021). Recursive design for data-driven, self-adaptive IoT services. 15th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2021), August 23-26, 2021, (Oxford, UK) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Lachner C., Mann Z. A., Dustdar S. (2021). Towards Understanding the Adaptation Space of AI-Assisted Data Protection for Video Analytics at the Edge. 2nd International Workshop on Efficient Artificial Intelligence for Edge Computing (EAI 2021) in conjunction with IEEE ICDCS 2021, July 7-10, 2021, (Washington DC, USA) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Lachner C., Rausch T., Dustdar S. (2021). A Privacy Preserving System for AI-assisted Video Analytics. IEEE 5th International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC 2021), May 10-13, 2021, (Melbourne, Australia) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Rausch T., Hummer W., Stippel C., Vasiljevic S., Elvezio C., Dustdar S., Krösl K. (2021). Towards a Platform for Smart City-Scale Cognitive Assistance Applications. International Workshop on Distributed Interactive Systems for Collaboration Experiences (DISCE 2021) at IEEE VR 2021, March 27 - April 3, 2021, (Lisbon, Portugal) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Aslanpour M. S., Toosi A. N., Cicconetti C., Javadi B., Sbarski P., Taibi D., Assuncao M., Gill S. S., Gaire R., Dustdar S. (2021). Serverless Edge Computing: Vision and Challenges. 19th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2021), February 1-5, 2021, (Dunedin, New Zealand) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), (Best Paper Award)
- Guo F., Xiao X., Hecker A., Dustdar S. (2020). Characterizing IOTA Tangle with Empirical Data. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2020), December 7-11, 2020, (Taipei, Taiwan) hybrid because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Dustdar S., Murturi I. (2020). Towards Distributed Edge-based Systems. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI 2020), December 1-3, 2020, (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Murturi I., Barzegaran M., Dustdar S. (2020). A Decentralized Approach for Determining Configurator Placement in Dynamic Edge Networks. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI 2020), December 1-3, 2020, (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Alkhabbas F., Murturi I., Spalazzese R., Davidsson P., Dustdar S. (2020). A Goal-driven Approach for Deploying Self-adaptive IoT Systems. IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2020), November 2-6, 2020, (Salvador, Brazil) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Barzegaran M., Karagiannis V., Avasalcai C., Pop P., Schulte S., Dustdar S. (2020). Towards Extensibility-Aware Scheduling of Industrial Applications on Fog Nodes. 4th IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE 2020), October 19-23, 2020, (Beijing, China) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Rausch T., Lachner C., Frangoudis P. A., Raith P., Dustdar S. (2020). Synthesizing Plausible Infrastructure Configurations for Evaluating Edge Computing Systems. 3rd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge 2020), June 25-26, 2020, virtual event
- Avasalcai C., Zarrin B., Pop P., Dustdar S. (2020). Efficient Hosting of Robust IoT Applications on Edge Computing Platform. 4th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC 2020), (May 11-14, 2020), Melbourne, Australia. The in-person 2020 conference has been merged with ICFEC 2021 because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- Pusztai T. W., Tsigkanos C., Dustdar S. (2019). Engineering Heterogeneous Internet of Things Applications: From Models to Code. 5th IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC 2019), December 12-14, 2019, Los Angeles, CA, USA (invited paper)
- Lachner C., Rausch T., Dustdar S. (2019). ORIOT: A Source Location Privacy System for Resource Constrained IoT Devices. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2019), December 9-13, 2019, Waikoloa, HI, USA
- Rausch T., Raith P., Pillai P., Dustdar S. (2019). Demo: A System for Operating Energy-Aware Cloudlets. IEEE/ACM Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2019), November 7-9, 2019, Washington DC, USA (Best Demo Award)
- Arleo A., Tsigkanos C., Jia C., Leite R. A., Murturi I., Klaffenböck M., Dustdar S., Wimmer M., Miksch S., Sorger J. (2019). Sabrina: Modeling and Visualization of Financial Data over Time with Incremental Domain Knowledge (Short Paper). IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS 2019), October 20-25, 2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Haris I., Bisanovic V., Wally B., Rausch T., Ratasich D., Dustdar S., Kappel G., Grosu R. (2019). Sensyml: Simulation Environment for large-scale IoT Applications. 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), October 14-17, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
- Ali S., Damiani F., Dustdar S., Sanseverino M., Viroli M., Weyns D. (2019). Big Data from the Cloud to the Edge: The aggregate computing solution (Position paper). 2nd International Workshop on Software Architecture Challenges in Big Data (SACBD 2019) associated with ECSA 2019, September 9-13, 2019, Paris, France
- Tsigkanos C., Arleo A., Sorger J., Dustdar S. (2019). How do firms transact? Guesstimation and Validation of Financial Transaction Networks with Satisfiability. IEEE 20th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science (IEEE IRI 2019), July 30 - August 1, 2019, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Rausch T., Hummer W., Muthusamy V., Rashed A., Dustdar S. (2019). Towards a Serverless Platform for Edge AI. 2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge 2019) co-located with USENIX ATC 2019, July 9-12, 2019, Renton, WA, USA
- Casadei R., Viroli M., Tsigkanos C., Dustdar S. (2019). Engineering Resilient Collaborative Edge-enabled IoT. IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2019) affiliated, co-located with IEEE SERVICES 2019, July 8-13, 2019, Milan, Italy
- Avasalcai C., Tsigkanos C., Dustdar S. (2019). Decentralized Resource Auctioning for Latency-Sensitive Edge Computing. IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE 2019) affiliated, co-located with IEEE SERVICES 2019, July 8-13, 2019, Milan, Italy
- Lachner C., Rausch T., Dustdar S. (2019). Context-Aware Enforcement of Privacy Policies in Edge Computing. IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress 2019) affiliated, co-located with IEEE SERVICES 2019, July 8-13, 2019, Milan, Italy
- Noor A., Jha D. N., Mitra K., Jayaraman P. P., Souza A., Ranjan R., Dustdar S. (2019). A framework for monitoring microservice-oriented cloud applications in heterogeneous virtualization environments. IEEE 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2019) affiliated, co-located with IEEE SERVICES 2019, July 8-13, 2019, Milan, Italy
- Tsigkanos C., Nastic S., Dustdar S. (2019). Towards Resilient Internet of Things: Vision, Challenges, and Research Roadmap. 39th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2019), July 7-10, 2019, Dallas, Texas, USA
- Rausch T., Dustdar S. (2019). Edge Intelligence: The Convergence of Humans, Things, and AI. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2019), June 24-27, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic
- Lachner C., Dustdar S. (2019). A Performance Evaluation of Data Protection Mechanisms for Resource Constrained IoT Devices. IEEE International Conference on Fog Computing (ICFC 2019), June 24-26, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic
- Bennaceur A., Ghezzi C., Tei K., Kehrer T., Weyns D., Calinescu R., Dustdar S., Hu Z., Honiden S., Ishikawa F., Jin Z., Kramer J., Litoiu M., Loreti M., Moreno G. A., Müller H. A., Nenzi L., Nuseibeh B., Pasquale L., Reisig W., Schmidt H., Tsigkanos C., Zhao H. (2019). Modelling and Analysing Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems.14th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2019) co-located with ICSE 2019, May 25-31, 2019, Montreal, Canada
- Tsigkanos C., Nenzi L., Loreti M., Garriga M., Dustdar S., Ghezzi C. (2019). Inferring Analyzable Models from Trajectories of Spatially-Distributed Internet of Things. 14th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2019) co-located with ICSE 2019, May 25-31, 2019, Montreal, Canada
- Murturi I., Avasalcai C., Tsigkanos C., Dustdar S. (2019). Edge-to-Edge Resource Discovery using Metadata Replication (Short paper). IEEE 3rd International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC 2019), May 14-17, 2019, Larnaca, Cyprus
- Dustdar S., Fernandez P., García J. M., Ruiz-Cortés A. (2019). Elastic Smart Contracts across Multiple Blockchains (Vision short paper). 2nd International Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Blockchain (FAB 2019), April 5, 2019, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Dustdar S., Avasalcai C., Murturi I. (2019). Edge and Fog Computing: Vision and Research Challenges. IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2019), April 4-9, 2019, San Francisco East Bay, California, USA (invited)
- Avasalcai C., Dustdar S. (2020). Latency-Aware distributed resource provisioning for deploying IoT applications at the edge of the network. Future of Information and Communications Conference (FICC 2019), March14-15, 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA
- Li N., Tsigkanos C., Jin Z., Dustdar S., Hu Z., Ghezzi C. (2019). POET: Privacy on the Edge with Bidirectional Data Transformations. IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2019), March 12-14, 2019, Kyoto, Japan
- Ren P., Qiao X., Chen J., Dustdar S. (2018). Mobile Edge Computing - a Booster for the Practical Provisioning Approach of Web-Based Augmented Reality (Poster). 3rd ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2018), October 25-27, Bellevue, WA, USA
- Rausch T., Avasalcai C., Dustdar S. (2018). Portable Energy-Aware Cluster-Based Edge Computers. 3rd ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2018), October 25-27, 2018, Bellevue, WA, USA
- Avasalcai C., Dustdar S. (2018). Latency-aware decentralized resource management for IoT applications. Poster Session of the 8th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2018), October 15-18, 2018, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
- Isakovic H., Ratasich D., Hirsch C., Platzer M., Wally B., Rausch T., Nickovic D., Krenn W., Kappel G., Dustdar S., Grosu R. (2018). CPS/IoT Ecosystem: A platform for research and education. 14th Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Education (WESE 2018), October 4-5, 2018, Turin, Italy
- Riveni M., Dustdar S. (2018). Trust and Interaction-type considerations in Multi-objective Team Compositions for Human-computation. 17th IEEE International Conference Series on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC 2018), July 16-18, 2018, Berkeley, CA, USA (Best Paper Award)
- Dustdar S., Scekic O. (2018). On Managing the Social Components in a Smart City. IEEE 38th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2018), July 2-5, 2018, Vienna, Austria
- Carnevale L., Celesti A., Galletta A., Dustdar S., Villari M. (2018). From the Cloud to Edge and IoT: a Smart Orchestration Architecture for Enabling Osmotic Computing. 6th International Workshop on Cloud Computing Project and Initiatives (CCPI 2018) in conjunction with IEEE AINA 2018, May 16-18, 2018, Krakow, Poland
- Rausch T., Nastic S., Dustdar S. (2018). EMMA: Distributed QoS-Aware MQTT Middleware for Edge Computing Applications. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2018), April17-20, 2018, Orlando, Florida, USA
- Garrett T., Dustdar S., Bona L. C. E., Duarte Jr. Elias P. (2018). Traffic Differentiation on Internet of Things. 12th IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2018), March 26-29, 2018, Bamberg, Germany
- Hochreiner C., Nardelli M., Knasmueller B., Schulte S., Dustdar S. (2018). VTDL: A Notation for Data Stream Processing Applications. 12th IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2018), March 26-29, 2018, Bamberg, Germany
- Riveni M., Nguyen T.- D., Dustdar S. (2018). SLA-based Management of Human-based Services in Business Processes for Socio-Technical Systems. 10th Workshop on Social and Human Aspects of Business Process Management (BPMS2 2017) in conjunction with BPM 2017, September 10-15, 2017, Barcelona, Spain
- Hochreiner C., Vögler M., Schleicher J. M., Inzinger C., Schulte S., Dustdar S. (2018). Nomadic Applications Traveling in the Fog. 2nd EAI International Conference on Cloud, Networking for IoT Systems (CN4IoT 2017), April 20-21, 2017, Brindisi, Italy
- Nastic S., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2017). Data and Control Points: A Programming Model for Resource-constrained IoT Cloud Edge Devices. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2017), October 5-8, 2017, Banff, Canada (invited)
- Riveni M., Baeth M. J., Aktas M. S., Dustdar S. (2017). Provenance in Social Computing: A Case Study. 13th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grids (SKG 2017), August 14-15, 2017, Beijing, China
- Garrett T., Dustdar S., Bona L. C. E., Duarte Jr. E. P. (2017). Ensuring Network Neutrality for Future Distributed Systems. 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2017), June 5-8, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- Glikson A., Nastic S., Dustdar S. (2017). Deviceless Edge Computing: Extending Serverless Computing to the Edge of the Network. Poster Session at the 10th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR 2017), May 22-24, 2017, Haifa, Israel
- Skarlat O., Nardelli M., Schulte S., Dustdar S. (2017). Towards QoS-aware Fog Service Placement. IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC 2017), May 14, 2017, Madrid, Spain
- Metzger A., Leitner P., Ivanovic D., Schmieders E., Franklin R., Carro M., Dustdar S., Pohl K. (2017). Vergleich und Kombination von Techniken des Predictive Business Process Monitoring. Software Engineering 2017, February 21-24, 2017, Hanover, Germany
- Hanappi O., Hummer W., Dustdar S. (2016). Asserting Reliable Convergence for Configuration Management Scripts. Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 2016): SPLASH 2016 Track, October 30 - November 4, 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (OOPSLA Distinguished Paper Award) and (Part of the 21st Annual Best of Computing 2016)
- Nastic S., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2016). A Middleware Infrastructure for Utility-based Provisioning of IoT Cloud Systems. 1st IEEE/ACM Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2016), October 27-28, 2016, Washington DC, USA
- Dustdar S., Nastic S., Scekic O. (2016). A novel vision of Cyber-Human Smart City. 4th IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies (HotWeb 2016). October 24-25, 2016, Washington, D.C., USA (invited paper)
- Truong H.-L., Dustdar S., Leymann F. (2016). Towards the Realization of Multi-dimensional Elasticity for Distributed Cloud Systems. Cloud Forward Conference 2016, October 18-20, 2016, Madrid, Spain
- Truong H.-L., Copil G., Dustdar S., Le D.-H., Moldovan D., Nastic S. (2016). On Engineering Analytics for Elastic IoT Cloud Platforms. 14th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2016), October 10-13, 2016, Banff, Canada
- Hochreiner C., Vögler M., Waibel P., Dustdar S. (2016). VISP: An Ecosystem for Elastic Data Stream Processing for the Internet of Things. 20th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2016), September 5-9, 2016, Vienna Austria
- Sungur C., Breitenbücher U., Kopp O., Leymann F., Song M., Weiß A., Mayr-Dorn C., Dustdar S. (2016). Identifying Relevant Resources and Relevant Capabilities of Collaborations - A Case Study. Demonstration Track at the 20th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2016), September 5-9, 2016, Vienna, Austria
- Müller C., Truong H.-L., Fernandez P., Copil G., Ruiz-Cortes A., Dustdar S. (2016). An Elasticity-aware Governance Platform for Cloud Service Delivery. 13th IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2016), June 27 - July 2, 2016, San Francisco, USA (Best Paper Award)
- Borkowski M., Skarlat O., Schulte S., Dustdar S. (2016). Prediction-Based Prefetch Scheduling in Mobile Service Applications. 5th International Conference on Mobile Services (MS 2016), June 27 - July 2, 2016, San Francisco, USA
- Le D.-H., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2016). Managing On-demand Sensing Resources in IoT Cloud Systems. 5th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services (MS 2016), June 27 - July 2, 2016, San Francisco, USA
- Candra M. Z .C., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2016). On Monitoring Cyber-Physical-Social Systems. Emerging Technologies Track on Services for Smart Cities at IEEE SERVICES 2016, June 27 - July 2, 2016, San Francisco, USA
- Hochreiner C., Vögler M., Schulte S., Dustdar S. (2016). Elastic Stream Processing for the Internet of Things. 9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2016), June 27 - July 2, 2016, San Francisco, USA
- Schleicher J. M., Vögler M., Inzinger C., Fritz S., Ziegler M., Kaufmann T., Bothe D., Forster J., Dustdar S. (2016). A Holistic, Interdisciplinary Decision Support System for Sustainable Smart City Design. International Conference on Smart Cities (SMART-CT 2016), June 15-17, 2016, Malaga, Spain
- Mayr-Dorn C., Dustdar S. (2016). A Framework for Model-driven Execution of Collaboration Structures. 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2016), June 13-17, 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Qanbari S., Pezeshki S., Raisi R., Mahdizadeh S., Rahim Zadeh R., Behinaein N., Mahmoudi F., Ayoubzadeh S. Fazlali P., Roshani K., Yaghini A., Amiri M., Farivarmoheb A., Zamani A., Dustdar S. (2016). IoT Design Patterns: Computational Constructs to Design, Build and Engineer Edge Applications. 1st International Workshop on Interoperability, Integration, and Interconnection of Internet of Things Systems (I4T 2016) jointly held with IoTDI 2016, April 4-8, 2016, Berlin, Germany
- Moldovan D., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2016). Cost-aware scalability of applications in public clouds. International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2016), April 4-8, 2016, Berlin, Germany
- Vögler M., Schleicher J. M., Inzinger C., Nickel B., Dustdar S. (2016). Non-Intrusive Monitoring of Stream Processing Applications. 10th IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2016), March 29 - April 1, 2016, Oxford, UK
- Nastic S., Copil G., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2015). Governing Elastic IoT Cloud Systems under Uncertainty. 7th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2015), November 30 - December 3, 2015, Vancouver, Canada
- Copil G., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2015). Supporting Cloud Service Operation Management for Elasticity. 13th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2015), November 16-19, 2015, Goa, India
- Nguyen T.-D., Truong H.-L., Copil G., Le D.-H., Moldovan D., Dustdar S. (2015). On Developing and Operating of Data Elasticity Management Process. 13th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2015), November 16-19, 2015, Goa, India
- Liptchinsky V., Satzger B., Schulte S., Dustdar S. (2015). Crowdstore: A Crowdsourcing Graph Database.11th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2015), November 10-11, 2015, Wuhan, People's Republic of China
- Candra M. Z. C., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2015). Analyzing Reliability in Hybrid Compute Units. 1st IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC 2015), October 27-30, 2015, Hangzhou, China (Best Student Paper)
- Scekic O., Schiavinotto T., Diochnos D. I., Rovatsos M., Truong H.-L., Carreras I., Dustdar S. (2015). Programming Model Elements for Hybrid Collaborative Adaptive Systems.1st IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC 2015), October 27-30, 2015, Hangzhou, China
- Schleicher J. M., Vögler M., Inzinger C., Dustdar S. (2015). Towards the Internet of Cities: A Research Roadmap for Next-Generation Smart Cities. Understanding the City with Urban Informatics Workshop (UCUI 2015) in conjunction with CIKM 2015, October 19-23, 2015, Melbourne, Australia
- Scekic O., Miorandi D., Schiavinotto T., Diochnos D. I., Hume A., Chenu-Abente R., Truong H.-L., Rovatsos M., Carreras I., Dustdar S., Giunchiglia F. (2015). SmartSociety - A Platform for Collaborative People-Machine Computation. 8th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing & Applications (SOCA 2015), October 19-21, 2015, Rome, Italy
- Qanbari S., Rahimzadeh R., Behinaein N., Dustdar S. (2015). Diameter of Things (DoT): A Protocol for Real-time Telemetry of IoT Applications. 12th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services (GECON 2015), September 15-17, 2015, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Skarlat O., Hoenisch P., Dustdar S. (2015). On Energy Efficiency of BPM Enactment in the Cloud. 1st International Workshop on Process Engineering (IWPE 2015) at the 13th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2015), August 31 - September 3, 2015, Innsbruck, Austria
- Qanbari S., Rekabsaz N., Dustdar S. (2015). Open Government Data as a Service (GoDaaS): Big Data Platform for Mobile App Developers. IEEE International Conference on Open and Big Data (IEEE OBD 2015), August 24-26, 2015, Rome, Italy
- Qanbari S., Behinaein N., Rahimzadeh R., Dustdar S. (2015). Gatica: Linked Sensed Data Enrichment and Analytics Middleware for IoT Gateways. IEEE International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (IEEE FiCloud 2015), August 24-26, 2015, Rome, Italy
- Riveni M., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2015). Trust-aware Elastic Social Compute Units. 14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom 2015), August 20-22, 2015, Helsinki, Finland
- Qanbari S., Farivarmoheb A., Fazlali P., Mahdizadeh S., Dustdar S. (2015). Telemetry for Elastic Data (TED): Middleware for MapReduce Job Metering and Rating. 9th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering (IEEE BigDataSE 2015), August 20-22, 2015, Helsinki, Finland
- Schleicher J. M., Vögler M., Inzinger C., Dustdar S. (2015). Smart Fabric - An Infrastructure-Agnostic Artifact Topology Deployment Framework. 4th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services (MS 2015), Special Track - Services for the Ubiquitous Web, June 27 - July 2, 2015, New York, USA
- Vögler M., Schleicher J. M., Inzinger C., Dustdar S. (2015). DIANE - Dynamic IoT Application Deployment. 4th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services (MS 2015), Special Track - Services for the Ubiquitous Web, June 27 - July 2, 2015, New York, USA
- Schleicher J. M., Vögler M., Inzinger C., Hummer W., Dustdar S. (2015). Nomads - Enabling Distributed Analytical Service Environments for the Smart City Domain. 22nd IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2015), Application Track, June 27 - July 2, 2015, New York, USA
- Zabolotnyi R., Leitner P., Schulte S., Dustdar S. (2015). SPEEDL – A Declarative Event-Based Language to
Define the Scaling Behavior of Cloud Applications. IEEE Services 2015 Visionary Track: The Future of Software Engineering For and In Cloud, June 27 - July 2, 2015, New York, USA - Hoenisch P., Hochreiner C., Schuller D., Schulte S., Mendling J., Dustdar S. (2015). Cost-Efficient Scheduling of Elastic Processes in Hybrid Clouds. IEEE 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2015), June 27 - July 2, 2015, New York, USA
- Sungur C.T., Dorn C., Dustdar S., Leymann F. (2015). Transforming Collaboration Structures into Deployable Informal Processes. 15th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2015), June 23-26, 2015, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
- Truong H.-L., Copil G., Dustdar S., Le D.-H., Moldovan D., Nastic S. (2015). iCOMOT - A Toolset for Managing IoT Cloud Systems. 16th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2015), June 15-18, 2015, Pittsburg, USA
- Dustdar S., Gambi A., Krenn W., Nickovic D. (2015). A Pattern-Based Formalization of Cloud-Based Elastic Systems. 7th International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented and Cloud Systems (PESOS 2015) in conjunction with the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2015), May 16-24, 2015, Florence, Italy
- Gambi A., Zabolotnyi R., Dustdar S. (2015). Improving Cloud-based Continuous Integration Environments (Poster). 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2015), May 16-24, 2015, Florence, Italy
- Nastic S., Vögler M., Inzinger C., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2015). rtGovOps: A Runtime Framework for Governance in Large-scale Software-defined IoT Cloud Systems (Selected among the 3 best papers.). 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering (IEEE Mobile Cloud 2015), March 30 - April 3, 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA
- Vögler M., Schleicher J. M., Inzinger C., Nastic S., Sehic S., Dustdar S. (2015). LEONORE - Large-Scale Provisioning of Resource-Constrained IoT Deployments. 9th IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2015), March 30 - April 3, 2015, San Francisco Bay, USA
- Tankovic N., Galinac Grbac T., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2015). Transforming Vertical Web Applications Into Elastic Cloud Applications. International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2015), March 9-12, 2015, Tempe, AZ, USA
- Moldovan D., Copil G., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2014). On Analyzing Elasticity Relationships of Cloud Services. 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CloudCom 2014), December 15-18, 2014, Singapore
- Le D.-H., Truong H.-L., Copil G., Nastic S., Dustdar S. (2014). SALSA: A Framework for Dynamic Configuration of Cloud Services. 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CloudCom 2014), December 15-18, 2014, Singapore
- Mariani S., Truong H.-L., Copil G., Omicini A., Dustdar S. (2014). Coordination-aware Elasticity. 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014), December 8-11, 2014, London, UK
- Copil G., Moldovan D., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2014). On Controlling Cloud Services Elasticity in Heterogeneous Clouds. 6th Cloud Control Workshop in conjunction with the 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014), December 8-11, 2014, London, UK
- Hummer W., Schulte S., Hoenisch P., Dustdar S. (2014). Context-Aware Data Prefetching in Mobile Service Environments. 4th IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing (BDCloud 2014), December 3-5, 2014, Sydney, Australia
- Zeppezauer P., Scekic O., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2015). Virtualizing Communication for Hybrid and Diversity-Aware Collective Adaptive Systems.10th International Workshop on Engineering Service-Oriented Applications (WESOA 2014) in conjunction with ICSOC 2014, November 3-6, Paris, France
- Dorn C., Waibel P., Dustdar S. (2014). Architecture-Centric Design of Complex Message-Based Service Systems. 12th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2014), November 3-6, 2014, Paris, France
- Copil G., Trihinas D., Truong H.-L., Moldovan D., Pallis G., Dustdar S., Dikaiakos M. (2014). ADVISE - a Framework for Evaluating Cloud Service Elasticity Behavior. 12th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2014), November 3-6, 2014, Paris, France (Best Paper Award)
- Nastic S., Inzinger C., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2015). GovOps: The Missing Link for Governance in Software-defined IoT Cloud Systems. 10th International Workshop on Engineering Service Oriented Applications (WESOA 2014) in conjunction with ICSOC 2014, November 3-6, 2014, Paris, France
- Qanbari S., Zadeh S. M., Vedaei S., Dustdar S. (2014). CloudMan: A Platform for Portable Cloud Manufacturing Services. IEEE International Conference on BigData (IEEE BigData 2014), October 27-30, 2014, Washington DC, United States
- Vögler M., Li F., Claeßens M., Schleicher J. M., Nastic S., Sehic S., Dustdar S. (2015). COLT Collaborative Delivery of lightweight IoT Applications. International Conference on IoT as a Service (IoTaaS 2014), October 27-28, 2014, Rome, Italy
- Murray-Rust D., Scekic O., Truong H.-L., Robertson D., Dustdar S. (2014). A Collaboration Model for Community-Based Software Development with Social Machines. 10th IEEE International Conference on Collbaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2014), October 22-25, 2014, Miami, FL, USA
- Scekic O., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2014). Managing Incentives in Social Computing Systems with PRINGL. 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2014), October 12-14, 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2015). Context-aware Programming for Hybrid and Diversity-aware Collective Adaptive Systems. International Workshop on Business Processes in Collective Adaptive Systems (BPCAS 2014) in conjunction with BPM 2014, September 7-11, 2014, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- Dorn C., Dustdar S., Osterweil L. (2014). Specifying Flexible Human Behavior in Interaction-Intensive Process Environments. 12th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2014), September 7-11, 2014, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- Murguzur A., Schleicher J. M., Truong H.-L., Trujillon S., Dustdar S. (2014). DRain: An Engine for Quality-of-Result Driven Process-Based Data Analytics. 12th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2014), September 7-11, 2014, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- Qanbari S., Sebtoo V., Dustdar S. (2014). Cloud Resources-Events-Agents Model: Towards TOSCA-based Applications. 3rd European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2014), September 2-4, 2014, Manchester, United Kingdom
- Moldovan D., Copil G., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2014). QUELLE - a Framework for Accelerating the Development of Elastic Systems. 3rd European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2014), September 2-4, 2014, Manchester, United Kingdom
- Schulte S., Hoenisch P., Hochreiner C., Dustdar S., Klusch M., Schuller D. (2014). Towards Process Support for Cloud Manufacturing. 18th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2014), September 1-5, 2014, Ulm, Germany
- Zabolotnyi R., Leitner P., Dustdar S. (2014). Profiling-Based Task Scheduling for Factory-Worker Applications in Infrastructure-as-a-Service Clouds. 40th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2014), August 27-29, 2014, Verona, Italy
- Nastic S., Sehic S., Hung L.-D., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2014). Provisioning Software-defined IoT Cloud Systems. 2nd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud-2014), August 27-29, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
- Cito J., Suljoti D., Leitner P., Dustdar S. (2014). Identifying Root Causes of Web Performance Degradation using Changepoint Analysis. 14th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2014), July 1-4, 2014, Toulouse, France
- Riveni M., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2014). On the Elasticity of Social Compute Units. 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2014), June 16-20, 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Bersani M. M., Bianculli D., Dustdar S., Gambi A., Ghezzi C., Krstic S. (2014) Towards the formalization of properties of cloud-based elastic systems. 6th International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented and Cloud Systems (PESOS 2014) in conjunction with ICSE 2014, May 31 - June 7, 2014, Hyderabad, India
- Inzinger C., Nastic S., Sehic S., Vögler M., Li F., Dustdar S. (2014). MADCAT - A Methodology for Architecture and Deployment of Cloud Application Topologies. 8th IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2014), April 7-11, 2014, Oxford, UK.
- Qanbari S., Li F., Dustdar S., Dai T.-S. (2014). Cloud Asset Pricing Tree (CAPT): Elastic Economic Model for Cloud Service Providers. 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2014), April 3-5, 2014, Barcelona, Spain (Best student paper award)
- Sehic S., Nastic S., Vögler M., Li F., Dustdar S. (2014). Entity-Adaptation: A Programming Model for Development of Context-Aware Applications. Mobile Computing and Applications (MCA) track at the 29th Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2014), March 24-28, 2014, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea
- Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2014), Principles of Software-defined Elastic Systems for Big Data Analytics, IEEE International Workshop on Software Defined Systems in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2014), March 10-14, 2014, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- Truong H.-L., Dustdar S., Copil G., Gambi A., Hummer W., Le D.-H., Moldovan D. (2014). CoMoT - A Platform-as-a-Service for Elasticity in the Cloud. IEEE International Workshop on the Future of PaaS part of the IEEE IC2E Conference, March 10-14, 2014, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- Hoenisch P., Schulte S., Dustdar S. (2013). Workflow Scheduling and Resource Allocation for Cloud-based Execution of Elastic Processes. 6th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2013), December 16-18, 2013, Hawaii, USA
- Murguzur A., Truong H.-L, Dustdar S. (2013). Multi-perspective Process Variability: A Case for Smart Green Buildings (Short Paper). International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2013), December 16-18, 2013, Hawaii, USA
- Nastic S., Sehic S., Vögler M., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2013). PatRICIA - a Novel Programming Model for IoT Applications on Cloud Platforms. International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2013), December 16-18, 2013, Hawaii, USA
- Li F., Vögler M., Claeßens M., Dustdar S. (2013), Towards Automated IoT Application Deployment by a Cloud-based Approach. 6th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2013), December 16-18, 2013, Hawaii, USA
- Leitner P., Rostyslav Z., Gambi A., Dustdar S. (2013). A Framework and Middleware for Application-Level Cloud Bursting on Top of Infrastructure-as-a-Service Clouds. 6th IEEE/ACM Utility and Cloud Computing Conference (UCC 2013), December 9-12, 2013, Dresden, Germany
- Moldovan D., Copil G., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2013). MELA: Monitoring and Analyzing Elasticity of Cloud Services. 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2013), December 2-5, 2013, Bristol, UK
- Truong H.-L., Dam H. K., Ghose A., Dustdar S. (2014). Augmenting Complex Problem Solving with Hybrid Compute Units. 9th International Workshop on Engineering Service-Oriented Application (WESOA 2013) in conjunction with ICSOC 2013, December 2-5, 2013, Berlin, Germany
- Copil G., Moldovan D., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2013). SYBL+MELA: Specifying, Monitoring, and Controlling Elasticity of Cloud Services. (Demo paper). 11th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2013), December 2-5, 2013, Berlin, Germany
- Copil G., Moldovan D., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2013). Multi-level Elasticity Control of Cloud Services. (Short paper). 11th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2013), December 2-5, 2013, Berlin, Germany
- Candra M., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2013). Provisioning Quality-aware Social Compute Units in the Cloud. 11th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2013), December 2-5, 2013, Berlin, Germany
- Gambi, A., Hummer, W., Dustdar, S. (2013). Automated Testing of Cloud-based Elastic Systems with AUToCLES. (demo paper). 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, November 11 - 15, 2013, Silicon Valley, California
- Moser R., Dustdar S., Gutleber J., Orsini L. (2013). A Fresh Look At Modeling Distributed Reactive Systems. 5th International Workshop on Workflow Management in Service and Cloud Computing (WMSC 2013) in conjunction with CGC 2013, September 30 - October 2, 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Scekic O., Dorn C., Dustdar S., (2013) Simulation-Based Modeling and Evaluation of Incentive Schemes in Crowdsourcing Environments. 21st International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2013), September 11-13, 2013, Graz, Austria
- Inzinger, C., Hummer, W., Lytra, I., Leitner, P., Tran, H., Zdun, U., Dustdar, S. (2013). Decisions, Models, and Monitoring - A Lifecycle Model for the Evolution of Service-Based Systems. 17th IEEE International EDOC Conference, September 9-13, 2013, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Gambi A., Filieri A., Dustdar S. (2013). Iterative Test Suites Refinement for Elastic Computing Systems. Joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE’13), August 18-26, 2013, Saint Petersburg, Russia
- Breu R., Dustdar S., Eder J., Huemer C., Kappel G., Köpke J., Langer P., Mangler J., Mendling J., Neumann G., Rinderle-Ma S., Schulte S., Sobernig S., Weber B. (2013). Towards Living Inter-Organizational Processes. IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics, July 15-18, 2013, Vienna, Austria
- Li F., Vögler M., Claeßens M., Dustdar S. (2013). Efficient and scalable IoT service delivery on Cloud. 6th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (Cloud 2013), Industrial Track, June 27-July 2, 2013, Santa Clara, CA, USA
- Hoenisch P., Schulte S., Dustdar S., Venugopal S. (2013). Self-Adaptive Resource Allocation for Elastic Process Execution. 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2013), June 27-July 2, 2013, Santa Clara, CA, USA
- Scekic O., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2013). Programming Incentives in Information Systems. 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE 2013), June 17-21, Valencia, Spain. Springer, LNCS 7908 (2013), ISBN: 978-3-642-38708-1; pp. 688 - 703.
- Candra M., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2013). Modeling Elasticity Trade-Offs in Adaptive Mixed Systems. 11th Adaptive Computing (and Agents) for Enhanced Collaboration (ACEC) conference track at IEEE WETICE 2013, June 17-20, 2013, Hammamet, Tunisia
- Li F., Rasch K., Sehic S., Dustdar S, Ayani R. (2013). Unsupervised Context-aware User Preference Mining. Workshop on Activity Context-Aware System Architectures at AAAI 2013, June 14, 2013, Bellevue, WA, USA
- Gambi A., Moldovan D., Copil G., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2013). On Estimating Actuation Delays in Elastic Computing Systems. 8th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2013), May 20-21, San Francisco, USA
- Gambi A., Hummer W., Dustdar S. (2013). Testing Elastic Systems with Surrogate Models. 1st International Workshop on Combining Modelling and Search-Based Software Engineering (CMSBSE) in conjunction with ICSE 2013, May 18-26, 2013 San Francisco, CA, USA
- Dustdar S., Li F., Truong H.-L., Sehic S., Nastic S., Qanbari S., Vögler M., Claeßens M. (2013). Green Software Services: From Requirements to Business Models (keynote with invited paper). 2nd International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (GREENS 2013) in conjunction with ICSE 2013, May 18-26, 2013 San Francisco, CA, USA
- Leitner P., Schulte S., Dustdar S., Pill I., Schulz M., Wotawa F. (2013). The Dark Side of SOA Testing - Towards Testing Contemporary SOAs Based on Criticality Metrics. The 5th International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems (PESOS) co-located with ICSE 2013, May 18-26, 2013 San Francisco, CA, USA
- Zabolotnyi R., Leitner P., Dustdar S. (2013). Dynamic Program Code Distribution in Infrastructure-as-a-Service Clouds. The 5th International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems (PESOS) co-located with ICSE 2013, May 18-26, 2013 San Francisco, CA, USA
- Copil G., Moldovan D., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2013). SYBL: an Extensible Language for Controlling Elasticity in Cloud Applications. 13th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), May 14-16, 2013, Delft, the Netherlands.
- Liptchinsky V., Satzger B., Zabolotnyi R., Dustdar S. (2013). Expressive Languages for Selecting Groups from
Graph-Structured Data. 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2013), May 13-17, 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. - Inzinger, C., Hummer, W., Satzger, B., Leitner, P., Dustdar, S. (2013). Identifying Incompatible Service Implementations using Pooled Decision Trees. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2013), March 18 - 22, 2013, Coimbra, Portugal.
- Li F., Dustdar S., Bardram J., Serrano M., Hauswirth M., Andrikopoulos V., Leymann F. (2013). EUPaaS: Elastic Ubiquitous Platform as a Service for Large-scale Ubiquitous Applications. The 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2013), May 8-10, 2013, Aachen, Germany
- Wotawa F., Schulz M., Pill I., Jehan S., Leitner P., Hummer W., Schulte St., Hoenisch P., Dustdar S. (2013). Fifty Shades of Grey in SOA Testing (Position Paper). 9th Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing (A-MOST), co-located with ICST 2013, March 18-22, Luxembourg.
- Lampe U., Miede A., Lusa T., Schulte S., Steinmetz R., Dustdar S. (2013). An Analysis of Anonymity Side Effects in the Internet of Services. Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys 2013), March 11-15, 2013, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Inzinger, C., Satzger, B., Leitner, P., Hummer, W., Dustdar, S. (2013). Model-based Adaptation of Cloud Computing Applications (Position Paper). International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, Special Track on Model-driven Software Adaptation, February 19-21, Barcelona, Spain.
- Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2012). M2M Platform-as-a-Service for Sustainability Governance. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing & Applications (SOCA 2012), December 17-19, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Leitner P., Inzinger C., Hummer W., Satzger B., Dustdar S. (2012). Application-Level Performance Monitoring of Cloud Services Based on the Complex Event Processing Paradigm. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA'12), December 17-19, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Li F., Nastic S., Dustdar S. (2012). Data Quality Observation in Pervasive Environments, The 10th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2012), December 5-7, 2012, Paphos, Cyprus.
- Truong H.-L., Dustdar S., Bhattacharya K. (2012). Programming Hybrid Services in the Cloud.10th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2012), November 12-16, 2012, Shanghai, China. (Best Paper Award)
- Sengupta B., Jain A., Bhattacharya K., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2012). Who Do You Call? Problem Resolution Through Social Compute Units. 10th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2012), November 12-16, 2012, Shanghai, China. (Best Paper Award - Runner-Up)
- Schulte S., Hönisch P., Venugopal S., Dustdar S. (2013). Realizing Elastic Processes with ViePEP. 10th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2012), November 12-16, 2012, Shanghai, China.
- C. Inzinger, B. Satzger, W. Hummer, S. Dustdar (2012). Specification and Deployment of Distributed Monitoring and Adaptation Infrastructures. Performance Assessment and Auditing in Service Computing Workshop (PAASC 2012) as part of ICSOC 2012, November 12-15, 2012, Shanghai, China.
- S. Schulte, P. Hönisch, S. Venugopal, S. Dustdar (2012). Introducing the Vienna Platform for Elastic Processes. Performance Assessment and Auditing in Service Computing Workshop (PAASC 2012) as part of ICSOC 2012, November 12-15, 2012, Shanghai, China.
- Holmes, T., Zdun, U., Dustdar S. (2012). Automating the Management and Versioning of Service Models at Runtime to Support Service Monitoring. The 16th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2012), September 12.-14, 2012, Beijing, China.
- Khazankin, R., Satzger, B., Dustdar, S. (2012). Optimized Execution of Business Processes on Crowdsourcing Platforms. 8th IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2012), October 14–17, 2012, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
- Inzinger C., Hummer W., Satzger B., Leitner P., Dustdar S. (2012). Towards Identifying Root Causes of Faults in Service-Based Applications. The 31st IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2012), Poster Track, October 8-11, 2012, Irvine, California.
- Sehic S., Li F., Dustdar S. (2012). A Programming Model for Context-Aware Applications in Large-Scale Pervasive Systems. The 8th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2012), October 8-10, 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
- Redl Ch., Breskovic I., Brandic I., Dustdar S. (2012). Automatic SLA Matching and Provider Selection in Grid and Cloud Computing Markets. The 13th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Grid Computing (Grid 2012), September 20-23, 2012, Beijing, China.
- Riveni M., Truong H.L., Dustdar S. (2012). A Simulation Framework for Socially Enhanced Applications. 1st International Workshop on Socially Intelligent Computing (SINCOM 2012) part of the OTM 2012, September 10-14, 2012, Rome, Italy.
- Scekic O., Truong H.L., Dustdar S. (2012). Modeling Rewards and Incentive Mechanisms for Social BPM, Short paper. 10th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM2012), September 3-6, 2012, Tallinn, Estonia.
- Reiter M., Truong H.L., Dustdar S., Karastoyanova D., Krause R., Leymann F., Pahr D. (2012). On Analyzing Quality of Data Influences on Performance of Finite Elements driven Computational Simulations. 18th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (EuroPar 2012), 27-31 August, 2012, Rhodes Island, Greece.
- Truong H.L., Phung P.H., Dustdar S. (2012). Governing Bot-as-a-Service in Sustainability Platforms - Issues and Approaches. The 9th International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS 2012), August 27-29, 2012, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
- Hummer, W., Satzger, B., Leitner P., Inzinger C., Dustdar S. (2012). Deriving a Unified Fault Taxonomy for Event-Based Systems. The 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS), July 16-20, 2012, Berlin, Germany.
- Liptchinsky V., Khazankin R., Truong H.L., Dustdar S. (2012). A novel approach to modeling context-aware and social collaboration processes. The 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2012), June 25-29, 2012, Gdańsk, Poland. (Best Student Paper Award)
- Khazankin R., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2012). Predicting QoS in Scheduled Crowdsourcing. The 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2012), June 25-29, 2012, Gdańsk, Poland.
- Leitner, P. Hummer, W. Satzger, B. Inzinger, C. and Dustdar, S. (2012). Cost-Efficient and Application SLA-Aware Client Side Request Scheduling in an Infrastructure-as-a-Service Cloud. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2012). June 24-29, 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- Le L.-S., Truong H.L., Ghose A., Dustdar S. (2012). On Elasticity and Constrainedness of Business Services Provisioning, 9th International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2012), June 24-29, 2012, Hawaii, USA.
- Narendra N., Ponnalagu K, Gangadharan G.R., Truong. H.L., Dustdar S., Ghose A.. (2012). Effective Reuse via Modeling, Managing, and Searching of Business Process Assets. 9th International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2012), June 24-29, 2012, Hawaii, USA.
- Rasch K., Li F., Sehic S., Ayani R., Dustdar S. (2012). Automatic Description of Context-Altering Services Through Observational Learning, Pervasive 2012, June 18-22, 2012, Newcastle, UK.
- Liptchinsky V., Khazankin R., Truong H.L., Dustdar S. (2012). Statelets: Coordination of Social Collaboration Processes. 14th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (Coordination 2012), June 14-15, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Di Nitto E., Meiländer D., Gorlatch S., Metzger A., Psaier H., Dustdar S., Razavian M., Tamburri D.A., Lago P. (2012). Research Challenges on Engineering Service-Oriented Applications. First International Workshop on European Software Services and Systems Research - Results and Challenges (S-Cube) in conjunction with ICSE 2012, June 2-9, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Leitner, P., Hummer, W., Dustdar, S. (2012). A Monitoring Data Set for Evaluating QoS-Aware Service-Based Systems. The 4th International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems (PESOS), co-located with ICSE'12, June 2-9, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland.
- P. Leitner, B. Wetzstein, S. Dustdar, F. Leymann (2012). Cost-Based Prevention of Violations of Service Level Agreements in Composed Services Using Self-Adaptation. Workshop on European Software Services and Systems Research - Results and Challenges in conjunction with ICSE'12, June 2-9, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland
- Treiber M., Schall D., Dustdar S., Scherling C. (2012). Creating Mobile ad hoc Workflows with Twitter, Poster: 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2012, March 26-30, 2012, Riva del Garda (Trento), Italy
- Leitner, P., Hummer, W., Satzger, B., Inzinger, C., Dustdar, S. (2012). CloudScale - a Novel Middleware for Building Transparently Scaling Cloud Applications. 27th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2012), Cloud Computing Track, March 26-30, 2012, Riva del Garda (Trento), Italy.
- Inzinger, C., Satzger, B., Hummer, W., Leitner, P., Dustdar, S. (2012). Non-Intrusive Policy Optimization for Dependable and Adaptive Service-Oriented Systems. 27th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2012), March 26-30, 2012, Riva del Garda (Trento), Italy.
- Hieu Vu Q., Vu Pham T., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S., Stankovski V., DEMODS: A Description Model for Data-as-a-Service, The 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2012), Fukuoka, Japan, March 26-29, 2012. Accepted
- Kecskemeti G., Maurer M., Brandic I., Kertesz A., Nemeth Z., Dustdar S. (2012). Facilitating self-adaptable Inter-Cloud management. 20th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2012), 15-17 February, 2012, Munich, Germany.
- Malik A., Dustdar S. (2011). Dynamic Collaborations for Information Sharing Within and Across Virtual Teams, 9th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, FIT 2011, December 19- 21, 2011, Islamabad, Pakistan.
- Truong H.-L., Gangadharan G.R., Comerio M., Dustdar S., De Paoli F. (2011). On Analyzing and Developing Data Contracts in Cloud-based Data Marketplaces. The 2011 Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2011), December 12 - 15, 2011, Jeju, Korea.
- Truong H.-L., Dustdar S., Goetze J., Fleuren T., Mueller P., Tbahriti S.-E., Mrissa M., Ghedira Ch. (2011). Exchanging Data Agreements in the DaaS Model. The 2011 Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2011), December 12 - 15, 2011, Jeju, Korea.
- Pham T. V., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2011). Elastic High Performance Applications - A Composition Framework. The 2011 Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2011), December 12 - 15, 2011, Jeju, Korea.
- Reiter M., Breitenbuecher U., Dustdar S., Karastoyanova D., Leymann F., Truong H.-L. (2011). A Novel Framework for Monitoring and Analyzing Quality of Data in Simulation Workflows, The 7th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, 5-8 December, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Khazankin R., Psaier H., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2011). QoS-based Task Scheduling in Crowdsourcing Environments. 9th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2011), December 5-8, 2011, Paphos, Cyprus.
- Breskovic I., Maurer M., Emeakaroha V. C, Brandic I., Dustdar S. (2011). Cost-Efficient Utilization of Public SLA Templates in Autonomic Cloud Markets. 4th IEEE International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2011), December 5-8, 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
- Malik A., Dustdar S. (2011). Enhanced Sharing and Privacy in Distributed Information Sharing Environments, 7th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS 2011), December 5-8, 2011, Malacca, Malaysia.
- König M., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S., Stankovski V., Information Modelling for Sustainable Buildings, The 13th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2011), ERPAS Track, December 5-7, 2011, HoChiMinh City, Vietnam
- Mori M., Li F., Dorn Ch., Inverardi P., Dustdar S. (2011), Leveraging State-based User Preferences in Context-aware Recongurations for Self-adaptive Systems. 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, November 14-18, 2011, Montevideo, Uruguay.
- P. Leitner, F.M. Nardini, G. Tolomei, F. Silvestri and S. Dustdar (2011). Mining Lifecycle Event Logs for Enhancing Service-based Applications. 1st International Workshop on Adaptive Services for the Future Internet (WAS4FI) colocated with ServiceWave, October 26-28, 2011, Poznan, Poland, see the book chapter below
- Hummer W., Satzger B., Leitner P., Inzinger C., Dustdar S. (2011). Distributed Continuous Queries Over Web Service Event Streams. 7th International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices (NWeSP 2011), October 19-21, 2011, Salamanca, Spain.
- Hummer, W.; Leitner, P.; Satzger, B.; and Dustdar, S. (2011). Dynamic Migration of Processing Elements for Optimized Query Execution in Event-based Systems, 1st International Symposium on Secure Virtual Infrastructures (DOA-SVI'11), OnTheMove Federated Conferences, October 17-19, Crete, Greece.
- Leitner P., Hummer W., Satzger B., Dustdar S. (2011). Stepwise and Asynchronous Runtime Optimization of Web Service Compositions. 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2011) (short paper), October 12-14, 2011, Sydney, Australia
- Malik A. K., Dustdar S.. Sharing and Privacy-Aware RBAC in Online Social Networks. Security and Privacy in Social Networks (SPSN-2011) in conjunction with The Third International Conference on Social Computing (IEEE SocialCom 2011), October 9-11, 2011, Boston, USA.
- Juszczyk L., Dustdar S. (2011). Automating the Generation of Web Service Testbeds using AOP, 9th European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS 2011), September 14-16, 2011, Lugano, Switzerland.
- Psaier H., Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2011). Resource and Agreement Management in Dynamic Crowdcomputing Environments, The 15th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC'11), 29th August - 2nd September 2011, Helsinki, Finland.
- Satzger B., Psaier H., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2011). Stimulating Skill Evolution in Market-based Crowdsourcing, 9th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM'11), August 28th - September 2nd, 2011, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
- Dorn C., Marin C., Mehandjiev N., Dustdar S. (2011). Self-learning Predictor Aggregation for the Evolution of People-driven Ad-hoc Processes. 9th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM’11), Aug 28 to Sep 2, 2011, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
- Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2011). Opportunistic Information Flows Through Strategic Social Link Establishment. 10th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI), August 22-27, 2011, Lyon, France.
- Li F., Dustdar S. (2011), Incorporating Unsupervised Learning in Activity Recognition. Activity Context Representation: Techniques and Languages, AAAI 2011, August 7-8, 2011, San Francisco, USA.
- Oberortner E., Sobernig St., Zdun U., Dustdar S. (2011). Monitoring of Performance-related QoS Properties in Service-oriented Systems: A Pattern-based Architectural Decision Model. 16th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP2011), July 13-17, 2011, Irsee Monastery, Germany
- Ali, M. I., Pichler, R., Truong, H.-L., Dustdar, S. (2011). On Integrating Data Services Using Data Mashups, 28th British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD 2011), July 12-14, 2011, University of Manchester, United Kingdom.
- Khazankin R., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2011). Adaptive Request Prioritization in Dynamic Service-oriented Systems, The 8th International Conference on Services Computing (SCC'11), July 4-9, 2011, Washington DC, USA, (Best Student Paper Award)
- Satzger, B., Hummer, W., Leitner, P., Dustdar, S. (2011). Esc: Towards an Elastic Stream Computing Platform for the Cloud, 4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2011), July 4-9, 2011, Washington DC, USA
- Dorn C., Dustdar S. (2011). Supporting dynamic, people-driven Processes through Self-learning of Message Flows. 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'11), London, UK, 20 - 24 June 2011, Springer.
- W. Hummer, P. Gaubatz, M. Strembeck, U. Zdun, S. Dustdar (2011).
An integrated approach for identity and access management in a SOA context: 16th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT), June 15-17, Innsbruck, Austria
Local copy of article
- M. Ali, R. Pichler, H. Truong, S. Dustdar (2011). Data Concern Aware Querying for the Integration of Data Services, 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, June 8-11, 2011, Beijing, China
- Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2011).
Managing social overlay networks in semantic open enterprise systems: 1st International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS), May 25-27, 2011, Sogndal, Norway. ACM.
Local copy of article
- Treiber M., Schall D., Dustdar S., Scherling C. (2011).
Tweetflows: flexible workflows with twitter: PESOS '11 Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems, 2011
Local copy of article
- S. Sehic, F. LI, S. Dustdar, (2011).
COPAL-ML: a macro language for rapid development of context-aware applications in wireless sensor networks The 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications (SESENA 2011) at ICSE, 21-28 May 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Local copy of article
- W. Hummer, O. Raz, S. Dustdar (2011). Towards Efficient Measuring of Web Services API Coverage, 3rd International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems (PESOS), co-located with ICSE 2011, May 23-24, Hawaii, U.S.A.
- Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2011). Computational Social Network Management in Crowdsourcing Environments, 16th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS), April 27-29, 2011, Las Vegas, USA. IEEE.
- A. K. Malik and S. Dustdar (2011). A Hybrid Sharing Control Model for Context Sharing and Privacy in Collaborative Systems. 7th International Symposium on Web and Mobile Information Services (WAMIS 2011), March, 22-25, 2011, Singapore.
- Schall D., Skopik F., Psaier H., Dustdar S. (2011).
Bridging socially-enhanced virtual communities 26th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), March 21-25, 2011, TaiChung, Taiwan. ACM.
Local copy of article
- Skopik F., Schall D., Psaier H., Dustdar S. (2011).
Adaptive provisioning of human expertise in service-oriented systems 26th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), March 21-25, 2011, TaiChung, Taiwan. ACM.
Local copy of article
- W. Hummer, O. Raz, O. Shehory, P. Leitner, S. Dustdar (2011). Test Coverage of Data-Centric Dynamic Compositions in Service-Based Systems. 4th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), March 21-25, 2011, Berlin Germany
- W. Hummer, P. Leitner, S. Dustdar (2011)
WS-Aggregation: distributed aggregation of web services data 26th ACM SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), SOAP Track, March 21-24, 2011, Taichung, Taiwan
Local copy of article
- A. Malik, S. Dustdar (2010).
An intelligent information sharing control system for dynamic collaborations 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT 2010), Islamabad, Pakistan; 21.12.2010 - 23.12.2010, ACM, (2010), ISBN: 978-1-4503-0342-2; Paper-Nr. 30, 6 S.
Local copy of article
- R. Khazankin, S. Dustdar (2010). PROVIDENCE: A Framework for Private Data Propagation Control in Service-Oriented Systems. ServiceWave 2010 3rd European Conference, Ghent, Belgium; 13.12.2010 - 15.12.2010; Springer, LNCS 6481 (2010), ISBN: 978-3-642-17693-7; S. 76 - 87.
- M. Comerio, H. Truong, C. Batini, S. Dustdar (2010). Service-oriented Data Quality Engineering and Data Publishing in the Cloud. IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2010), Perth, Australia; 13.12.2010 - 15.12.2010, IEEE, (2010), ISBN: 978-1-4244-9801-7; 6 S.
- E. Oberortner, U. Zdun, S. Dustdar, A. Cavalcante, M. Tluczek (2010). Supporting the Evolution of Model-driven Service-oriented Systems: A Case Study on QoS-aware Process-driven SOAs. IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2010), Perth, Australia; 13.12.2010 - 15.12.2010, IEEE, (2010), ISBN: 978-1-4244-9801-7; 4 S.
- C. Dorn, S. Dustdar (2010). Weighted Fuzzy Clustering for Capability-driven Service Aggregation. IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2010), Perth, Australia; 13.12.2010 - 15.12.2010, IEEE, (2010), ISBN: 978-1-4244-9801-7; 8 S.
- H. Truong, M. Comerio, A. Maurino, S. Dustdar, F. De Paoli, L. Panziera (2010). On Identifying and Reducing Irrelevant Information in Service Composition and Execution. 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2010), Hong Kong, China; 12.12.2010 - 14.12.2010; Springer, LNCS 6488 (2010), ISBN: 978-3-642-17615-9; S. 52 - 66.
- O. Moser, F. Rosenberg, S. Dustdar (2010). Event Driven Monitoring for Service Composition Infrastructures, 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2010), Hong Kong, China; 12.12.2010 - 14.12.2010; Springer, LNCS 6488 (2010), ISBN: 978-3-642-17615-9; S. 38 - 51.
- L. Juszczyk, D. Schall, R. Mietzner, S. Dustdar, F. Leymann (2010). CAGE: Customizable Large-Scale SOA Testbeds in the Cloud. 6th International Workshop on Engineering Service-Oriented Applications (WESOA 2010) in conjunction with ICSOC 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA; 07.12.2010 - 10.12.2010, Springer, LNCS 6568 (2011), ISBN: 978-3-642-19393-4; S. 76 - 87.
- L. Juszczyk, S. Dustdar (2010). A Programmble Fault Injection Testbed Generator for SOA - Demo Paper. 8th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2010), San Francisco, CA, USA; 07.12.2010 - 10.12.2010; Springer, LNCS 6470 (2010), ISBN: 978-3-642-17357-8; S. 722 - 723.
- L. Juszczyk, S. Dustdar (2010). Programmable Fault Injection Testbeds for Complex SOA. 8th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2010), San Francisco, CA, USA; 07.12.2010 - 10.12.2010; Springer, LNCS 6470 (2010), ISBN: 978-3-642-17357-8; S. 411 - 425.
- Ph. Leitner, B. Wetzstein, D. Karastoyanova, W. Hummer, S. Dustdar, F. Leymann (2010). Preventing SLA Violations in Service Compositions Using Aspect-Based Fragment Substitution. 8th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2010), San Francisco, CA, USA; 07.12.2010 - 10.12.2010; Springer, LNCS 6470 (2010), ISBN: 978-3-642-17357-8; S. 365 - 380.
- A. Manzoor, H. Truong, C. Dorn, S. Dustdar (2010). Service-Centric Inference and Utilization of Confidence on Context. 2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC 2010), Hangzhou, China; 06.12.2010 - 10.12.2010; IEEE Computer Society, P4305 (2010), ISBN: 978-0-7695-4305-5; S. 11 - 18.
- H. Truong, S. Dustdar (2010). On Evaluating and Publishing Data Concerns for Data as a Service. IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC 2010), Hangzhou, China; 06.12.2010 - 10.12.2010; IEEE Computer Society, P4305 (2010), ISBN: 978-0-7695-4305-5; S. 363 - 370.
- F. Skopik, D. Schall, H. Psaier, S. Dustdar (2010). Social Formation and Interactions in Evolving Service-oriented Communities. 8th European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS 2010), Ayia Napa, Cyprus; 01.12.2010 - 03.12.2010; IEEE Computer Society, (2010), ISBN: 978-0-7695-4310-9; S. 27 - 34.
- W. Hummer, Ph. Leitner, S. Dustdar (2010).
A step-by-step debugging technique to facilitate mashup development and maintenance, 4th International Workshop on Web APIs and Services Mashups (Mashups 2010) co-located with ECOWS 2010, Aya Napa, Cyprus; 01.12.2010 - 03.12.2010, ACM, (2010), ISBN: 978-1-4503-0418-4; Paper-Nr. Article No.: 7, 8 S.
Local copy of article
- H. Psaier, F. Skopik, D. Schall, L. Juszczyk, M. Treiber, S. Dustdar (2010).
A programming model for self-adaptive open enterprise systems 5th Workshop on Middleware for Service Oriented Computing (MW4SOC 2010) held at the International Middleware Conference, Bangalore, India; 29.11.2010 - 03.12.2010; ACM, (2010), ISBN: 978-1-4503-0452-8; S. 27 - 32.
Local copy of article
- A. Manzoor, C. Villalonga, A. Calatroni, H. Truong, D. Roggen, S. Dustdar, G. Tröster (2010). Identifying Important Action Primitives for High Level Activity Recognition. 5th European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context (EuroSSC 2010), Passau, Germany; 14.11.2010 - 16.11.2010; Springer, LNCS 6446 (2010), ISBN: 978-3-642-16981-6; S. 149 - 162. (Best Paper Award)
- D. Ivanovic, M. Treiber, M. Carro, S. Dustdar (2010). Building Dynamic Models of Service Compositions with Simulation of Provision Resources. 29th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling ER 2010, Vancouver, BC, Canada; 01.11.2010 - 04.11.2010; Springer, LNCS 6412 (2010), ISBN: 978-3-642-16372-2; S. 288 - 301.
- Schall D., Dustdar S. (2010). Dynamic Context-Sensitive PageRank for Expertise Mining. 2nd International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2010), Laxenburg, Austria; 27.10.2010 - 29.10.2010, Springer, LNCS 6430 (2010), ISBN: 978-3-642-16566-5; S. 160 - 175
- C. Dorn, S. Dustdar (2010). Composing Near-Optimal Expert Teams: A Trade-Off between Skills and Connectivity. 18th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2010), Crete, Grece; 27.10.2010 - 29.10.2010, Springer, LNCS 6426 (2010), ISBN: 978-3-642-16933-5; S. 472 - 489.
- Oberortner E., Zdun U., Dustdar S. (2010).
Patterns for Measuring Performance-related QoS Properties in
Service-oriented Systems, PLoP'10, October 16-18, 2010, Nevada, USA - F. Li, S. Sehic, S. Dustdar (2010). COPAL: An Adaptive Approach to Context Provisioning. IEEE 6th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2010), Niagara Falls, Canada, 11.10.2010 - 13.10.2010, IEEE, (2010), ISBN: 978-1-4244-7741-8; S. 286 - 293.
- Psaier H., Juszczyk L., Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2010). Runtime Behavior Monitoring and Self-Adaptation in Service-Oriented Systems. 4th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO), September 27 - October 01, 2010, Budapest, Hungary. IEEE.
- H. Tran, T. Holmes, E. Oberortner, E. Mulo, A. Cavalcante, J. Serafinski, M. Tluczek, A. Birukou, F. Daniel, P. Silveira, U. Zdun, S. Dustdar (2010). An End-to-End Framework for Business Compliance in Process-Driven SOAs. 12th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2010), Timisoara, Romania; 23.09.2010 - 26.09.2010; IEEE Computer Society, (2011), ISBN: 978-0-7695-4324-6; S. 407 - 414.
- C. Dorn, T. Burkhart, D. Werth, S. Dustdar (2010). Self-adjusting Recommendations for People-Driven Ad-Hoc Processes, 8th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2010), Hoboken, NJ, USA; 13.09.2010 - 16.09.2010, Springer, LNCS 6336 (2010), ISBN: 978-3-642-15617-5; S. 327 - 342.
- H.Tran, U. Zdun, and S. Dustdar (2010). Name-based view integration for enhancing the reusability in process-driven SOAs. 1st Workshop on Reuse in Business Process Management (rBPM 2010), 8th Int. Conf. on Business Process Management (BPM 2010), Sep 13-16, 2010, Hoboken, New Jersey.
- R. Khazankin, S. Dustdar (2010). On Adaptive Integration of Web Data Sources into Applications, International Workshop, Innovation Information Technologies: Theory and Practice 2010", Dresden, Germany (invited); 06.09.2010 - 10.09.2010; Forschungszentrum Dresden - Rossendorf, ISBN: 978-3-941405-10-3; S. 16 - 19.
- Dustdar S., Dorn C., Li F., Baresi L., Cabri G., Pautasso C., Zambonelli F. (2010).
A roadmap towards sustainable self-aware service systems Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), Cape Town, South Africa.
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- F. Skopik, D. Schall, S. Dustdar (2010). Supporting Network Formation through Mining under Privacy Constraints. 10th Annual International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2010), Seoul, Korea; 19.07.2010 - 23.07.2010, IEEE Computer Society, (2010), ISBN: 978-0-7695-4107-5; S. 105 - 108.
- H. Psaier, F. Skopik, D. Schall, S. Dustdar (2010). Behavior Monitoring in Self-healing Service-oriented Systems. 34th Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2010), Seoul, Korea; 19.07.2010 - 23.07.2010; IEEE Computer Society, (2010), ISBN: 978-0-7695-4085-6; S. 357 - 366.
- E. Mulo, U. Zdun, S. Dustdar (2010).
An event view model and DSL for engineering an event-based SOA monitoring infrastructure 4th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS 2010), Camebridge, United Kingdom, 12.07.2010 - 15.07.2010, ACM, (2010), ISBN: 978-1-60558-927-5; S. 62 - 72.
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- I. Brandic, S. Dustdar, T. Anstett, D. Schumm, F. Leymann, R. Konrad (2010). Compliant Cloud Computing (C3): Architecture and Language Support for User-driven Compliance Management in Clouds. 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE Cloud 2010), Miami, Florida, USA; 05.07.2010 - 10.07.2010; IEEE Computer Society, (2010), ISBN: 978-0-7695-4130-3; S. 244 - 251.
- L. Juszczyk, S. Dustdar (2010). Testbeds for Emulating Dependability Issues of Mobile Web Services. IEEE 2010 First International Workshop on Engineering Mobile Service Oriented Systems (EMSOS) - SERVICES 2010 co-located with ICWS 2010, SCC 2010 and CLOUD 2010, Miami, Florida, USA; 05.07.2010 - 10.07.2010; IEEE Computer Society, CFP10SER-CDR (2010), ISBN: 978-0-7695-4129-7; S. 683 - 686.
- Ph. Leitner, A. Michlmayr, F. Rosenberg, S. Dustdar (2010). Monitoring, Prediction and Prevention of SLA Violations in Composite Services. 8th IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2010), Miami, Florida, USA; 05.07.2010 - 10.07.2010; IEEE Computer Society, CFP10CWS-CDR (2010), ISBN: 978-0-7695-4128-0; S. 369 - 376.
- F. Rosenberg, M. Müller, Ph. Leitner, A. Michlmayr, A. Bouguettaya, S. Dustdar (2010). Metaheuristic Optimization of Large-Scale QoS-Aware Service Compositions. 7th IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2010), Miami, Florida, USA; 05.07.2010 - 10.07.2010; IEEE Computer Society, (2010), ISBN: 978-0-7695-4126-6; S. 97 - 104.
- H. Truong, S. Dustdar, A. Maurino, M. Comerio (2010) Context, Quality and Relevance: Dependencies and Impacts on RESTful Web Services Design, 2nd International Workshop on Lightweight Composition on the Web (ComposableWeb 2010), ICWE 2010, Vienna, Austria, 05.07.2010 - 09.07.2010, Springer, LNCS 6385 (2010), ISBN: 978-3-642-16984-7; S. 347 - 359.
- Holmes, T., Tran, H., Zdun, U., Dustdar, S. (2010).
Model-driven and domain-specific architectural knowledge view for compliance meta-data in process-driven SOAs . Fifth Workshop on SHAring and Reusing architectural Knowledge (SHARK 2010), 32nd Int. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE 2010), Cape Town, South Africa, May 2-8, 2010.
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- Li, F., Rasch, K., Truong, H.-L., Ayani, R., Dustdar, S. (2010). Proactive Service Discovery in Pervasive Environments. ACM International Conference on Pervasive Environments (ICPS), Berlin, Germany.
- Dorn C., Dustdar S. (2010). Interaction-driven Self-Adaptation of Service Ensembles. 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'10), 9 - 11 June, Hammamet, Tunisia, Springer.
- Malik, A.K., Dustdar, S. (2010). Context-Aware Sharing Control Using Hybrid Roles in Inter-Enterprise Collaboration. 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2010), July 22-24, 2010, Athens, Greece.
- Holmes, T.; Zdun, U.; Daniel, F.; Dustdar, S. (2010). Monitoring and Analyzing Service-Based Internet Systems through a Model-Aware Service Environment, 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE), 2010, 6051, 98-112, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- Maurer, M., Brandic, I., Emeakaroha, V.C., Dustdar, S. (2010). Towards Knowledge Management in Self-adaptable Clouds. IEEE 2010 Fourth International Workshop of Software Engineering for Adaptive Service-Oriented Systems (SEASS '10), in conjunction with ICWS 2010 and SCC 2010, Miami, Florida, USA, July 5-10, 2010.
- Brandic, I., Emeakaroha V.C., Maurer, M., Acs, S., Kertész, A., Kecskeméti, G., Dustdar, S. (2010. LAYSI: A Layered Approach for SLA-Violation Propagation in Self-manageable Cloud Infrastructures. The First IEEE International Workshop on Emerging Applications for Cloud Computing (CloudApp 2010), In conjunction with the 34th Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference Seoul, Korea, July 19-23 2010.
- Vincent C. Emeakaroha, Ivona Brandic, Michael Maurer, Schahram Dustdar. Low Level Metrics to High Level SLAs - LoM2HiS framework: Bridging the gap between monitored metrics and SLA parameters in Cloud environments. The 2010 High Performance Computing and Simulation Conference (HPCS 2010), in conjunction with The 6th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2010), June 28- July 2, 2010, Caen, France.
- Juszczyk L., Dustdar S. (2010). Script-based Generation of Dynamic Testbeds for SOA. 8th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'10), 5. - 10. July 2010, Miami, USA.
- Treiber M., Juszczyk L., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2010).
Programming evolvable web services 2nd International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems (PESOS). 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'10), 2. - 8. May 2010, Cape Town, South Africa.
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- Truong,H.-L., Dustdar, S. (2010). Composable Cost Estimation and Monitoring for Computational Applications in Cloud Computing Environments. The International Conference on Computational Science 2010 (ICCS 2010), Tools for Program Development and Analysis in Computational Science, May 31 - June 2, 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (c) Elsevier - Procedia Computer Science, Volume 1, Issue 1 (2010), ISSN: 1877-0509; S. 2175 - 2184.
- Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S., Sesana M. (2010). Context-Aware Interaction Models in Cross-Organizational Processes. 5th International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW), May 09-15, 2010, Barcelona, Spain. IEEE.
- Treiber M., Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S., Haslinger S.(2010). Context-aware Campaigns in Social Networks. 5th International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW), May 09-15, 2010, Barcelona, Spain. IEEE.
- Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2010). Trust-based Adaptation in Complex Service-oriented Systems. 15th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS), March 22-26, 2010, University of Oxford, UK. IEEE.
- Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2010).
Trustworthy interaction balancing in mixed service-oriented systems . 25th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), March 22-26, 2010, Sierre, Switzerland. ACM.
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- Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2010). Trusted Interaction Patterns in Large-scale Enterprise Service Networks. 18th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Computing (PDP), February 17-19, 2010, Pisa, Italy. IEEE.
- Mulo, E., Zdun, U., Dustdar, S. (2009). Monitoring Web Service Event Trails for Business Compliance, IEEE International Conference on Service-oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA), 14-15 December 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
- Dorn C., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2009). Context-aware Adaptive Service Mashups. 4th IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC) 2009, 7 - 11 December, Biopolis, Singapore, IEEE Computer Society.
- Truong, H.L., Dustdar, S. (2009). On Analyzing and Specifying Concerns for Data as a Service. 4th IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, 2009, Biopolis, Singapore, December 2009.
- Holmes, T., Zdun, U., Dustdar, S. (2009). MORSE: A Model-Aware Service Environment. 4th IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, 2009, IEEE Computer Society Press
- Leitner, P., Michlmayr, A., Rosenberg, F., Dustdar, S. (2009). Selecting Web Services Based on Past User Experiences, 4th IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC'09), Biopolis, Singapore, December 2009.
- Leitner, P., Wetzstein, B., Rosenberg, F., Michlmayr, A., Dustdar, S., Leymann, F. (2009). Runtime Prediction of Service Level Agreement Violations for Composite Services, presented at 3rd Workshop on Non-Functional Properties and SLA Management in Service-Oriented Computing, co-located with ICSOC 2009, Stockholm, Sweden
- Michlmayr, A., Rosenberg, F., Leitner, P., Dustdar, S. (2009).
Comprehensive QoS monitoring of Web services and event-based SLA violation detection Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Middleware for Service Oriented Computing (MW4SOC'09 @ MIDDLEWARE'09), Urbana Champaign, Illinois, USA, December 2009.
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- M. Comerio, H. Truong, F. De Paoli, S. Dustdar (2009). Evaluating Contract Compatibility for Service Composition in the SeCO2 Framework, 7th International Joint Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC-Service Wave 2009), Stockholm, Sweden; 24.11.2009 - 27.11.2009; Springer, LNCS 5900 (2009), ISBN: 978-3-642-10382-7; S. 221 - 236.
- M. Treiber, V. Andrikopoulos, S. Dustdar (2009). Calculating Service Fitness in Service Networks, 2nd International Workshop on Service Monitoring, Adaptation and Beyond (MONA+) at ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden; 23.11.2009 - 27.11.2009; Springer, LNCS 6275 (2009), ISBN: 978-3-642-16131-5; S. 283 - 292.
- Dorn C., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2009). A Model and Algorithm for Self-Adaptation in Service-oriented Systems. IEEE 7th European Conference on Web Service (ECOWS) 2009, 9 - 11 November, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, IEEE Computer Society.
- Treiber, M., Schall, D., Kritikos, K., Plexousakis, D., Dustdar, S. (2009).
Modeling context-aware and socially-enriched mashups, 3rd International Workshop on Web APIs and Services Mashups (Mashups'09), 25 October 2009, colocated with OOPSLA 2009
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- Dustdar, S., Göschka, Karl M., Truong,H.-L. , Zdun, U. (2009). Self-Adaptation Techniques for Complex Service-oriented Systems. 5th IEEE International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices, September 9-11, 2009 - Prague, Czech Republic
- Rosenberg, F., Celikovic, P., Michlmayr, A., Leitner, P., Dustdar, S., (2009). An End-to-End Approach for QoS-Aware Service Composition. In: Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC'09), 31. August - 4. September 2009, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Truong H. -L., Manzoor A., Dustdar S. (2009).
On modeling, collecting and utilizing context information for disaster responses in pervasive environments Workshop on Context-Aware Software Technology and Applications (CASTA 2009), August 24, 2009 — Co-located with ESEC/FSE 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
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- Wetzstein, B., Leitner, P., Rosenberg, F., Brandic, I., Leymann, F., Dustdar, S., (2009). Monitoring and Analyzing Influential Factors of Business Process Performance. In: Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC'09), 31. August - 4. September 2009, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2009). Start Trusting Strangers? Bootstrapping and Prediction of Trust. 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE), October 05-07, 2009, Poznan, Poland. Springer.
- Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2009). The Cycle of Trust in Mixed Service-oriented Systems. 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), August 27-29, 2009, Patras, Greece. IEEE.
- I. Brandic, D. Music, Ph. Leitner, S. Dustdar (2009). VieSLAF Framework: Enabling Adaptive and Versatile SLA-Management. 6th International Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models 2009 (GECON 09) in conjunction with Euro-Par 2009, Delft, The Netherlands; 25.08.2009 - 28.08.2009; Springer, LNCS 5745 (2009), ISBN: 978-3-642-03863-1; S. 60 - 73.
- Malik, K..A.,, Truong, H.-L., Dustdar, S. (2009). DySCon: Dynamic Sharing Control for Distributed Team Collaboration in Networked Enterprises. IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC 2009), Vienna, Austria; 07-20-2009 - 07-23-2009, IEEE Computer Society, (2009), ISBN: 978-0-7695-3755-9; p. 279 - 284.
- Manzoor, A., Truong, H.-L., Dustdar, S., (2009). Quality Aware Context Information Aggregation System for Pervasive Environments. 5th International Symposium on Web and Mobile Information Services (WAMIS 2009), AINA 2009, Bradford, United Kingdom, IEEE Computer Society, (2009), ISBN: 978-0-7695-3639-2; p. 266 - 271.
- Vasko, M., Dustdar, S. (2009). Introducing collaborative Service Mashup design. Composable Web Workshop in conjunction with ICWE 2009, 22-26 June 2009, San Sebastian, Spain
- Vasko, M., Oberortner, E., Dustdar, S. (2009). Collaborative Modeling of Web Applications for Various Stakeholders. 5th Model-Driven Web Engineering Workshop in conjunction with ICWE 2009, 22-26 June 2009, San Sebastian, Spain
- Michlmayr, A., Rosenberg, F., Leitner, P., Dustdar, S. (2009). Service Provenance in QoS-Aware Web Service Runtimes. 7th IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'09), Los Angeles, CA, USA, July 2009.
- Brandic, I., Music, D., Dustdar, S. (2009).
Service mediation and negotiation bootstrapping as first achievements towards self-adaptable grid and cloud services Grids meet Autonomic Computing Workshop 2009 - GMAC09. In conjunction with the 6th International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communications Barcelona, Spain, June 15-19, 2009.
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- Skopik F., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2009). Trust and Reputation Mining in Professional Virtual Communities. 9th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE), June 24-26, 2009, San Sebastian, Spain. Springer.
- Skopik F., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2009). VieTE - Enabling Trust Emergence in Service-oriented Collaborative Environments. 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), March 23-26, 2009, Lisbon, Portugal. Springer.
- Manzoor, A., Truong, H.-L., Dustdar, S. (2009). Using Quality of Context to Resolve Conflicts in Context-Aware Systems. QuaCon 2009 - The First International Workshop on Quality of Context, 25 - 26 June 2009, Stuttgart, Germany.
- R. Baldoni, C. Di Ciccio, M. Mecella, F. Patrizi, L. Querzoni, G. Santucci, S. Dustdar, F. Li, H. Truong, L. Albornos, F. Milagro, P. Antolin Rafael, R. Ayani, K. Rasch, G. Garcia Lozano, M. Aiello, A. Lazovik, A. Denaro, G. Lasala, P. Pucci, C. Holzner, F. Cincotti, F. Aloise (2009). An Embedded Middleware Platform for Pervasive and Immersive Environments for-All. 6th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, SECON 2009, IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-4244-3938-6; 3 p, (invited).
- Treiber, M., Truong., H.-L., Dustdar, S. (2009). SOAF - Design and Implementation of a Service enriched Social Network, ICWE 2009 - Ninth International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2009) June 2009, San Sebastian, Spain, Springer
- Ali, M. I., Pichler, R., Truong, H.-L., Dustdar, S. (2009). On Using Distributed Extended XQuery for Web Data Sources as Services. ICWE-DEMOs 2009 - Ninth International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2009) June 2009, San Sebastian, Spain, Springer, p. 497-500
- F. Daniel, F. Casati, V. D'Andrea, E. Mulo, U. Zdun, S. Dustdar, S. Strauch, D. Schumm, F. Leymann, S. Sebahi, F. de Marchi, M. Hacid (2009). Business Compliance Governance in Service-Oriented Architectures. 23rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA'09), Bradford, United Kingdom; 26.05.2009 - 29.05.2009; IEEE Computer Society, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3638-5; S. 113 - 120.
- Juszczyk L., Psaier H., Manzoor A., Dustdar S. (2009). Adaptive Query Routing on Distributed Context - The COSINE Framework. International Workshop on the Role of Services, Ontologies, and Context in Mobile Environments (ROSOC-M). 10th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM'09), 18. - 20. May 2009, Taipeh, Taiwan.
- Ali, M. I., Pichler, R., Truong, H.-L., Dustdar, S. (2009). DeXIN– An Extensible Framework For Distributed XQuery Over Heterogeneous Data Sources, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Springer, p. 172-183
- Haslinger, S., Jiménez, M., Dustdar, S. (2009). Correlation of context Information for mobile services. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Springer
- Dolmac, A., Haslinger, S., Dustdar (2009). Mobile Device Location Information Acquisition Framework for Development of Location Information Web Applications - Design and Architecture. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Springer
- Oberortner, E., Zdun, U., Dustdar (2009). Tailoring a Model-Driven Quality-of-Service DSL for Various Stakeholders. MISE Workshop at ICSE 2009, Vancouver May 2009.
- Baresi, L., Di Nitto, E., Guiena, S., Dustdar, S. (2009). Multi-Dimensional Service Compositions. ICSE 2009 - New Ideas and Emerging Results track, ICSE 2009, Vancouver May 2009.
- Rosenberg, F., Leitner, P., Michlmayr, A., Celikovic, P., Dustdar, S., (2009). Towards Composition as a Service - A Quality of Service Driven Approach. In: Proceedings of the First IEEE Workshop on Information and Software as Service (WISS'09), co-located with the 25th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'09), 29. March 2009, Shanghai, China.
- St. Reiff-Marganiec, H. Truong, G. Casella, C. Dorn, S. Dustdar, S. Moretzky (2008). The inContext Pervasive Collaboration Services Architecture. 1st. European Conference, Service Wave 2008, Madrid, Spain; 10.12.2008 - 13.12.2008; Springer, LNCS 5377 (2008), ISBN: 978-3-540-898962; S. 134 - 146.
- Hong-Linh Truong, G.R. Gangadharan, Martin Treiber, Schahram Dustdar, Vincenzo D'Andrea (2008). On Reconciliation of Contractual Concerns of Web Services. (Submitted PDF), 2nd Non Functional Properties and Service Level Agreements in Service Oriented Computing Workshop (NFPSLA-SOC'08), co-located with The 6th IEEE European Conference on Web Services, November 12, 2008, Dublin, Ireland
- Schall D., Dorn C., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2008). On Supporting the Design of Human-Provided Services in SOA. 4th International Workshop on Engineering Service-Oriented Applications: Analysis and Design. In conjunction with the 6th Int. Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2008). Sydney, Australia, December 1st, 2008. Springer.
- Dorn C., Schall D., Dustdar S. (2008). Achieving Team-awareness in Scientific Grid Environments. 7th International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC) 2008, IEEE Computer Society.
- Brandic, I., Music, D., Dustdar, S., Venugopal, S., Buyya, R., (2008). Advanced QoS Methods for GridWorkflows Based on Meta-Negotiations and SLA-Mappings, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science, In conjunction with Supercomputing (SC) 2008 Conference, Nov. 17, 2008, Austin, Texas, USA.
- Juszczyk, L., Dustdar, S. (2008).
A middleware for service-oriented communication in mobile disaster response environments , 6th International Workshop on Middleware for Pervasive and Ad-hoc Computing, colocated at ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware, 2 December 2008, Leuven, Belgium
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- Gangadharan, G.R., Comerio, M., H.-L. Truong, D'Andrea, V., De Paoli, F., Dustdar, S. (2008). LASS - License Aware Service Selection: Methodology and Framework, International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC), 1 - 5 December, Sydney, Australia
- Mayr, C., Zdun, U., Dustdar, S. (2008). Model-Driven Integration and Management of Data Access Objects in Process-Driven SOAs. In Towards a Service-Based Internet, First European Conference, ServiceWave 2008, Proceedings, Madrid, Spain, pages 62-73, LNCS 5377, Springer-Verlag, December, 2008
- Oberortner, E., Zdun, U., Dustdar, S. (2009). Domain-Specific Languages for Service-Oriented Architectures: An Explorative Study. In Towards a Service-Based Internet, First European Conference, ServiceWave 2008, Proceedings, Madrid, Spain, pages 159-170, LNCS 5377, Springer-Verlag, December, 2008.
- Treiber, M., Truong., H.-L., Dustdar, S. (2008). On Analyzing Evolutionary Changes of Web Services. 1st International Workshop on Enabling Service Business Ecosystems (ESBE'08), Co-located with International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC) December 1, 2008, Sydney, Australia, Springer
- Leitner, P., Michlmayr, A., Dustdar, S. (2008). Towards Flexible Interface Mediation for Dynamic Service Invocations. 3rd Workshop on Emerging Web Services Technology (WEWST), co-located with ECOWS'08, Dublin, Ireland; 11-12-2008; p. 45 - 59.
- Melchiorre, C., Reiff-Marganiec, S., Yu, H., Schall, D., Dustdar, S. (2008). inContext - Interaction and Context-based Technologies for Collaborative Teams. eChallenges e-2008, Stockholm, Sweden; 10-22-2008 - 10-24-2008; in: "Collaboration and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies", P. Cunningham, M. Cunningham (ed.); IOS Press, (2008), ISBN: 978-1-58603-924-0; 1 - 8.
- Manzoor, A., Truong, H.L., Dustdar, S. (2008). On the Evaluation of Quality of Context, EuroSCC, Springer LNCS, 29 - 31 October 2008, Zürich, Switzerland
- C. Mayr, U. Zdun, S. Dustdar (2008). Reusable Architectural Decision Model for Model and Metadata Repositories, Formal Methods for Components and Objects FMCO 2008, Sophia-Antipolis, Frankreich; 21.10.2008 - 23.10.2008; Springer, LNCS 5751 (2009), ISBN: 978-3-642-04166-2; S. 1 - 20.
- E. Oberortner, M. Vasko, S. Dustdar (2008). Towards Modeling Role-Based Pageflow Definitions within Web Applications, 4th International Workshop on Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE 2008), (MODELS 2008), Tolouse, Frankreich; 30.09.2008; CEUR-WS.org, Vol-389 (2008), ISSN: 1613-0073; Paper-Nr. 1, 15 S.
- Rosenberg, F., Leitner, P., Michlmayr, A., Dustdar, S., (2008). Integrated Metadata Support for Web Service Runtimes. In: Proceedings of the Middleware for Web Services Workshop (MWS'08), co-located with the 12th IEEE International Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC'08), 15-19. September 2008, Munich, Germany.
- Vasko M., Zdun U., Dustdar S., Blumauer A., Koller A. and Prazl W. Community Rating Service and User Buddy Supporting Advices in Community Portals (2008). International Conference on Semantic Systems, 3-5 September 2008, messecongress I graz, Austria
- Betty H.C. Cheng, Rogério de Lemos, Holger Giese, Paola Inverardi, Jeff Magee, Jesper Andersson, Basil Becker, Nelly Bencomo, Yuriy Brun, Bojan, Cukic, Giovanna, Di Marzo Serugendo, Schahram Dustdar, Anthony Finkelstein, Cristina Gacek, Kurt Geihs, Vincenzo Grassi, Gabor Karsai, Holger Kienle, Jeff Kramer, Marin Litoiu, Sam Malek, Raffaela Mirandola, Hausi Müller, Sooyong Park, Mary Shaw, Matthias Tichy, Massimo Tivoli, Danny Weyns, Jon Whittle (2008). Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: A Research Road Map, Dagstuhl. The 2nd Research Roadmap: Software Engineering for Self-Adpaptive Systems: A second Research Roadmap 2011.
- Gangadharan, G.R., Comerio, M., Truong, H.-L., D´ Andrea, V., De Paoli, F., Dustdar, S., (2008). License-aware Service Selection, . IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE'08), July 21-24, 2008, Crystal City, Washington, D.C., USA.
- Leitner, P., Michlmayr, A., Rosenberg, F., Dustdar, S., (2008). End-to-End Versioning Support for Web Services. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Services Computing (SCC'08), 8-11. July 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- Michlmayr, A., Rosenberg, F., Leitner, P., Dustdar, S., (2008).
Advanced event processing and notifications in service runtime environments . In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'08), 1-4. July 2008, Rome, Italy.
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- Michlmayr, A., Leitner, P., Rosenberg, F., Dustdar, S., (2008).
Publish/subscribe in the VRESCo SOA runtime. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'08), 1-4. July 2008, Rome, Italy.
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- Schall D., Dorn C., Dustdar S., Dadduzio I. (2008). VieCAR - Enabling Self-adaptive Collaboration Services. 34th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) 2008, IEEE Computer Society.
- Treiber, M., Truong, H.L., Dustdar, S. (2008). SEMF - Service Evolution Management Framework, 34th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) 2008, IEEE Computer Society.
- Truong, H.L., Juszczyk, L., Bashir, S., Manzoor, A., Dustdar, S. (2008). Vimoware - a Toolkit for Mobile Web Services and Collaborative Computing, 34th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) 2008, IEEE Computer Society
- Schall D., Truong, H.-L., Dustdar S. (2008). The Human-provided Services Framework. IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE'08), July 21-24, 2008, Crystal City, Washington, D.C., USA.
- Göschka, K.M., Froihofer, L., Dustdar, S. What SOA can do for Software Dependability, DSN 2008 Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems, Anchorage, Alaska - USA 27 June 2008, Springer.
- H. Truong, C. Dorn, G. Casella, A. Polleres, St. Reiff-Marganiec, S. Dustdar (2008). inContext: On Coupling and Sharing Context for Collaborative Teams. ICE2008 14th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising, Portugal, Lissabon; 23.06.2008 - 25.06.2008; Nottingham University Business School, (2008), ISBN: 9780853582441; S. 225 - 232.
- Holmes, T., Tran, H., Zdun, U., Dustdar, S. (2008). Modeling Human Aspects of Business Processes— A View–Based, Model–Driven Approach, ECMDA 2008, Springer LNCS
- Truong, H.-L., Dustdar, S., Baggio, D., Dorn, C., Giuliani, G., Gombotz, R., Hong, Y., Kendal, P., Melchiorre, C., Moretzky, S., Peray, S., Polleres, A., Reiff-Marganiec, S., Schall, D.,Stringa, S. (2008). inContext: a Pervasive and Collaborative Working Environment for Emerging Team Forms, IEEE SAINT
- Zdun, U., Avgeriou, P., Hentrich, C., Dustdar, S. (2008).
Architecting as decision making with patterns and primitives , ICSE Workshop, ACM
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- Moser, O., Rosenberg, F., Dustdar, S. (2008)
VieDAME - flexible and robust BPEL processes through monitoring and adaptation , Informal demo, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'08), 10-18. May 2008, Leipzig, Germany
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- Dorn, C., Truong, H.L., Dustdar, S. (2008). Measuring and Analyzing Emerging Properties for Autonomic Collaboration Service Adaptation, The 5th International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing (ATC-08), 23 - 25 June, Stavanger, Norway, Springer LNCS
- Tran, H., Zdun, U., Dustdar, S. (2008). View-Based Reverse Engineering Approach for Enhancing Model Interoperability and Reusability in Process-Driven SOAs, 10th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR), 25 - 29 May 2008, Beijing China, Springer LNCS.
- Moser, O., Rosenberg, F., Dustdar, S., (2008).
Non-intrusive monitoring and service adaptation for WS-BPEL . Proceedings of the 17th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW'08), 21-25. April 2008, Beijing, China.
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- Tran, H., Zdun, U., Dustdar, S. (2008). View-based Integration of Process-driven SOA Models At Various Abstraction Levels, First International Workshop on Model-Based Software and Data Integration (MBSDI), 1-2 April 2008, Berlin, Germany
- Juszczyk, L., Truong, H.-L., Dustdar, S. (2008). GENESIS - A Framework for Automatic Generation and Steering of Testbeds of Complex Web Services, The 13th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2008), Belfast, Northern Ireland, 31 March - 4 April 2008
- Holmes T., Vasko M., Dustdar S. (2008). VieBOP: Extending BPEL Engines with BPEL4People, 16th IEEE Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and network-based Processing (PDP 2008), Toulouse, France, Feb. 13-15 2008
- Gangadharan, G.R., Truong, H.-L., Treiber, M., D'andrea, V., Dustdar, S., Iannella, R., Weiss, M. (2008). Consumer-specified Service License Selection and Composition, Proceedings of 7th IEEE International Conference on Composition-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS'08), Madrid, Spain February 2008
- de Leoni, M., de Rosa, F., Dustdar, S., Mecella, M. (2007). Resource Disconnection Management in MANET Driven by Process Time Plan, Autonomics Conference, October 28-30, Rome, Italy.
- Truong, H.L., Juszczyk, L., Manzoor, A., Dustdar, S. (2007). ESCAPE - An Adaptive Framework for Managing and Providing Context Information in Emergency Situations, IEEE EuroSSC 2007, 2nd European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context, October 23-25, 2007, Springer LNCS
- Rosenberg, F., Enzi, C., Michlmayr, A., Platzer, C., Dustdar, S., (2007). Integrating Quality of Service Aspects in Top-Down Business Process Development using WS-CDL and WS-BPEL. In: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC'07), 17. - 19. October 2007, Annapolis, Maryland, USA.
- Dustdar, S. (2007). Towards Autonomic Processes and Services, Invited Keynote, International Conference on Business Processes and Services Computing, 25-26 September, Leipzig, Germany, Springer LNI, p. 13-19.
- Tran, H., Zdun, U., Dustdar, S. (2007). View-based and Model-driven Approach for Reducing the Development Complexity in Process-Driven SOA, International Conference on Business Processes and Services Computing, 25-26 September, Leipzig, Germany
- Michlmayr, A. Rosenberg, F., Platzer, C., Treiber, M.,
Dustdar, S. (2007).
Towards recovering the broken SOA triangle: a software engineering perspective, In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Service-oriented Software Engineering (IW-SOSWE'07), Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2007, ACM Press
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- Juszczyk, L., Michlmayr, A., Platzer, C., Rosenberg, F., Urbanec, A., Dustdar, S.(2007). Large Scale Web Service Discovery and Composition using High Performance In-Memory Indexing, In Proceedings of the IEEE Joint Conference on E-Commerce Technology and Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (CEC & EEE'07), Tokyo, Japan, July 2007. IEEE Computer Society. (3rd place at the Web Service Challenge 2007)
- Schall D., Gombotz R., Dorn C., Dustdar S. (2007). Human Interactions in Dynamic Environments through Mobile Web Services. IEEE 2007 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), July 9-13, 2007, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- T. Catarci, M. de Leoni, F. De Rosa, M. Mecella, A. Poggi, S. Dustdar, L. Juszczyk, H. Truong, G. Vetere. (2007). The WORKPAD P2P Service-Oriented Infrastructure for Emergency Management, 16th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises WETICE 2007 / COPS 2007, Paris, Frankreich; 18.06.2007 - 20.06.2007; IEEE Computer Society, (2007), ISBN: 978-0-7695-2879-3; S. 147 - 152.
- Schall D., Gombotz R., Dustdar S. (2007). Pattern-based Collaboration in Ad-Hoc Teams Through Message Annotation. 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’07), June 12-16, 2007, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. ICEIS Proceedings.
- Dorn C., Schall D., Gombotz R., Dustdar S. (2007). A View-based Analysis of Distributed and Mobile Teams. 5th International Workshop on Distributed and Mobile Collaboration (DMC 2007) at WETICE-2007. June 18-20, 2007, Paris, France. IEEE Computer Society.
- Dorn, C., Schall, D., Dustdar, S. (2006). Granular Context in Collaborative Mobile Enironments, in R. Meersman, Z. Tari, P. Herrero et al. (Eds.): OTM Workshops 2006, LNCS 4278, pp. 1904 - 1913, 2006.
- Gombotz, R., Schall, D., Dorn, C., Dustdar, S. (2006). Relevance-based Context Sharing Through Interaction Patterns. IEEE CollaborateCom, 2nd International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing, 17 - 20 November 2006, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (invited paper)
- T. Catarci, F. De Rosa, M. de Leoni, M. Mecella, M. Angelaccio, S. Dustdar, B. Gonzalvez, G. Iiritano, A. Krek, G. Vetere, Z. Zalis (2006). WORKPAD: 2-Layered Peer-to-Peer for Emergency Management through Adaptive Processes. 2nd International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing, CollaborateCom 2006, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (invited); 17.11.2006 - 20.11.2006, IEEE, ISBN: 1-4244-0429-0; 9 p.
- Zdun, U., Dustdar, S. (2006). Model-Driven and Pattern-Based Integration of Process-Driven SOA Models. in Proceedings of The Role of Business Processes in Service Oriented Architectures, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 06291.
- Aiello, M., Rosenberg, F., Platzer,C., Ciabattoni, A., Dustdar, S. (2006). Service QoS composition at the level of part names, WS-FM 2006, 3rd International Workshop on Web services and Formal Methods, 8 - 9 September 2006, Vienna, Austria (invited paper)
- Dustdar, S., Aiello, M. (2006). Service Oriented Computing: Service Foundations. Service Oriented Computing, Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, vol 05462.
- Pfadenhauer, K., Kittl, B., Dustdar, S., Levy, D. (2006). Shop Floor Information Management and SOA, in J. Eder, S. Dustdar et al. (Eds.): BPM 2006 Workshops, LNCS 4103, pp. 237 - 248, 2006.
- Nagl, C., Rosenberg, F., Dustdar, S., (2006). ViDRE - A Distributed Service-Oriented Business Rule Engine based on RuleML, 10th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC'06), 16. - 20. October 2006, Hong Kong.
- Rosenberg, F., Platzer, C., Dustdar, S., (2006). Bootstrapping Performance and Dependability Attributes of Web Services. IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'06), 18. - 22. September 2006, Chicago, USA.
- Rosenberg, F., Nagl, C., Dustdar, S., (2006). Applying Distributed Business Rules - The ViDRE Approach, IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC'06), Services Computing Contest (SOA Contest 2006), 18. - 22. September 2006, Chicago, USA. (2nd place at the IEEE Services Computing Contest)
- Aiello, M., Platzer, C., Rosenberg, F., Tran, H., Vasko, M., Dustdar, S., (2006). Web Service Indexing for Efficient Retrieval and Composition, IEEE Joint Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'06) and Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE'06), 26 - 29 June 2006, San Francisco, USA. (2nd place at the Web Service Challenge)
- Michlmayr, A., Fenkam, P., Dustdar, S. (2006). Architecting a Testing Framework for Publish/Subscribe Applications. IEEE 30th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 18 - 21 September 2006, Chicago, USA.
- Dorn, C., Dustdar, S. (2006). Achieving Web Service Continuity in Ubiquitous Mobile Networks the SRR-WS Framework. 4th International Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Information and collaboration Systems (UMICS), co-located with CAiSE 2006, 5 - 6 June 2006, Luxemburg
- Jørstad, I., van Thanh, D., Dustdar, S. (2006). Personalization of Next Generation Mobile Services. 4th International Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Information and collaboration Systems (UMICS), co-located with CAiSE 2006, 5 - 6 June 2006, Luxemburg
- Juszczyk, L., Lazowski, J., Dustdar, S. (2006). Web Service Discovery, Replication, and Synchronization in Ad-Hoc Networks. IEEE Workshop on Dependability in large-scale service-oriented systems (DILSOS). ARES 2006 - The First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security The International Dependability Conference - Bridging Theory and Practice, 20 - 22 April 2006, Vienna
- Michlmayr, M., Fenkam, P., Dustdar, S. (2006). Specification-Based Unit Testing of Publish/Subscribe Applications, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'06), Lisbon, Portugal, July 2006. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Mecella, M., Catarci, T., Angelaccio, M., Buttarazzi, B., Krek, A., Dustdar, S., Vetere, G. (2006). WORKPAD: an Adaptive Peer-to-Peer Software Infrastructure for Supporting Collaborative Work of Human Operators in Emergency/Disaster Scenarios, IEEE International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS 2006) May 14-17, 2006 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- Vasko, M., Dustdar, S. (2006). A view based analysis of workflow modeling languages, IEEE PDP 2006 - 14th EUROMICRO Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, 15 - 17 February, 2006, Montbéliard-Sochaux, France, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- M. P. Papazoglou, P. Traverso, S. Dustdar, F. Leymann, B. Krämer (2005). Service-Oriented Computing: A Research Roadmap, Dagstuhl Seminar 05462, (invited); 15.11.2005 - 18.11.2005; Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschunszentrum für Informatik, 05462 (2006), ISSN: 1862-4405; S. 1 - 29.
- M. Aiello, S. Dustdar (2005). Service-Oriented Computing: Service Foundations, Dagstuhl Seminar 05462, Dagstuhl, Germany (invited); 15.11.2005 - 18.11.2005; Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschunszentrum für Informatik, 05462 (2006), ISSN: 1862-4405; S. 1 - 5.
- Rosenberg, F., Dustdar, S. (2005). Towards a Distributed Service-Oriented Business Rules System, IEEE European Conference on Web services (ECOWS), 14-16 November 2005, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Platzer, C., Dustdar, S. (2005). A Vector Space Search Engine for Web Services, IEEE European Conference on Web services (ECOWS), 14-16 November 2005, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Oberleitner, J., Rosenberg, F., Dustdar, S. (2005). A Lightweight Model-driven Orchestration Engine for e-Services, TES 2005, colocated with VLDB 2005, 2-3 September, Trondheim, Norway, © Springer LNCS. (2006)
- Schmit, B., Dustdar, S. (2005) Systematic Design of Web Service Transactions, TES 2005, colocated with VLDB 2005, 2-3 September, Trondheim, Norway, © Springer LNCS. (2006)
- Anzböck, R., Dustdar, S. (2005). Semi-automatic generation of Web services and BPEL processes - A Model-Driven approach (Appendix), BPM 2005, 5 - 7 September, Nancy, France, © Springer LNCS.
- Gombotz, R., Dustdar, S. (2005) On Web Services Workflow Mining, BPI Workshop, co-located at BPM 2005, 5 September, Nancy, France, © Springer LNCS.
- Schranz, M., Dustdar, S. Platzer, C. (2005). Building an integrated pan-European News Distribution Network. 6th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2005, 26 - 28 September, Valencia, Spain, Springer-Verlag.
- Jørstad, I., van Thanh, D., Dustdar, S. (2005). The personalization of mobile services, IEEE International Conference on Wireless And Mobile Computing, Networking And Communications, 2005. (WiMob'2005), Volume 4, Aug. 22-24, 2005 pp. 59 - 65.
- Rosenberg, F., Dustdar, S., (2005). Business Rules Integration in BPEL - A Service-Oriented Approach. 7th International IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC 2005), 19 - 22 July 2005, Munich, Germany.
- Pfadenhauer, K., Dustdar, S., Kittl, B. (2005). Comparison of Two Distinctive Model Driven Web Service Orchestration Proposals. 1st IEEE International Workshop on Service-oriented Solutions for Cooperative Organizations (SoS4CO '05), co-located with the 7th International IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC 2005), 19 July 2005, Munich, Germany.
- Chebbi, I., Tata, S., Dustdar, S. (2005). Cooperation Policies for Inter-organizational Workflows. IEEE Proceedings of the The 2005 Symposium on Applications and the Internet Workshops (SAINT-W’05)
- Rosenberg, F., Dustdar, S., (2005). Design and Implementation of a Service-oriented Business Rule Broker. 1st IEEE International Workshop on Service-oriented Solutions for Cooperative Organizations (SoS4CO '05), co-located with the 7th International IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC 2005), 19 July 2005, Munich, Germany.
- S. Mostéfaoui, S. Dustdar (2005). XML-Based Model for Monitoring Pervasive Environments, IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services 2005 (ICPS'05), Greece; 14.07.2005; IEEE Computer Society, (2005), ISBN: 0-7803-9032-6; S. 449 - 452.
- Jørstad, I., Dustdar, S., van Thanh, D. (2005). Service-Oriented Architectures and Mobile Services. 3rd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Information and collaboration Systems (UMICS), co-located with CAiSE 2005, 13 - 14 June 2005, Porto, Portugal
- Pfadenhauer, K., Dustdar, S., Kittl, B. (2005). Challenges and Solutions for Model Driven Web Service Composition. 3rd International Workshop on Distributed and Mobile collaboration (DMC), IEEE WETICE, 13 - 15 June 2005, Linköping, Sweden, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Jørstad, I., Dustdar, S., van Thanh, D. (2005). A Service Oriented Architecture Framework for collaborative services. 3rd International Workshop on Distributed and Mobile collaboration (DMC), IEEE WETICE, 13 - 15 June 2005, Linköping, Sweden, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Schmit, B.A., Dustdar, S. (2005). Towards Transactional Web Services. 1st IEEE International Workshop on Service-oriented Solutions for Cooperative Organizations (SoS4CO '05), co-located with the 7th International IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC 2005), 19 July 2005, Munich, Germany.
- Gombotz, R., Baina, K., Dustdar, S. (2005). Towards Web Services Interaction Mining Architecture for e-commerce applications analysis, International Conference on E-Business and E-Learning, Sumaya University for Technology , 23 - 24 May 2005 Amman, Jordan.
- Truong, H.-L., Fahringer, T., Nerieri, F., Dustdar, S. (2005) Performance Metrics and Ontology for Describing Performance Data of Grid Workflows, IEEE International Workshop on Grid Performability colocated at the IEEE Cluster Computing and Grid 2005 Conference (CCGrid), 9 - 12 May 2005, Cardiff, UK.
- Schreiner, W., Dustdar, S. (2005), Collaborative Web Service Technologies, CCE 2005, 14 - 15 April 2005, Sopron, Hungary.
- Jørstad, I., van Thanh, D., Dustdar, S. (2005). A service continuity layer for mobile services. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2005, Volume 4, 13-17 March 2005 pp. 2300 - 2305 Vol. 4, IEEE.
- Schmit, B.A., Dustdar, S. (2005). Model-driven Development of Web service Transactions, XML4BPM 2005 - XML for Business Process Management Workshop, co-located with the 11th GI Konferenz Business, Technologie, und Web (BTW 2005), 1 March 2005, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Jørstad, I., van Thanh, D., Dustdar, S. (2004). Towards Service Continuity for Generic Mobile Services.The 2004 IFIP International Conference on Intelligence in Communication Systems (INTELLCOMM 04), 23 - 26 November 2004, Bangkok, Thailand
- Jørstad, I., Dustdar, S., van Thanh, D. (2004). Personalization of Future Mobile Services. 9th International Conference on Intelligence in Service Delivery Networks (ICIN), 18 - 21 October, Bordeaux, France, IEEE
- Vasko, M., Dustdar, S. (2004). An Analysis of Web services Workflow Patterns in Collaxa. European Conference on Web services (ECOWS) 2004, 27 - 30 September 2004, Erfurt, Germany, Springer LNCS.
- Dustdar, S., Haslinger S. (2004). Testing of Service Oriented Architectures – A practical approach (Appendix). Net.ObjectDays 2004. 27 - 30 September 2004, Erfurt, Germany, Springer LNCS.
- Dustdar, S., Fenkam, P. (2004). Formally Designing Web services for Mobile Team Collaboration. 30th IEEE Euromicro Conference 2004, 1 - 3 September, Rennes, France, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Dustdar, S. (2004). Reconciling Knowledge Management and Workflow Management: The Activity-based Knowledge Management Approach. 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management, 30 June - 2 July 2004, Graz, Austria, pp. 457 - 464, Springer Verlag (ISSN 0948-695x).
- Jørstad, I., Dustdar, S., van Thanh, D. (2004) Service Continuity and Personalisation in Future Mobile Services. 10th International Workshop on Advances in fixed and mobile networks (EUNICE 2004), Tampere, Finland, 14-16 June 2004.
- Kerer, C., Dustdar, S., Jazayeri, M, Gomes, D., Szego, A., Burgos Caja, J.A. (2004). Presence-Aware Infrastructure using Web services and RFID technologies, 2nd European Workshop on Object Orientation and Web Services, ECOOP Workshop, 14 June 2004, Oslo, Norway, Springer LNCS.
- Jørstad, I., van Thanh, D., Dustdar, S. (2004). An analysis of service continuity in mobile services. 2nd International Workshop on Distributed and Mobile collaboration (DMC), WETICE conference, 14-16 June, Modena, Italy, 2004, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Jørstad, I., Dustdar, S., van Thanh, D. (2004). Evolution of Mobile Services: An analysis of current architectures with prospect to future. 2nd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Information and collaboration Systems (UMICS), co-located with CAiSE 2004, 7-11 June 2004, Riga, Latvia, Springer LNCS.
- Anzböck, R., Dustdar, S. (2004). Modeling Medical e-services. 2nd International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2004). 17-18 June 2004, Potsdam, Germany, Springer LNCS.
- Liebmann, E., Dustdar, S. (2004).
Adaptive data dissemination and caching for edge service architectures built with the J2EE . 19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2004), Track on Web Technologies and Applications, 14-17 March, 2004, Nicosia, Cyprus, ACM.
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- Dustdar, S. Gall, H., Schmidt, R. (2004). Web Services For Groupware in Distributed and Mobile Collaboration. 12th IEEE Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network based Processing (PDP 2004), A Coruña - Spain, February, 11-13, 2004, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Dustdar, S., Gall, H. (2003). Pervasive Software Services For Dynamic Virtual Organizations. Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE'03), 29-31 October 2003, Lugano, Switzerland, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Oberleitner, J., Dustdar, S. (2003). Constructing Web Services out of Generic Component Compositions. Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Services Europe (ICWS), 23. - 24. September, Erfurt, Germany, Springer LNCS.
- Kurmanowytsch, R., Kirda, E., Kerer, C., Dustdar, S. (2003). OMINX: A topology-independent P2P Middleware. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems (UMICS), CAiSE 2003.
- Anzböck, R., Dustdar, S. (2003). Interorganizational Workflow in the Medical Imaging Domain. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2003), April, Angers, France, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Dustdar, S., Gall, H., Kirda, E. (2003). Distributed Product Development in Virtual Communities. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Cooperative Support for Distributed Software Engineering Processes, 25. March 2003, Benevento, Italy, co-located with 7th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering 2003 (CSMR 2003).
- Anzböck, R., Dustdar, S., Gall, H. (2003). Software Distribution Environments for Workflow Management Systems - The case of MQSeries Workflow. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, February, Innsbruck, Actapress Publishing.
- Dustdar, S., Gall, H. (2003).
Architectural concerns in distributed and mobile collaborative systems . 11th Euromicro Conference on Parallel Distributed and Network based Processing (PDP 2003), February, Genoa, Italy, IEEE Computer Society Press.
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- Dustdar (2002). Collaborative Knowledge Flow - improving process-awareness and traceability of work activities. 4th International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (PAKM 2002), December, Springer LNCS.
- Baina, K., Dustdar, S. (2002). Web-Services Coordination Model. International Conference on Cooperative Internet Computing (CIC 2002), in conjunction with VLDB conference, August, Hong Kong, Kluwer Academic Press.
- Dustdar, S., Gall, H. (2002). Process Awareness for distributed software development in virtual teams. 28th EUROMICRO Conference: Software Process and Product Improvement, September, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Dustdar, S. Gall, H. (2002). Towards a Software Architecture for Distributed and Mobile Collaborative Systems. 26th International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2002), IEEE Computer Society Press, August 2002.
- Dustdar, S., Gall, H. (2002). Architectural concerns in distributed and mobile collaborative systems. 14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2002), July, Poster, ACM-Press.
- Anzböck, R., Dustdar, S., Gall, H. (2002).
Software configuration, distribution, and deployment of web-services . 14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2002), July, ACM-Press.
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- Dustdar, S. (2002). Mobility of Context for project teams. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Mobile Teamwork at the 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2002), July, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Dustdar, S., Gall, H., Reif, G., Niederacher, K., Wahler, A.(2002). CONTESSA: A CONTEnt Semantic Service Agent. Proceedings of the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), June, Springer LNCS.
- Fenkam, P., Dustdar, S., Kirda, E., Reif, G., Gall, H. (2002). Towards an Access Control System for Mobile Peer-to-Peer Collaborative Environments. 11th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2002), June, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Fenkam, P., Kirda, E., Dustdar, S., Gall, H., Reif, G. (2002). Evaluation of a publish/subscribe system for collaborative working. 11th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2002), June, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Dustdar, S. (2002). Collaborative Workflow in distributed teams - Management and Implementation issues. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Concurrent Engineering (ECEC 2002), Modena, Italy, April 2002.
- Dustdar, S., Gall, H. (2002). Mobile and Distributed Collaboration in Virtual Communities. Proceedings of IFIP Conference on Infrastructures of Virtual Enterprises, Portugal, Kluwer Academic Publishers, May 2002
- Dustdar, S., Hofstede, G. (1998). Videoconferencing across cultures - a conceptual framework for floor control issues. Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems 1998, Aix-en-Provence, France.
- Dustdar, S. (1997). Multimedia Information Systems Applications - A Taxonomy and Three Case Studies. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, Ottawa, Canada.
- Dustdar, S. (1996). Multimediale Telekooperation - Einsatz neuer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in virtuellen Organisationen. Proceedings of IT-Kongress 96, p. 849-861, Vienna.
- Dustdar, S. (1996). An analysis of IT and organizational requirements for multimedia cooperation on the Internet: a case study on the office of the future, in Proceedings of the IFIP 8.4 conference on Office Information Systems, Arizona, Tucson, USA, April 1996. </ol>
- Zhang Q., Li Y., Zhang D., Murturi I., Casamayor Pujol V., Dustdar S., Wang S. (2024). Intelligence Inference on IoT Devices. In: Learning Techniques for the Internet of Things, Springer Cham, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-031-50514-0, pp. 171-195
- Li Y., Zhang Q., Wang X., Zeng R., Li H., Murturi I., Dustdar S., Huang M. (2024). Federated Learning for Internet of Things. In: Learning Techniques for the Internet of Things, Springer Cham, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-031-50514-0, pp. 33-55
- Avasalcai C., Dustdar S. (2023). Edge Computing: Use Cases and Research Challenges. In: Digital Transformation; Vogel-Heuser B., Wimmer M. (Eds.), Springer Vieweg Berlin, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-662-65003-5, pp. 125–142
- Dustdar S., Murturi I. (2021). Towards IoT Processes on the Edge. In: Next-Gen Digital Services. A Retrospective and Roadmap for Service Computing of the Future, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-030-73202-8, pp. 167 - 178
- Avasalcai C., Murturi I., Dustdar S. (2020). Edge and Fog: A Survey, Use Cases, and Future Challenges. In: Fog Computing: Theory and Practice
- Riveni M., Hillen C., Dustdar S. (2018). Privacy in Human Computation: User Awareness Study, Implications for Existing Platforms, Recommendations, and Research Directions. in: Emerging Research Challenges and Opportunities in Computational Social Network Analysis and Mining; Lecture Notes in Social Networks; Agarwal N., Dokoohaki N., Tokdemir S (Eds.); Springer, Cham, 2018, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-319-94104-2, pp. 247 - 267
- Nastic S., Dustdar S. (2018). Towards Deviceless Edge Computing: Challenges, Design Aspects, and Models for Serverless Paradigm at the Edge. in: The Essence of Software Engineering; Gruhn V., Striemer R. (ed.), Springer, Cham, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-319-73896-3, pp.121-136
- Nastic S., Cubo J., Donato M., Dustdar S., Guthu Ö., Jonsson M., Özdemir Ö, Pimentel E., Yümlü M. S. (2018). SMART-FI: Exploiting Open IoT Data from Smart Cities in the Future Internet Society. in: Internet of Everything: Algorithms, Methodologies, Technologies and Perspectives, Springer Singapore, (invited), ISBN: 978-981-10-5860-8, pp. 153-173
- Scekic O., Riveni M., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2017). Social Interaction Analysis for Team Collaboration. in: Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (Continuously updated edition); Reda Alhajj, Jon Rokne (ed.); Springer, (invited), ISBN: 978-1-4614-7163-9
- Qanbari S., Li F., Dustdar S., Dai T. (2015). An Economic Model for Utilizing Cloud Computing Resources via Pricing Elasticity of Demand and Supply. in: Cloud Computing and Services Sciences: International Conference, CLOSER 2014, Revised Selected Papers. Communications in Computer and Information Science 512; Helfert M., Desprez F., Ferguson D., Leymann F., Munoz V. (Eds.); Springer, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-319-25413-5, pp. 47 - 62
- Scekic O., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2015). Supporting Multilevel Incentive Mechanisms in Crowdsourcing Systems: An Artifact-Centric View. in: Crowdsourcing: Cloud-Based Software Development (Series Title: Progress in IS), ISSN: 2196-8705; Li W., Huhns M., Tsai W., Wu W. (ed.); Springer, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-662-47010-7, pp. 91 - 111
- Li F., Qanbari S., Vögler M., Dustdar S. (2015). Constructing green software services: From service models to cloud-based architecture. in: Green in Software Engineering, (invited), Springer
- Copil G., Moldovan D., Le D.-H., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S., Sofokleous C., Loulloudes N., Trihinas D., Pallis G., Dikaiakos M. D., Sheridan C., Floros E., Loverdos C. KK , Star K., Xing W. (2015). On Controlling Elasticity of Cloud Applications in CELAR. in: Emerging Research in Cloud Distributed Computing Systems, Advances in Systems Analysis, Software Engineering, and High Performance Computing (ASASEHPC) Book Series
- Zabolotnyi R., Leitner P., Dustdar S. (2014). Building Elastic Java
Application Services
Seamlessly in the Cloud:
A Middleware Framework. Handbook of Research on Architectural Trends in Service-Driven Computing, IGI Global - Candra M. Z. C.., Zabolotnyi R., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2014). Virtualizing Software and Human for Elastic Hybrid Services. in: Advanced Web Services, editors: Athman Bouguettaya, Quan Z. Sheng, Florian Daniel, Springer
- Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2014). Sustainability Data and Analytics in Cloud-based M2M Systems. in: Big Data and Internet of Things: A Roadmap for Smart Environments, Eds: Bessis, N. and Dobre, C., Springer
- Satzger B., Zabolotnyi R., Dustdar S., Gaedke M., Wild S., Goebel S., Nestler T. (2014). Toward Collaborative Software Engineering Leveraging the Crowd. in: Economics-Driven Software Architecture
- Scekic O., Riveni M., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2014). Social Interaction Analysis for Team Collaboration. in: Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Springer
- Li F., Vögler M., Sehic S., Qanbari S., Truong H.-L., Nastic S., Dustdar S. (2013). IoT PaaS: Intelligent IT infrastructure for smart cities. in: Smart City - Viennese Expertise based on Science and Research, Schmid (publisher), Vienna, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-900607-51-7
- De Lemos R., Giese H., Müller H., Shaw M., Dustdar S., Göschka K. et al. (2013). Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: A Second Research Roadmap.in: Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems II, LNCS 7475, International Seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, October 24-29, 2010, Revised Selected and Invited Papers", R. de Lemos, H. Giese, H. Müller, M. Shaw (ed.); Springer, 2013, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-642-35812-8, pp 1 - 32.
- S. Dustdar, Ph. Leitner, F. M. Nardini, F. Silvestri, G. Tolomei (2013). Mining Lifecycle Event Logs for Enhancing Service-based Applications. in: Adaptive Web Services for Modular and Reusable Software Development: Tactics and Solutions, Guadalupe Ortiz and Javier Cubo (ed.), (invited), IGI Global
- M. Ali, R. Pichler, H. Truong, S. Dustdar (2012). Incorporating Data Concerns into Query Languages for Data Services. in: Enterprise Information Systems 13th International Conference, ICEIS 2011, Revised Selected Papers, LNBIP 102, R. Zhang, J. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. Filipe, J. Cordeiro (ed.); Springer, 2012, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-642-29957-5, pp. 132 - 145.
- H. Truong, S. Dustdar (2012). Service-Oriented Architecture for Mobile Services.
in: Handbook of Mobile Systems Applications and Services, A. Kumar, B. Xie (ed.); Auerbach Publications, 2012, ISBN: 978-1-4398-0152-9, p. 3 - 44.
- A.K. Malik, A. Manzoor, S. Dustdar (2012). Context-Aware Privacy and Sharing Control in Collaborative Mobile Applications. in: Handbook of Research on Mobile Software Engineering: Design, Implementation and Emergent Applications, ISBN: 978-1615206551, IGI Global
- Atif Manzoor, Hong-Linh Truong, Ahmad Kamran Malik, and Schahram Dustdar (2012). Quality of Context and Mobile Systems: Past, Present and Future. in Handbook of Research on Mobile Software Engineering: Design, Implementation and Emergent Applications, ISBN: 978-1615206551, published by IGI Global
- Truong H.- L , Gangadharan G.R., Comerio M., D'Andrea V., De Paoli F., Dustdar S. (2012). Reconciliation of Contractual Concerns of Web Services, in: Handbook of Research on Non-Functional Properties for Service-Oriented Systems: Future Directions, Editors: Stephan Reiff-Marganiec and Marcel Tilly, IGI Global, 2012, ISBN: 9781613504321, pp. 298 - 321.
- H.-L.Truong , T. Vu Pham, N. Thoai, S. Dustdar (2012). Cloud Computing for Education and Research in Developing Countries, in: Cloud Computing for Teaching and Learning: Strategies for Design and Implementation, Editor: Li Chao, IGI, September 2011.
- H. Tran, T. Holmes, U. Zdun, S. Dustdar (2011). Using Model-Driven Views and Trace Links to Relate Requirements and Architecture: A Case Study. in: Relating software requirements and architectures, I. Mistrik, with J. Grundy, J.G. Hall, P. Avgeriou, P. Lago (eds.), Springer
- Vincent C. Emeakaroha, Ivona Brandic, Michael Maurer, Schahram Dustdar (2011). SOA and QoS Management for Cloud Computing In: Cloud computing: methodology, systems, and applications. Editors: Lizhe Wang, Rajiv Ranjan, Jinjun Chen, Boualem Benatallah, CRC, Taylor & Francis group.
- T. Holmes, E. Mulo, U. Zdun, S. Dustdar (2011) Model-Aware Monitoring of SOAs for Compliance, in: "Service Engineering: European Research Results", S. Dustdar, F. Li (Hrg.); Springer, 2011, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-7091-0414-9, p. 117 - 136.
- W. Hummer, Ph. Leitner, A. Michlmayr, F. Rosenberg, S. Dustdar (2011). VRESCo - Vienna Runtime Environment for Service-oriented Computing, in: "Service Engineering: European Research Results", S. Dustdar, F. Li (Hrg.); Springer, 2011, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-7091-0414-9, p. 299 - 324.
- H. Truong, S. Dustdar (2010). Context Coupling Techniques for Context-aware Web Service Systems: An Overview, in: Enabling Context-Aware Web Services: Methods, Architectures, and Technologies, Q. Sheng, J. Yu, S. Dustdar (Hrg.); CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla., 2010, ISBN: 978-1-4398-0985-3, p. 337 - 364.
- I. Brandic, V. Emeakaroha, M. Maurer, S. Dustdar (2010): Including Energy Efficiency into Self-adaptable Cloud Services in: Proceedings of the COST Action IC0804 on Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems 1st Year, J. Pierson, H. Hlavacs (Hrg.); COST Office, 2010, (invited), ISBN: 978-2-917490-10-5, p. 84 - 87.
- I. Brandic, D. Music, S. Dustdar: Service Mediation and Negotiation Bootstrapping as First Achievements Towards Self-adaptable Cloud Services, in: Grids and Service-Oriented Architectures for Service Level Agreements, P. Wieder, R. Yahyapour, W. Ziegler (Hrg.); Springer, 2010, (invited), ISBN: 978-1-4419-7319-1, p. 119 - 132
- A.Michlmayr , P.Leitner, F.Rosenberg and S.Dustdar: Event Processing in Web Service Runtime Environments, in: Principles and Applications of Distributed Event-Based Systems, IGI Global (Editor(s): Annika Hinze and Alejandro Buchmann), 2010
- Reiff-Marganiec St., Hong Y., Yu H. , Dustdar S., Dorn C., Schall D., Truong H., Peray S., Tilly M., Giuliani G., Melchiorre Ch., Stringa S.: Context Aware Collaborative Working Environments; in: Handbook of Research on Mobile Multimedia: Second Edition (2 Volumes), I. Khalil Ibrahim (Hrg.); Information Science Reference, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-60566-046-2, p. 702 - 717
- B. Cheng, R. de Lemos, H. Giese, P. Inverardi, J. Magee, S. Dustdar et al.: Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: A Research Road Map; in: "Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems", B. Cheng, R. de Lemos, H. Giese, P. Inverardi, J. Magee (ed.); Springer LNCS 5525, 2009, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-642-02160-2, p. 1 - 26.
- Leitner,P. Rosenberg,F., Michlmayr, A., Huber, A., Dustda, S., (2009). A Mediator-Based Approach to Resolving Interface Heterogeneity of Web Services; in: "Emerging Web Services Technology Volume III", W. Binder, S. Dustdar (ed.); issued by: Whitestein Series; Birkhäuser Verlag AG, 2009, (invited), ISBN: 978-3-0346-0103-0, p. 55 - 74.
- Tran, H., Holmes, T., Zdun, U., Dustdar, S., (2009). Modeling Process-Driven SOAs - a View-Based Approach; in: "Handbook of Research on Business Process Modeling", J. Cardoso, W. van der Aalst (ed.); Information Science Reference, 2009, (invited), ISBN: 978-1-60566-288-6, p. 27 - 48.
- Rosenberg, F., Michlmayr, A., Nagl, C., Dustdar, S. (2009). Distributed Business Rules within Service-Centric Systems. Handbook of Research on Emerging Rule-Based Languages and Technologies: Open Solutions and Approaches, IGI Global (Editor(s): Dragan Gasevic, Adrian Giurca, Kuldar Taveter) Information Science Reference, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-60566-402-6, p. 448 - 470.
- Dustdar, S., Platzer, C., Krämer, B. (2009). Discovery, Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer
- Schranz, M., Dustdar, S. (2008) Multimedia News Systems. In: Encyclopedia of Multimedia, 2nd Edition, edited by Borko Furht, Springer, Boston, MA, ISBN: 978-0-387-74724-8, pp. 575-581
- Platzer, C., Rosenberg, F., Dustdar, S. (2008). Enhancing Web service Discovery and Monitoring with Quality of Service Information, in Securing Web Services: Practical Usage of Standards and Specifications, edited by Periorellis, IGI Global
- Dorn, C., Dustdar, S., Giuliani, G., Gombotz, R., Ning, K., Peray, S., Reiff-Marganiec, S., Schall, D., Tilly, M., (2007). Interaction and Context in Service-Oriented E-Collaboration Environments. in: "Encyclopedia of E-Collaboration", N. Kock (ed.); Information Science Reference, 2007, ISBN: 978-159904-000-4, p. 389 - 397.
- Schall, D., Dorn, C., Dustdar, S. (2008). Context-aware Mobile Computing. in Encyclopedia of Wireless and Mobile Communications, CRC Press
- Schall, D., Dorn, C., Dustdar, S. (2008). Wireless Internet Applications. in Encyclopedia of Wireless and Mobile Communications, CRC Press
- Dorn, C., Schall, D., Dustdar, S. (2008). Mobile Internet Technologies. in Encyclopedia of Wireless and Mobile Communications, CRC Press
- van Thanh, D., Jørstad, I., Dustdar, S. (2006). Mobile Multimedia Collaborative services. In Handbook of Research on Mobile Multimedia, Edited by Ismail Khalil Ibrahim, Idea Group Publishing, USA.
- Dustdar, S., Falchuck, B. (2006). Semantic Web. In Encyclopedia of Multimedia, Edited by Borko Furht, Springer 2006
- Robbins, W., Dustdar, S. (2006). Collaborative Computing - an Area Overview. In Encyclopedia of Multimedia, Edited by Borko Furht, Springer 2006
- Schranz, M., Dustdar, S. (2006) Multimedia News Systems. In Encyclopedia of Multimedia, Edited by Borko Furht, Springer 2006
- Dustdar, S. (2005). Process-Aware Information Systems in Virtual Teamwork. In Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Idea Group Publishing, USA. The 2nd edition: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition
- Dustdar, S., Gall, H., Schmidt, R. (2005). Web services for Groupware. In Service-oriented Software System Engineering: Challanges and Practices. Zoran Stojanovic and Ajantha Dahanayake (Eds.), Idea Group Publishing, USA.
- Dustdar, S. (2004). Towards integration of artifacts, resources, and processes for distributed virtual teams. In Virtual Teams: Projects, Protocols and Processes. David J. Pauleen (Ed.). Idea Group Publishing, Information Science Publishing and IRM Press imprints.
- Dustdar, S. (2003). Cooperative Multimedia Information Systems: Systems, Architectures, and Management Issues. In Multimedia Information Retrieval and Management. D. Feng, W. C. Siu and Hong-Jiang Zhang (Eds.), Springer Verlag.
- Hausleitner, A., Dustdar, S. (1999) Caramba - Ein Java basiertes Multimedia Koordinationssystem, in: Erfahrungen mit Java. Projekte aus Industrie und Hochschule. Silvano Maffeis, et al. (Eds.), dPunkt Verlag, Heidelberg.
- Dustdar, S. (1999). Towards culturally aware information systems, in: "Doing Business on the Internet", (Sudweeks and Romm (Eds.)), Springer Verlag 1999.
- Dustdar, S. and Angelides, M. C. (1998) Multimedia information systems, in: The Handbook of Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (B. Furht, Ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press LLC.
- Buurman, G., Dustdar, S. (1997). Telekooperation im Industrial Design. In Telekooperation in Unternehmen (Lehner, F. und Dustdar, S., Hrsg.) pp . 283-294. Gabler Verlag
- Dustdar, S. (1996). Multimedia Groupware - using multimedia conferencing tools on the Internet/MBone. in (Keyes, J. Ed.) The Ultimate Multimedia Handbook: McGraw-Hill.
- Dustdar, S. (1995). Enterprise Multimedia Systems - A Case study. in (Keyes J., Ed.) Technology Trendlines New York: VNR-ITP, p.293-302.
- Aiello M., Barzen J., Dustdar S., Leymann F. (2023) (Eds.). Service-Oriented Computing: 17th Symposium and Summer School, SummerSOC 2023, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, June 25 - July 1, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, ISBN: 978-3-031-45728-9, XII, 155 pp.
- Taheri J., Dustdar S., Zomaya A., Deng S. (2023). Edge Intelligence: From Theory to Practice, Springer, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-031-22154-5, XIV/247 pp.
- Barzen J., Leymann F., Dustdar S. (2022) (Eds.). Service-Oriented Computing: 16th Symposium and Summer School, SummerSOC 2022, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, July 3–9, 2022, Revised Selected Papers, ISBN: 978-3-031-18303-4, XII, 183 pp.
- Ardagna C. A., Bian H., Chang C. C., Chang R. N., Damiani E., Dustdar S., Marco J., Singh M., Teniente E., Ward R., Wang Z., Xhafa F., Zhang J. (2022) (Eds.). Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, IEEE SCC 2022, Barcelona, Spain, July 11-15, 2022, IEEE, ISBN 978-1-6654-8146-5
- Dustdar S., Yu E., Salinesi C., Rieu D., Pant V. (2020) (Eds.). Advanced Information Systems Engineering - 32nd International Conference, CAiSE 2020, Proceedings, LNCS 12127, Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-030-49434-6, 600 pp.
- Dustdar S. (2020) (Ed.). Service-Oriented Computing: 14th Symposium and Summer School on Service-Oriented Computing, SummerSOC 2020, Crete, Greece, September 13-19, 2020, Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-030-64845-9, 219 pp.
- Bucchiarone A., Dragoni N., Dustdar S., Lago P., Mazzara M., Rivera V., Sadovykh A. (2020) (Eds.). Microservices: Science and Engineering, Springer, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-030-31645-7, 364 p.
- Motahari Nezhad H., Mikkilineni R., Benatallah B., Casati F., Dustdar S., Dodig-Crnkovic G., Mos A. (2018) (Eds.). Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Cognitive Services, SE4COG 2018@ICSE 2018, ACM, ISBN: 978-1-4503-5740-1
- Issarny V., Dustdar S. (2018) (Eds.). Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Society, ICSE-SEIS 2018, ACM, ISBN: 978-1-4503-5661-9
- Dustdar S., Nastic S., Scekic O. (2017). Smart Cities: The Internet of Things, People and Systems. Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-319-60029-1, 268 pp.
- Dustdar S., Leymann F., Villari M. (2015) (Eds.). Service Oriented and Cloud Computing, 4th European Conference, ESOCC 2015, Taormina, Italy, September 15-17, 2015, Proceedings, LNCS 9306, Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-319-24071-8
- Daniel F., Barkaoui K., Dustdar S. (2012) (Eds.). Business Process Management Workshops, BPM 2011 International Workshops, Clermont-Ferrand, France, August 29, 2011, Revised Selected Papers, Part I, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-28107-5
- Daniel F., Barkaoui K., Dustdar S. (2012) (Eds.). Business Process Management Workshops, BPM 2011 International Workshops, Clermont-Ferrand, France, August 29, 2011, Revised Selected Papers, Part II, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-28114-3
- Weber A., Dustdar S. (2012). Haptic Systems Architecture Modeling, Springer, Vienna, ISBN: 978-3-7091-0754-6; 124 p.
- Göschka K., Dustdar S., Tosic V. (2011) (Eds.). Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Middleware for Service Oriented Computing (MW4SOC 2011) at the Middleware Conference,
ACM, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-4503-1067-3; 33 pp.
- Dustdar, S., Schall, D., Skopik, F., Juszczyk, L., Psaier, H. (2011) (Eds.). Socially Enhanced Services Computing, Modern Models and Algorithms for Distributed Systems, Springer, ISBN 978-3-7091-0812-3, 140 p.
- Dustdar S., Li F. (2011) (Eds.) (2011).: Service Engineering - European Research Results, Springer, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-7091-0414-9; 338 p.
- Maximilien E., Rossi G., Yuan S., Ludwig H., Fantinato M., Pernici B., Dustdar S., Gangadharan G., Lago P., Murugesan S. et al. (2011) (Eds.) . SEE 2010 Proceedings in: Service-Oriented Computing ICSOC 2010 International Workshops PAASC, WESOA, SEE, and SOC-LOG, Revised Selected Papers; Springer LNCS 6568, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-642-19393-4; 269 pp.
- Sheng, Q.Z., Yu, J., Dustdar, S. (2010) (Eds.). Enabling Context-Aware Web Services: Methods, Architectures, and Technologies (Hardcover), Chapman & Hall
- Göschka K., Dustdar S., Leymann F., Paik H., Tosic V., Froihofer L. (Eds.) (2010). Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Middleware for Service Oriented Computing (MW4SOC 2010); ACM, ISBN: 978-1-4503-0452-8; 47 p.
- Di Nitto E., Dustdar S. (Eds.) (2009). Proceedings of the 2009 ICSE Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service Oriented Systems,
IEEE Computer Society, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-4244-3716-0; 110 p.
- Göschka K., Dustdar S., Leymann F., Paik H. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Middleware for Service Oriented Computing (MW4SOC 2009); ACM, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-60558-848-3; 36 p.
- Ardagna D., Mecella M., Yang J., de Leoni M., Dustdar S., ter Hofstede A. et al. (2009) (Eds.). Business Process Management Workshops BPM 2008 Revised Papers Volume 17, Springer, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-642-00327-1 (PH4HDPS Workshop)
- Binder, W., Dustdar, S. (2009) (Eds.). Emerging Web Services Technology Volume III - Whitestein Series, Birkhäuser Verlag AG, ISBN: 978-3-0346-0103-0; 180 p.
- Göschka K., Dustdar S., Leymann F., Tosic V. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Middleware for Service Oriented Computing (MW4SOC 2008); ACM, 2008, ISBN: 978-1-60558-368-6; 66 p.
- Göschka K., Dustdar S., Leymann F., Tosic V. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Middleware for Service Oriented Computing (MW4SOC) held at the Middleware Conference; ACM, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-59593-928-9; 35 p.
- Göschka K., Dustdar S., Leymann F., Tai S. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Middleware for Service Oriented Computing (MW4SOC 2006);
ACM, 2006, ISBN: 1-59593-425-1; 53 p. - Dustdar, S., Fiadeiro, J.L., Sheth, A. (2006) (Eds.). 4th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM), Vienna, Austria, Springer LNCS 4102
- Eder, J., Dustdar, S. (2006) (Eds.). BPM 2006 International Workshops, Vienna, Austria, Springer LNCS 4103
- Latour T., Petit M., Norrie M., Dustdar S., Gall H. et al. (2006) (Eds.). UMICS 2006 Proceedings in: CAISE 2006 Workshops and Doctoral Consortium Proceedings, Presses universitaires de Namur, Namur, 2006, ISBN: 978-2-87037-525-9
- Bussler C., Haller A., Dumas M., Dustdar S., Leymann F. et al. (2006) (Eds.). BPS 2005 Proceedings in: Business Process Management Workshops, BPM 2005, Springer LNCS 3812, ISBN: 3-540-32595-6.
- Norrie, M., Dustdar, S. (2005) (Eds.). UMICS 2005 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems, 13-14 June 2005, Porto, Portugal, FEUP Edições Publishing.
- Dustdar S., Gall H., Mehandjiev N., Tata S. et al. (2005). DMC 2005 - Distributed and Mobile Collaboration Proceedings in: WETICE 2005 Proceedings,
IEEE Computer Society, 2005, ISBN: 0-7695-2362-5; 374 p.
- Baresi, L., Dustdar, S., Gall, H., Matera, M. (2004) (Eds.). UMICS 2004 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems, 7 - 11 June, Riga, Latvia, Springer-Verlag LNCS 3272
- Dustdar S., Gall H. (2004) (Eds.). DMC- Distributed and Mobile Collaboration Workshop Report, IEEE, 2004, ISBN: 0-7695-2183-5
- Dustdar S., Gall H. (2004) (Eds.). Automated Software Engineering, CSSE 2004, Austrian Computer Society, 2004, ISBN: 3-85403-180-7.
- Dustdar, S., Gall, H., Hauswirth, M. (2003). Software-Architekturen für Verteilte Systeme, Springer-Verlag, Juli 2003. (Table of Content in Englisch)
- Baresi, L., Comai, S., Dustdar, S., Gall, H., Matera M. (2003) (Eds.). Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems (UMICS) Workshop Proceedings. co-located with CAiSE 2003, Velden, Austria, 16-17 June, 2003. University of Maribor Press, ISBN 86-435-0552-8
- Dustdar, S., Gall, H. (2003) (Eds.). Distributed and Mobile Collaboration Workshop (DMC). co-located with WETICE 2003, Linz, Austria, 9-11 June 2003, IEEE Computer Society Press
- Angelides, M.C. and Dustdar, S. (1997). Multimedia Information Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Lehner, F. und Dustdar, S. (Eds.) (1997). Telekooperation in Unternehmen. Gabler-Verlag.
- Dustdar, S. (1991). Word für Windows Toolbox, Data Becker Verlag Düsseldorf 1990 (translated into English and French 1991)
- Dustdar S. (2014). Clevere Smart Cities, Computerwelt, Special 2014, (invited)
- Dustdar S., Vögler M., Sehic S., Qanbari S., Nastic S., Truong H.-L. (2014). The Internet of Things Meets Cloud Computing in Smart Cities. Bridges, Vol. 41, (invited)
- Dustdar, S., (2009). "Wie IT Compliance unterstützt"; hi!tech (invited), 1 (2009), April; p. 58.
- Dustdar, S. (2006). Software services - impacts on university education - A column
- Dustdar, S. (1995). A comprehensive guide to multimedia production. IEEE Multimedia, 1(4), 86. (book review)
- Dustdar, S. (1995). Multimedia im Internet, Monitor, 6/95, S. 51-53.
- Dustdar, S. (1994). The role of Multimedia Information Systems in Business Process Redesign: the case of Barclays bank. (No.48 Information Systems Working Paper). London School of Economics.
- Dustdar, S. (1992) Informationstechnologie als strategische Waffe, Informations-Management Teil 1, Monitor, Monitor-Verlag Wien, 2/92 S. 72-74
- Dustdar, S. (1992) Informations-Management und Office-Konzepte, Informations-Management Teil 2, Monitor, Monitor-Verlag Wien, 3/92 S. 62-65
- Dustdar, S. (1992) Farbbildbearbeitung, Monitor, Monitor-Verlag Wien, 2/92 S. 36-37, 1999
- Dustdar, S. (1992) Software-Entwicklung unter Windows, Monitor, Monitor-Verlag Wien, 2/92 S. 29-31
- Dustdar, S. (1991). Word für Windows-Software Praxis, Artikelserie in PC-Praxis Nr. 3, 5, 6, Data Becker Verlag Düsseldorf
- Dustdar, S. (1991) Programmierung unter Windows, Datenbank-Entwicklungsumgebung unter Windows, PC-Praxis Nr. 3/91, Data Becker Verlag Düsseldorf
- Dustdar, S. (1989). Laborstudie zur Bewertung von "pc-Guide" mit dem Trägersystem "pc-Rochade", Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Mai 1989
- Sedlak B., Morichetta A., Raith P., Casamayor Pujol V., Dustdar S. (2025). Towards Multi-dimensional Elasticity for Pervasive Stream Processing Services. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2503.04193, 4 pp.
- Lapkovskis A., Sedlak B., Magnússon S., Dustdar S., Donta P. K. (2025). Benchmarking Dynamic SLO Compliance in Distributed Computing Continuum Systems. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2503.03274, 10 pp.
- Laso S., Murturi I., Frangoudis P., Herrera J. L., Murillo J. M., Dustdar S. (2025). A Multidimensional Elasticity Framework for Adaptive Data Analytics Management in the Computing Continuum. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2501.11369, 6 pp.
- Shen X., Luo J., Wang H., Liu M., Dustdar S., Wang Z. (2024). A Hybrid BPMN-DMN Framework for Secure Inter-organizational Processes and Decisions Collaboration on Permissioned Blockchain. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2412.01196, 14 pp.
- Loisel F., Zeqo G., Morichetta A., Lackinger A., Dustdar S. (2024). RainCloud: Decentralized Coordination and Communication in Heterogeneous IoT Swarms. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2411.04593, 10 pp.
- Ding A., de Lara E., Dustdar S., Peltonen E., Meuser T. (2024). Edge-AI: Identifying Key Enablers in Edge Intelligence. Dagstuhl Reports: Seminar 23432, Volume 13, Issue 10, pp. 130-138
- Furutanpey A., Zhang Q., Raith P., Pfandzelter T., Wang S., Dustdar S. (2024). FOOL: Addressing the Downlink Bottleneck in Satellite Computing with Neural Feature Compression. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2403.16677, 18 pp.
- Gill S. S., Wu H., Patros P., Ottaviani C., Arora P., Casamayor Pujol V., Haunschild D., Parlikad A. K., Cetinkaya O., Lutfiyya H., Stankovski V., Li R., Ding Y., Qadir J., Abraham A., Ghosh S. K., Song H. H., Sakellariou R., Rana O., Rodrigues J. J. P. C., Kanhere S. S., Dustdar S., Uhlig S., Ramamohanarao K., Buyya R. (2024). Modern Computing: Vision and Challenges. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2401.02469, 48 pp.
- Zhang Q., Yuan X., Xing R., Zhang Y., Zheng Z., Ma X., Xu M., Dustdar S., Wang S. (2024). Resource-efficient In-orbit Detection of Earth Objects. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2402.01675, pp. 10
- Murturi I., Donta P. K., Casamayor Pujol V., Morichetta A., Dustdar S. (2023). Learning-driven Zero Trust in Distributed Computing Continuum Systems. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2311.17447, 6 pp.
- Murturi I., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2023). CommunityAI: Towards Community-based Federated Learning. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2311.17958, 9 pp.
- Hazra A., Morichetta A., Murturi I., Lovén L., Dehury C. K., Casamayor Pujol V., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2023). Distributed AI in Zero-touch Provisioning for Edge Networks: Challenges and Research Directions. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2311.17471, 7 pp.
- Bicer C., Murturi I., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2023). Blockchain-based Zero Trust on the Edge. arXiv:2311.16744, 8 pp.
- Guan J., Zhang Q., Murturi I., Donta P. K., Dustdar S., Wan S. (2023). Collaborative Inference in DNN-based Satellite Systems with Dynamic Task Streams. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2311.06073, 6 pp.
- Sedlak B., Casamayor Pujol V., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2023). Designing Reconfigurable Intelligent Systems with Markov Blankets. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2311.10597, 9 pp.
- Sedlak B., Casamayor Pujol V., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2023). Equilibrium in the Computing Continuum through Active Inference. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2311.16769, 33 pp.
- Furutanpey A., Raith P., Dustdar S. (2023). FrankenSplit: Efficient Neural Feature Compression with Shallow Variational Bottleneck Injection for Mobile Edge Computing. arXiv:2302.10681, 16 pp.
- Furutanpey A., Barzen J., Bechtold M., Dustdar S., Leymann F., Raith P., Truger F. (2023). Architectural Vision for Quantum Computing in the Edge-Cloud Continuum. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2305.05238, 16 pp.
- Beheshti A., Yang J., Sheng Q. Z., Benatallah B., Casati F., Dustdar S., Motahari Nezhad H. R., Zhang X., Xue S. (2023). ProcessGPT: Transforming Business Process Management with Generative Artificial Intelligence. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2306.01771, 9 pp.
- Sedlak B., Casamayor Pujol V., Donta P. K., Dustdar S. (2023). Active Inference on the Edge: A Design Study. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2311.10607, 6 pp.
- Li Y., Wang X., Zeng R., Donta P. K., Murturi I., Huang M., Dustdar S. (2023). Federated Domain Generalization: A Survey. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2306.01334, 39 pp.
- Gill S. S., Xu M., Patros P., Wu H., Kaur R., Kaur K., Fuller S., Singh M., Arora P., Parlikad A. K., Stankovski V., Abraham A., Ghosh S. K., Lutfiyya H., Kanhere S. S., Bahsoon R., Rana O., Dustdar S., Sakellariou R., Uhlig S., Buyya R. (2023). Transformative Effects of ChatGPT on Modern Education: Emerging Era of AI Chatbots. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2306.03823, pp. 5
- Zhao H., Deng S., Xiang Z., Yan X., Yin J., Dustdar S., Zomaya A. Y. (2023). Scheduling Multi-Server Jobs with Sublinear Regrets via Online Learning. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2305.06572, 12 pp.
- Deng S., Zhao H., Huang B., Zhang C., Chen F., Deng Y., Yin J., Dustdar S., Zomaya A. Y. (2023). Cloud-Native Computing: A Survey from the Perspective of Services. TechRxiv, DOI: 10.36227/techrxiv.23500383.v1, 32 pp.
- Iftikhar S., Gill S. S., Song C., Xu M., Aslanpour M. S., Toosi A. N., Du J., Wu H., Ghosh S., Chowdhury D., Golec M., Kumar M., Abdelmoniem A. M., Cuadrado F., Varghese B., Rana O., Dustdar S., Uhlig S. (2022). AI-based Fog and Edge Computing: A Systematic Review, Taxonomy and Future Directions. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2212.04645, 49 pp.
- Zhu S., Yu T., Xu T., Chen H., Dustdar S., Gigan S., Gunduz D., Hossain E., Jin Y., Lin F., Liu B., Wan Z., Zhang J., Zhao Z., Zhu W., Chen Z., Durrani T. S., Wang H., Wu J., Zhang T., Pan Y. (2022). Intelligent Computing: The Latest Advances, Challenges and Future. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2211.11281, 90 pp.
- Guo H., Xu M., Zhang J., Liu C., Yu D., Dustdar S., Cheng X. (2022). FileDAG: A Multi-Version Decentralized Storage Network Built on DAG-based Blockchain. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2212.09096, 11 pp.
- Huang Y., Zhu Y., Qiao X., Su X., Dustdar S., Zhang P. (2022). Towards Holographic Video Communications: A Promising AI-driven Solution. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2210.06794, 7 pp.
- Huang Y., Qiao X., Wang H., Su X., Dustdar S., Zhang P. (2022). Multi-Player Immersive Communications and Interactions in Metaverse: Challenges, Architecture, and Future Directions. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2210.06802, 7 pp.
- Li B., Deng S., Yan X., Dustdar S. (2022). The Confluence of Blockchain and 6G Network: Scenarios Analysis and Performance Assessment. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2207.04744, 27 pp.
- Kokkonen H., Loven L., Hossein Motlagh N., Partala J., Gonzalez-Gil A., Sola E., Angulo I., Liyanage M., Leppänen T., Nguyen T., Kostakos P., Bennis M., Tarkoma S., Dustdar S., Pirttikangas S., Riekki J. (2022). Autonomy and Intelligence in the Computing Continuum: Challenges, Enablers, and Future Directions for Orchestration. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2205.01423, 53 pp.
- Zhao H., Deng S., Chen F., Yin J., Dustdar S., Zomaya A. Y. (2022). Learning to Dispatch Multi-Server Jobs in Bipartite Graphs with Unknown Service Rates. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2204.04371, 11 pp.
- Sudharsan B., Sundaram D., Patel P., Breslin J. G., Ali M. I., Dustdar S., Zomaya A., Ranjan R. (2022). Multi-Component Optimization and Efficient Deployment of Neural-Networks on Resource-Constrained IoT Hardware. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2204.10183, 17 pp.
- Gill S. S., Xu M., Ottaviani C., Patros P., Bahsoon R., Shaghaghi A., Golec M., Stankovski V., Wu H., Abraham A., Singh M., Mehta H., Ghosh S. K., Baker T., Parlikad A. K., Lutfiyya H., Kanhere S. S., Sakellariou R., Dustdar S., Rana O., Brandic I., Uhlig S. (2022). AI for Next Generation Computing: Emerging Trends and Future Directions. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2203.04159, 43 pp.
- Dustdar S. (2021). Edge Intelligence. Dagstuhl Reports, Volume 11, Issue 7, pp. 81-82
- Ding A. Y., Peltonen E., Meuser T., Aral A., Becker C., Dustdar S., Hiessl T., Kranzlmüller D., Liyanage M., Magshudi S., Mohan N., Ott J., Rellermeyer J. S., Schulte S., Schulzrinne H., Solmaz G., Tarkoma S., Varghese B., Wolf L. (2021). Roadmap for Edge AI: A Dagstuhl Perspective. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2112.00616, 6 pp.
- Tuli S., Gill S. S., Xu M., Garraghan P., Bahsoon R., Dustdar S., Sakellariou R., Rana O., Buyya R., Casale G., Jennings N. R. (2021). HUNTER: AI based Holistic Resource Management for Sustainable Cloud Computing. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2110.05529, 16 pp.
- Hasselbring W., Wojcieszak M., Dustdar S. (2021). Control Flow Versus Data Flow in Distributed Systems Integration: Revival of Flow-Based Programming for the Industrial Internet of Things. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2108.08081, 13 pp.
- Varghese B., de Lara E., Ding A., Hong C.-H., Bonomi F., Dustdar S., Harvey P., Hewkin P., Shi W., Thiele M., Willis P. (2021). Revisiting the Arguments for Edge Computing Research. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2106.12224, 8 pp.
- McNamee F., Dustdar S., Kilpatrick P., Shi W., Spence I., Varghese B. (2020). A Case For Adaptive Deep Neural Networks in Edge Computing. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2008.01814, 11 pp.
- Gill S. S., Tuli S., Toosi A. N., Cuadrado F., Garraghan P., Bahsoon R., Lutfiyya H., Sakellariou R., Rana O., Dustdar S., Buyya R. (2020). ThermoSim: Deep Learning based Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Thermal-aware Resource Management for Cloud Computing Environments. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2004.08131, 26 pp.
- Zhao H., Deng S., Liu Z., Xiang Z., Yin J., Dustdar S., Zomaya A. Y. (2020). DPoS: Decentralized, Privacy-Preserving, and Low-Complexity Online Slicing for Multi-Tenant Networks. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2012.14108, 13 pp.
- Xiao Z., He D., Chen Y., Chronopoulos A., Dustdar S., Du J. (2020). A Bilateral Game Approach for Task Outsourcing in Multi-access Edge Computing. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2008.11617, 13 pp.
- Jha D. N., Alwasel K., Alshoshan A., Huang X., Naha R. K., Battula S. K., Garg S., Puthal D., James P., Zomaya A., Dustdar S., Ranjan R. (2019). IoTSim-Edge: A Simulation Framework for Modeling the Behaviour of IoT and Edge Computing Environments. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:1910.03026, 19 pp.
- Zhao H., Deng S., Liu Z., Yin J., Dustdar S. (2019). Distributed Redundancy Scheduling for Microservice-based Applications at the Edge. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:1911.03600, 14 pp.
- Deng S., Zhao H., Yin J., Dustdar S, Zomaya A. Y. (2019). Edge Intelligence: the Confluence of Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:1909.00560, 12 pp.
- Arleo A, Tsigkanos C., Jia C., Leite R. A., Murturi I., Klaffenböck M., Dustdar S., Wimmer M., Miksch S., Sorger J. (2019). Sabrina: Modeling and Visualization of Financial Data over Time with Incremental Domain Knowledge. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:1908.07479, 5 pp.
- Nguyen T. K., Sheng Q. Z., Babar M. A., Yao L., Zhang W. E., Dustdar S. (2018). Internet of Things Search Engine: Concepts, Classification, and Open Issues, arXiv:1812.02930, 14 pp.
- Zhang W., Sheng Q., Dustdar S. (2018). A Cache-based Optimizer for Querying Enhanced Knowledge Bases. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:1807.08461, 9 pp.
- Mendling J., Weber I., van der Aalst W., vom Brocke J., Cabanillas C., Daniel F., Debois S., Di Ciccio C., Dumas M., Dustdar S., Gal A., Garcia-Banuelos L., Governatori G., Hull R., La Rosa M., Leopold H., Leymann F., Recker J., Reichert M., Reijers H., Rinderle-Ma S., Rogge-Solti A., Rosemann M., Schulte S. Singh M., Slaats T., Staples M., Weber B., Weidlich M., Weske M., Xu X., Zhu L. (2017). Blockchains for Business Process Management - Challenges and Opportunities. CoRR - Computing Research Repository; arXiv:1704.03610, 10 pp.
- Dragoni N., Dustdar S., Larsen S., Mazzara M. (2017). Microservices: Migration of a Mission Critical System. CoRR - Computing Research Repository; arXiv:1704.04173, 14 pp.
- Jayaraman P., Perera C., Georgakopoulos D., Dustdar S., Thakker D., Ranjan R. (2016). Analytics-as-a-Service in a Multi-Cloud Environment through Semantically enabled Hierarchical Data Processing. CoRR - Computing Research Repository, arXiv:1606.07935, 18 pp.
- Chiang M., Shi W., Dustdar S. et al. (2016). NSF Workshop Report on Grand Challenges in Edge Computing, October 26, 2016 Washington, DC, US
- Yao L., Sheng Q. Z., Benatallah B., Dustdar S., Shemshadi A., Wang X., Ngu A. H.H. (2015). Up in the Air: When Homes Meet the Web of Things. CoRR - Computing Research Repository; arXiv:1512.06257, 11 pp.
- Zabolotnyi R., Leitner P., Hummer W., Dustdar S. (2014). JCloudScale: Closing the Gap Between IaaS and PaaS. CoRR - Computing Research Repository; arXiv:1411.2392, 21 pp.
- Qin Y., Sheng Q. Z., Falkner N. J.G., Dustdar S., Wang H., Vasilakos A. V. (2014). When Things Matter: A Data-Centric View of the Internet of Things. CoRR - Computing Research Repository; arXiv:1407.2704, 35 pp.
- Hoenisch P., Schuller D., Hochreiner C., Schulte S., Dustdar S. (October 2014). Elastic Process Optimization - The Service Instance Placement Problem, TUV-1841-2014-01, 2014
- Inzinger, C., Hummer, W., Satzger, B., Leitner, P., Dustdar, S. (July 2012). Identifying Incompatible Implementations of Industry Standard Service Interfaces for Dependable Service-Based Applications, TUV-1841-2012-1, 2012.
- Hummer, W.; Satzger, B.; Leitner, P.; Dustdar, S. (June 2011). Distributed Continuous Data Aggregation Over Web Service Event Streams, TUV-1841-2011-04, 2011.
- Dorn C., Skopik F., Schall D., Dustdar S. (April 2011). Interaction Mining and Skill-dependent Recommendations for Multi-objective Team Composition, TUV-1841-2011-03, 2011.
- M. Treiber, D. Schall, S. Dustdar, C. Scherling (March 31, 2011). Crowdsourcing Mobile Workflows with Tweetflows, TUV-1841-2011-02, 2011.
- Ph. Leitner, W. Hummer, S. Dustdar (Feb. 15, 2011). Cost-Based Optimization of Service Compositions, TUV-1841-2011-01, 2011.
- F. Skopik, D. Schall, S. Dustdar (April 19, 2010). Adaptive Information Disclosure in a DynamicWeb of Trust, TUV-1841-2010-03, 2010.
- Ph. Leitner, B. Wetzstein, F. Rosenberg, A. Michlmayr, S. Dustdar, F. Leymann (March 22, 2010). Runtime Prediction of Service Level Agreement Violations for Composite Services, TUV-1841-2010-02, 2010.
- Schall D., Skopik F., Dustdar S. (April 2010). Trust-based Discovery and Interactions in Mixed Service-Oriented Systems. TUV-1841-2010-01, 1 pp.
- A. Michlmayr, F. Rosenberg, Ph. Leitner, S. Dustdar (May 26, 2009). End-to-End Support for QoS-Aware Service Selection, Invocation and Mediation in VRESCo, TUV-1841-2009-03, 2009.
- I. Brandic, D. Music, Ph. Leitner, S. Dustdar (March 9, 2009). VieSLAF Framework: Increasing the Versatility of Grid QoS Models by Applying Semi-automatic SLA-Mappings, TUV-1841-2009-02, 2009; 9 pp.
- F. Rosenberg, P. Celikovic, Ph. Leitner, A. Michlmayr, S. Dustdar (March 17, 2009). An End-to-End Approach for QoS-Aware Service Composition, TUV-1841-2009-01, 2009.
- D. Schall, S. Dustdar. Expertise Ranking in Human Interaction Networks based on PageRank with Contextual Skill and Activity Measures, 2009.
- F. Skopik, D. Schall, H. Truong, S. Dustdar.Innovative Human Interaction Services Specification, FP7-216256, 2009.
- Ph. Leitner, A. Michlmayr, F. Rosenberg, S. Dustdar (March 11, 2008). End-to-End Versioning Support for Web Services, TUV-1841-2008-1, 2008.
- F. Skopik, H. Truong, S. Dustdar. Current and Future Technologies for Collaborative Working Environments, ESA ITT Number AO/3-12280/07/NL/CB, 2008.
- Ph. Leitner, F. Rosenberg, S. Dustdar (November 2, 2007). DAIOS - Efficient Dynamic Web Service Invocation, TUV-1841-2007-01, 2007.
- Schall D., Gombotz R., Dustdar S. (2006). Discovering Service-Interaction Patterns - Methods and Mining Algorithms, FP6-034718 inContext Technical Report, 2006, 65 p.
- Papazoglou, M.P., Paolo Traverso, Schahram Dustdar, and Frank Leymann (2006): Service-Oriented Computing Research Roadmap. Technical Report/vision paper on Service oriented computing European Union Information Society Technologies (IST), Directorate D - Software Technologies (ST).
- B. Schmit, N. Heschmat, S. Dustdar, G. Müller, J. Solarz (2006). Towards an Open Source e-Governance Solution, TUV-1841-2006-39, 2006; 12 p.
- S. Dustdar (2005). ICSoC 2005 Demonstration Session: Proceedings, TUV-1841-2005-34, 2005; 41 p.
- Rosenberg, F., Dustdar, S. (10 Feb 2005). Business Rules Integration in BPEL - A Service-Oriented Approach, TUV-1841-2005-30
- Truong, H.-L., Fahringer, T., Nerieri, F., Dustdar, S. (20 December 2004). Performance Metrics and Ontology for Describing Performance Data of Grid Workflows, TUV-1841-2004-28
- Schmit, B.A., Dustdar, S. (10 December 2004). Model-driven Development of Web service Transactions. TUV-1841-2004-27
- Baldauf, M., Dustdar, S. (30 November 2004). A Survey on Context-Aware Systems. TUV-1841-2004-24
- Chebbi, I., Tata, S., Dustdar, S. (30 November 2004). The view-based approach to dynamic inter-organizational workflow cooperation. TUV-1841-2004-23
- Truong, H.-L., Fahringer, T., Dustdar, S. (25 November 2004). Dynamic Instrumentation, Performance Monitoring and Analysis of Grid Scientific Workflows. Technical Report TUV-1841-2004-22
- Chebbi, I., Tata, S., Dustdar, S. (27 October 2004). Cooperation Policies for Inter-organizatioanl Workflows. Technical Report TUV-1841-2004-20
- Jørstad, I., Dustdar, S., van Thanh, D. (15 October 2004). An Analysis of current Mobile Services and Enabling Technologies. Technical Report TUV-1841-2004-17
- Dustdar, S., Treiber, M. (8 September 2004). WiZNet - Integration of different Web service Registries. Technical Report TUV-1841-2004-18
- Dustdar, S., Gombotz, R., Baina, K. (6 September 2004). Web Services Interaction Mining. Technical Report TUV-1841-2004-16
- Anzböck, R., Dustdar, S. (4 August 2004). Modeling and Implementing Medical e-services. Technical Report TUV-1841-2004-14
- Dustdar, S., Hoffmann, T., van der Aalst, W.M.P. (23 July 2004) Mining of ad-hoc business processes with TeamLog. Technical Report TUV-1841-2004-07
- Dustdar, S., Schreiner, W. (19 July 2004). A Survey on Web Services Composition. Technical Report TUV-1841-2004-15
- Dustdar, S., Treiber, M. (9 July 2004). A View Based Survey on Web services Registries. Technical Report TUV-1841-2004-19
- J. Oberleitner, S. Dustdar (2003). Workflow-Based Composition and Testing of Combined e-services and components. Technical Report TUV-1841-2003-25
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