Schahram Dustdar

Full Professor
Head of the Distributed Systems Group

IEEE Fellow, Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA) Fellow
ACM Distinguished Scientist, ACM Distinguished Speaker
Member of the Academia Europaea

+43 1 58801 18414

View Schahram Dustdar's profile on LinkedIn

last edited: March 11, 2025

Current PhD Students (supervisor)

  1. Zihang Wang
  2. Anna Lackinger
  3. Boris Sedlak
  4. Alireza Furutanpey
  5. Fengyang Guo, Huawei, Munich, Germany
  6. Philipp Raith
  7. Thomas Werner Pusztai

Finished PhD Students (supervisor)

  1. Clemens Lachner: Urban Sensing Environments: Exploiting the Adaptation Space for Data Protection
  2. Ilir Murturi: Resource Management and Elasticity Control in Edge Networks
  3. Cosmin Avasalcai: Quality of Service aware Resource Management for Edge Systems
  4. Thomas Rausch: A Distributed Compute Fabric for Edge Intelligence
  5. Mirela Riveni: Provisioning and Management Techniques for Elastic Collectives in Human Computation
  6. Christoph Hochreiner: An Elastic Data Stream Processing Ecosystem for Distributed Environments, honored by the city of Vienna with an award for outstanding phd theses in the year 2018 at the TU Wien
  7. Johannes M. Schleicher: Engineering and Management of heterogenous Smart City Application Ecosystems, Award of Excellence - Austrian State Award for the best phd theses
  8. Vitaliy Liptchinsky: Collaboration-assisted computation, Microsoft, USA
  9. Muhammad Zuhri Catur Candra: Hybrid Human-Machine Computing Systems - Provisioning: Monitoring, and Reliability Analysis
  10. Stefan Nastic: Programming, Provisioning and Governing IoT Cloud Systems
  11. Michael Vögler: Efficient IoT Application Delivery and Management in Smart City Environments
  12. Ognjen Scekic: Automated Incentive Management for Social Computing - Foundations, Models, Tools and Algorithms
  13. Georgiana Copil: Cloud Services Elasticity Control: from requirements specification to operations management
  14. Daniel Moldovan: On Monitoring and Analyzing Elastic Cloud Systems
  15. Soheil Qanbari: Edge-to-Business Value Chain Delivery via Elastic Telemetry of Cyber-Physical Systems
  16. Philipp Hönisch: Elastic Business Process Management in the Cloud, Award of the City of Vienna for excellent PhD Theses at the TU Wien 2016
  17. Rostyslav Zabolotnyi: Transparent Application Adjustment for Efficient and Elastic Execution in the Cloud
  18. Christian Inzinger: Adaptation and Evolution of Service-Based Applications in Cloud Computing Environments
  19. Waldemar Hummer: Reliable Provisioning of Data-Centric and Event-Based Applications in the Cloud
  20. Florian Skopik: Discovery and Formation Models for Socio-computational Crowd Environments
  21. Ivan Breskovic: Market-oriented Service Allocation in Utility and Cloud Computing
  22. Christine Mayr: Managing and Modeling Persistent Data Access in Process-Driven SOAs
  23. Oliver Moser: Holistic Monitoring and Domain Specific Adaptation in Composite Services, Mobilkom
  24. Roman Khazankin: Provision of Service Level Agreements in Human-Enhanced Service-Oriented Computing Environments, Honored by the city of Vienna with an award for outstanding phd theses in the year 2018 at the TU Wien.
  25. Michael Maurer: Governance of Cloud Computing Infrastructures using Knowledge Management
  26. Vincent Emeakaroha: Managing Cloud Service Provisioning and SLA Enforcement via Holistic Monitoring Techniques
  27. Harald Psaier: Behavior Management and Self-adaptation in Mixed Systems - Adaptation Models, Strategies, and Management
  28. Ahmad Kamran Malik: Information Sharing and Access Control in Collaborative Working Environments - Models, Methods and Algorithms
  29. Philipp Leitner: On Preventing Violations of Service Level Agreements in Composed Services Using Self-Adaptation
  30. Lukasz Juszczyk: Techniques for Automated Generation of Testbed Infrastructures for SOA
  31. Günther Starnberger: Trading Dependability, Performance, and Security in First-Price Sealed-Bid Online Auctions with Temporal Decoupling
  32. Ernst Oberortner: Monitoring Quality of Service in Service-oriented Systems: Architectural Design and Stakeholder Support
  33. Ta’id Holmes: Supporting Model-Based Reflection, Monitoring, and Evolution in Service-Oriented Architectures through Model-Aware Systems
  34. Atif Manzoor: Quality of Context in Pervasive Systems: Models, Techniques, and Applications
  35. Anton Michlmayr: Event Processing in QoS-Aware Service Runtime Environments
  36. Martin Vasko: Community-Driven Service Orchestration Modeling
  37. Florian Skopik: Dynamic Trust in Mixed Service-oriented Systems - Models, Algorithms, and Applications
  38. Daniel Schall: Human Interactions in Mixed Systems - Architecture, Protocols, and Algorithms
  39. Florian Rosenberg: QoS-Aware Composition of Adaptive Service-Oriented Systems
  40. Christoph Dorn: Adaptation Techniques in large-scale Service-oriented Systems: Models, Metrics, and Algorithms
  41. Huy Tran: View-Based and Model-Driven Approach for Process-Driven, Service-Oriented Architectures
  42. Christian Platzer: Vector Space-driven Service Discovery

Current PhD/Finished PhD Students (examiner)

  1. Miles Stötzner: University of Stuttgart, Germany
  2. Flavia Monti: Achieving Resiliency in Smart Manufacturing through Artificial Intelligence, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  3. Nikolai Manuel Merkel: Performance Optimization in Graph Processing Systems, Technical University of Munich, Germany
  4. Francesco Leotta: Sapienza University of Rome
  5. Marc Vila Gómez: IoT Semantic-Based Monitoring of Infrastructures using a Microservices Architecture, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain
  6. Wencan Mao: Capacity Planning for Vehicular Fog Computing, Aalto University, Finnland
  7. Adelina Ciurumelea: Generating Completion Suggestions for Source Code Comments using Neural Language Models, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  8. Sebastian Werner: Serverless Data Processing: Application Platform (Co-) Design, TU Berlin, Germany
  9. Juan Luis Herrera González: DADO: Framework for the deployment of distributed IoT applications in edge-fog-cloud environments, University of Extremadura, Spain
  10. Ivan Čilić: University of Zagreb, Croatia
  11. Karoline Wild: Eine Methode zum Verteilen, Adaptieren und Deployment partnerübergreifender Anwendungen, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  12. Jürgen Pannosch: Skill-based Engineering in Home Automation, TU Wien, Austria
  13. Mark A.M. Kramer: Technology Experience of Education: Examining the Acceptance and Adoption of ICTs for use within Austrian Higher Education, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria
  14. Lauri Lovén: Spatial Dependency in Edge-native Artificial Intelligence, University of Oulu, Finland
  15. Praveen Kumar Donta: Machine learning-based algorithms for wireless sensor networks, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), India
  16. Amirali Amiri: Automatic Management of Cloud Resources using Domain Knowledge of Service- and Cloud-Based Applications, University of Vienna, Austria
  17. Amine El Malki: Towards a Dynamically Adaptive Microservices and Cloud-Based API Design, University of Vienna, Austria
  18. Biswa Mohan Sahoo: Soft Computing-based Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, India
  19. Victor Casamayor-Pujol: Map-less inventory and location for an RFID-based robot, Pompeu Fabra University, UPF, Spain
  20. Stefano Forti: Supporting the Deployment and Management of Fog Applications, University of Pisa, Italy
  21. Antonio Galletta: Innovative Cloud and Edge based systems for smart life, Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, Italy
  22. Salim Chujfi-La-Roche: Human Cognition and Natural Language Processing in the Digitally Mediated Environment, Hasso Plattner Institut, Germany
  23. Salvatore Augusto Maisto: From Monolith to Cloudarchitecture using semi-automated microservices modernization, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy
  24. Thiago Garrett: Effective Techniques for Detecting and Locating Traffic Differentiation in the Internet, Federal University of Parana, Brazil
  25. Edith Zavala: Towards Adaptive Monitoring for Self-Adaptive Systems, UPC, Spain
  26. Clay Palmeira da Silva: The CUBE: A User-Centric system-model architecture for Web service migration through multiple devices, University of Tours, France
  27. Irene Bedilia Estrada Torres: Enhancing the Modelling Perspective of Process Performance Management, University of Seville, Spain
  28. Stefan Kolb: On the Portability of Applications in Platform as a Service, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Germany
  29. Jan Meznaric: Decentralized method for gradual and resilient dynamic updates in microservice architecture, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  30. Celal Timurhan Sungur: Resource-driven Processes: Concept, Use, and Incorporation, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  31. Daniel Puschmann: Extracting Information from heterogeneous Internet of Things Data Streams, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
  32. Francisco Jose Ibarra Caceres: The Connective Power of Reminiscence: Designing a Reminiscence-based Tool to Increase Social Interactions in Residential Care, University of Trento, Italy
  33. Neda Ghiassi: An Hourglass Approach to Urban Energy Computing, TU Wien, Austria
  34. Ronny Hans: QOS-aware Cloud Infrastructure Provisioning in Heterogeneous Environments, TU Darmstadt
  35. Frank Blaauw: The non-existent average individual: Automating personalization in psychopathology research by leveraging the capabilities of data science, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
  36. Giovanni Quattrocchi: Fast and Fine-grained Elastic Resource Provisioning for Modern Software Systems, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  37. Martina De Sanctis: Dynamic Adaptation of Service-Based Systems: a Design for Adaptation Framework, FBK-DAS Trento, Italy
  38. Alireza Khoshkbarforoushha: Workload Modelling and Elasticity Management of Data-Intensive Systems, Australian National University, Australia
  39. Saman Kamran: Dynamic Labeling and Matching of the Shared Contents and Users’ Interests, University of Italian Switzerland (University of Lugano), Switzerland
  40. Jacopo Soldani: Modelling, analysing, and reusing composite cloud applications, University of Pisa, Italy
  41. Fahimeh Farahnakian: Energy and Performance Management of Virtual Machines: Provisioning, Placement, and Consolidation, University of Turku, Finland
  42. Ali Shemshadi: Correlation Management and Search for the Internet of Things, The University of Adelaide, Australia
  43. Ali Gholami: Security and Privacy of Sensitive Data in Cloud Computing, KTH Stockholm, Sweden
  44. Uwe Breitenbücher: Eine musterbasierte Methode zur Automatisierung des Anwendungsmanagements, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  45. Stefan Glawischnig: An urban monitoring system for large-scale building energy assessment, TU Wien, Austria
  46. Grace A. Lewis: Software Architecture Strategies for Cyber-Foraging Systems, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  47. Rafael Angarita: An Approach for Self-healing Transactional Composite Services, Paris Dauphine University, France
  48. Jesús García Galán: Automating the Support of Highly-configurable Services, University of Seville, Spain
  49. Tuan Anh Nguyen: Energy Adaptive Buildings: From Sensor Data to Being Aware of Users, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
  50. Christoph Fehling: Cloud Computing Patterns Identification, Design, and Application, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  51. Aitor Murguzur Ibarguren: Dynamic Variability Support in Context-aware Workflow-based Systems, Mondragon University, Spain
  52. Tobias Binz: Crawling von Enterprise Topologien zur automatisierten Migration von Anwendungen - eine Cloud-Perspektive, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  53. Mahboobeh Moghaddam: Combinatorial Auction-based Mechanisms for Composite Web Service Selection, University of Sydney, Australia
  54. Jörg Lenhard:Portability of Process-Aware and Service-Oriented Software: Evidence and Metrics, University of Bamberg, Germany
  55. David Schumm: Sichten auf Geschäftsprozesse mit besonderer Betrachtung von Compliance, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  56. Chrysostomos Zeginis: Cross-layer Monitoring and Adaptation of Multi-Cloud Service-based Applications, University of Crete, Greece
  57. Alexander Nowak: Green Business Process Management: Methode und Realisierung, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  58. Karl Heinz Wolf: Early Warning based on the Next Generation Emergency Calling Framework, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  59. Stefano Tranquillini: Models and systems for managing sensor and crowd-oriented processes, University of Trento, Italy
  60. Frieder Ganz: Intelligent Communication and Information Processing for Cyber-Physical Data, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
  61. Yan Shvartzshnaider: Redefining the Internet Service Abstraction - From Data Pipes to Information Spaces, University of Sydney, Australia
  62. Alessandro Russo: Models and Architectures for Dynamic Processes: from Activity-centric to Data-centric Operational Support, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  63. Hristo Novatchkov: A Server-Based Mobile Coaching System Integrating Ubiquitous Data Acquisition Technologies and Intelligent Real-Time Analysis, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  64. Ehsan Ullah Warriach: An Embedded Middleware Platform for a Smart Home, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
  65. Alireza Zarghami: Architectural support for dynamic homecare service provisioning: decision as a service, University of Twente, the Netherlands
  66. Nelly Angelina Schuster: Coordinating Service Compositions - Model and Infrastructure for Collaborative Creation of Electronic Documents, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
  67. Ulrich Lampe: Monetary Efficiency in Infrastructure Clouds â Solution Strategies for Workload Distribution and Auction-based Capacity Allocation, TU Darmstadt, Germany
  68. Dragan Ivanovic: Analysis of Service-Oriented Computing Systems, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
  69. Rolf Kluge: Preselection of Electronic Services by Given Business Service Based on Measuring Semantic Heterogeneity within the Application Area of Logistics, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia and University of Leipzig, Germany
  70. Ngoc Chan Nguyen: Service Recommendation for Individual and Process Use, Telecom SudParis, France
  71. Giacomo Ghezzi: SOFAS, Software Analysis as a Service - Improving and Rethinking Software Evolution Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  72. Domenico Bianculli: Open-world Sofware: Specification, Verification, and Beyond, University of Lugano (USI), Switzerland
  73. Robert Zach: An Open-Source, Vendor and Technology Independent Toolkit for Building Monitoring, Data Preprocessing, and Visualization, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  74. Faramarz Safi: Adaptable and Decentralized Orchestration Engine for Service Oriented Architecture, University Putra Malaysia
  75. Malinda Kapuruge: Orchestration as Organisation: Using an organisational paradigm to achieve adaptable business process modelling and enactment in service compositions, Swinburne, Australia
  76. Vikas Agarwal: Supporting Non-Functional Properties in Web Service Compositions, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
  77. Nico Kerschbaumer: View-Based Interorganizational Workflows, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria
  78. Seyed Hossein Siadat: A Soft Approach for QoS-Aware Service Adaptation, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  79. Fabiano Dalpiaz: Exploiting Contextual and Social Variability for Software Adaptation, University of Trento, Italy
  80. Eduardo Manuel Goncalves da Silva: User-centric Service Composition - Towards Personalized Service Composition and Delivery, University of Twente, the Netherlands
  81. Donato Barbagallo: A data quality based methodology to improve sentiment analysis, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  82. Lukas Wallentin: Cashflow: A virtual currency system for mobile ad hoc networks, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Telecommunications, Austria
  83. Simon Scerri: Supporting E-mail-based Collaborative Work across the Social Semantic Desktop, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
  84. Martin Murth: Efficient Coordination with Semantic Shared Data Spaces, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Computer Languages, Austria
  85. Dhaminda Buddhika Abeywickrama: Pervasive Services Engineering for SOAs, Monash University, Australia
  86. Ralph Mietzner: A Method and Implementation to Define and Provision Variable Composite Applications, and its usage in Cloud Computing, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  87. Thorsten Scheibler: Ausführbare Integrationsmuster, University of Stuttgart, Germany
  88. Marco Comerio: Web Service Contracts: Specification, Selection and Composition, University Milano-Bicocca
  89. Armin Haller: An ontological framework for Business Process Integration in Virtual Organizations, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
  90. Javed Ferzund: An Emperical Investigation into Changes and Bugs by Mining Software Development Histories, TU Graz, Austria
  91. Monika Kacmarek: Selection of Semantic Web services for Business Processes, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia,
  92. Willibald Karl Krenn:Self Reasoning in Resource Constrained, Autonomous Systems, TU Graz, Austria
  93. Peter Massuthe: HU Berlin and TU Eindhoven
  94. Ksenia Wahler: A Framework for Integrated Process and Object Life Cycle Modleing, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  95. Kenneth Wang: University of New South Wales, Australia
  96. Julien Ponge: University of New South Wales, Australia and Blaise Pascal University, France
  97. Farshad Moradi: KTH Sweden
  98. Hamid Motahari: University of New South Wales, Australia
  99. Piyanath Mangkorntong: University of New South Wales, Australia
  100. Rainer Huber: A Novel Analytical Modeling Framework and its Application to Transport Layer Performance Evaluation, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  101. Joachim Fabiani: Generic Access Network Modeling for Next generation Network Applications
  102. G. R. Gangadharan: University of Trento, Italy
  103. Vahid Hashemian: University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
  104. Rudolf Pailer: Service Platforms for Next Generation Telecommincation Networks, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  105. Klaus Umschaden: Signaling Security in Next Generation Networks, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  106. Rainer Schmidt: An Architecture and Programming Model for Component-based Grid Applications, University of Vienna, Austria
  107. Sam Guinea: Service Monitoring, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  108. Michael Sheng: University of New South Wales, Australia
  109. Alexander Lazovik: Interacting with Service Compositions, University of Trento, Italy
  110. Thomas Költringer: Design und Evaluierung von Texteingabesystemen, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  111. Klaus Brunner: Dynamic building model service, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  112. Ivar Jørstad: Future mobile service architectures - Service personalisation and continuity in future mobile services. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Co-Supervisor
  113. Hong-Linh Truong: Novel Techniques and Methods for Performance Measurement, Analysis and Monitoring of Cluster and Grid Applications
  114. Alexandru Jugravu: A High-level Programming Paradigm for Java-based Parallel and Distributed Applications
  115. Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui: Supporting Context-Aware Services in Pervasive Environments, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
  116. Konrad Pfadenhauer: Model Driven Service Architecture for the Shop Floor, Vienna University of Technology
  117. Hilmar Schuschel: University of Potsdam, Germany

Finished MSc Thesis Students

Link to all supervised MSC Thesis at the Vienna University of Technology Library Online Catalogue