Univ. Prof. Dr. Schahram Dustdar
Full Professor
Head of the Distributed Systems Group
IEEE Fellow, Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA) Fellow
ACM Distinguished Scientist, ACM Distinguished Speaker
Member of the Academia Europaea
dustdar @ dsg.tuwien.ac.at
+43 1 58801 18414
last edited: March 11, 2025
Current PhD Students (supervisor)
- Zihang Wang
- Anna Lackinger
- Boris Sedlak
- Alireza Furutanpey
- Fengyang Guo, Huawei, Munich, Germany
- Philipp Raith
- Thomas Werner Pusztai
Finished PhD Students (supervisor)
- Clemens Lachner: Urban Sensing Environments: Exploiting the Adaptation Space for Data Protection
- Ilir Murturi: Resource Management and Elasticity Control in Edge Networks
- Cosmin Avasalcai: Quality of Service aware Resource Management for Edge Systems
- Thomas Rausch: A Distributed Compute Fabric for Edge Intelligence
- Mirela Riveni: Provisioning and Management Techniques for Elastic Collectives in Human Computation
- Christoph Hochreiner: An Elastic Data Stream Processing Ecosystem for Distributed Environments, honored by the city of Vienna with an award for outstanding phd theses in the year 2018 at the TU Wien
- Johannes M. Schleicher: Engineering and Management of heterogenous Smart City Application Ecosystems, Award of Excellence - Austrian State Award for the best phd theses
- Vitaliy Liptchinsky: Collaboration-assisted computation, Microsoft, USA
- Muhammad Zuhri Catur Candra: Hybrid Human-Machine Computing Systems - Provisioning: Monitoring, and Reliability Analysis
- Stefan Nastic: Programming, Provisioning and Governing IoT Cloud Systems
- Michael Vögler: Efficient IoT Application Delivery and Management in Smart City Environments
- Ognjen Scekic: Automated Incentive Management for Social Computing - Foundations, Models, Tools and Algorithms
- Georgiana Copil: Cloud Services Elasticity Control: from requirements specification to operations management
- Daniel Moldovan: On Monitoring and Analyzing Elastic Cloud Systems
- Soheil Qanbari: Edge-to-Business Value Chain Delivery via Elastic Telemetry of Cyber-Physical Systems
- Philipp Hönisch: Elastic Business Process Management in the Cloud, Award of the City of Vienna for excellent PhD Theses at the TU Wien 2016
- Rostyslav Zabolotnyi: Transparent Application Adjustment for Efficient and Elastic Execution in the Cloud
- Christian Inzinger: Adaptation and Evolution of Service-Based Applications in Cloud Computing Environments
- Waldemar Hummer: Reliable Provisioning of Data-Centric and Event-Based Applications in the Cloud
- Florian Skopik: Discovery and Formation Models for Socio-computational Crowd Environments
- Ivan Breskovic: Market-oriented Service Allocation in Utility and Cloud Computing
- Christine Mayr: Managing and Modeling Persistent Data Access in Process-Driven SOAs
- Oliver Moser: Holistic Monitoring and Domain Specific Adaptation in Composite Services, Mobilkom
- Roman Khazankin: Provision of Service Level Agreements in Human-Enhanced Service-Oriented Computing Environments, Honored by the city of Vienna with an award for outstanding phd theses in the year 2018 at the TU Wien.
- Michael Maurer: Governance of Cloud Computing Infrastructures using Knowledge Management
- Vincent Emeakaroha: Managing Cloud Service Provisioning and SLA Enforcement via Holistic Monitoring Techniques
- Harald Psaier: Behavior Management and Self-adaptation in Mixed Systems - Adaptation Models, Strategies, and Management
- Ahmad Kamran Malik: Information Sharing and Access Control in Collaborative Working Environments - Models, Methods and Algorithms
- Philipp Leitner: On Preventing Violations of Service Level Agreements in Composed Services Using Self-Adaptation
- Lukasz Juszczyk: Techniques for Automated Generation of Testbed Infrastructures for SOA
- Günther Starnberger: Trading Dependability, Performance, and Security in First-Price Sealed-Bid Online Auctions with Temporal Decoupling
- Ernst Oberortner: Monitoring Quality of Service in Service-oriented Systems: Architectural Design and Stakeholder Support
- Ta’id Holmes: Supporting Model-Based Reflection, Monitoring, and Evolution in Service-Oriented Architectures through Model-Aware Systems
- Atif Manzoor: Quality of Context in Pervasive Systems: Models, Techniques, and Applications
- Anton Michlmayr: Event Processing in QoS-Aware Service Runtime Environments
- Martin Vasko: Community-Driven Service Orchestration Modeling
- Florian Skopik: Dynamic Trust in Mixed Service-oriented Systems - Models, Algorithms, and Applications
- Daniel Schall: Human Interactions in Mixed Systems - Architecture, Protocols, and Algorithms
- Florian Rosenberg: QoS-Aware Composition of Adaptive Service-Oriented Systems
- Christoph Dorn: Adaptation Techniques in large-scale Service-oriented Systems: Models, Metrics, and Algorithms
- Huy Tran: View-Based and Model-Driven Approach for Process-Driven, Service-Oriented Architectures
- Christian Platzer: Vector Space-driven Service Discovery
Current PhD/Finished PhD Students (examiner)
- Miles Stötzner: University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Flavia Monti: Achieving Resiliency in Smart Manufacturing through Artificial Intelligence, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
- Nikolai Manuel Merkel: Performance Optimization in Graph Processing Systems, Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Francesco Leotta: Sapienza University of Rome
- Marc Vila Gómez: IoT Semantic-Based Monitoring of Infrastructures using a Microservices Architecture, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain
- Wencan Mao: Capacity Planning for Vehicular Fog Computing, Aalto University, Finnland
- Adelina Ciurumelea: Generating Completion Suggestions for Source Code Comments using Neural Language Models, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Sebastian Werner: Serverless Data Processing: Application Platform (Co-) Design, TU Berlin, Germany
- Juan Luis Herrera González: DADO: Framework for the deployment of distributed IoT applications in edge-fog-cloud environments, University of Extremadura, Spain
- Ivan Čilić: University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Karoline Wild: Eine Methode zum Verteilen, Adaptieren und Deployment partnerübergreifender Anwendungen, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Jürgen Pannosch: Skill-based Engineering in Home Automation, TU Wien, Austria
- Mark A.M. Kramer: Technology Experience of Education: Examining the Acceptance and Adoption of ICTs for use within Austrian Higher Education, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria
- Lauri Lovén: Spatial Dependency in Edge-native Artificial Intelligence, University of Oulu, Finland
- Praveen Kumar Donta: Machine learning-based algorithms for wireless sensor networks, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), India
- Amirali Amiri: Automatic Management of Cloud Resources using Domain Knowledge of Service- and Cloud-Based Applications, University of Vienna, Austria
- Amine El Malki: Towards a Dynamically Adaptive Microservices and Cloud-Based API Design, University of Vienna, Austria
- Biswa Mohan Sahoo: Soft Computing-based Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, India
- Victor Casamayor-Pujol: Map-less inventory and location for an RFID-based robot, Pompeu Fabra University, UPF, Spain
- Stefano Forti: Supporting the Deployment and Management of Fog Applications, University of Pisa, Italy
- Antonio Galletta: Innovative Cloud and Edge based systems for smart life, Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, Italy
- Salim Chujfi-La-Roche: Human Cognition and Natural Language Processing in the Digitally Mediated Environment, Hasso Plattner Institut, Germany
- Salvatore Augusto Maisto: From Monolith to Cloudarchitecture using semi-automated microservices modernization, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy
- Thiago Garrett: Effective Techniques for Detecting and Locating Traffic Differentiation in the Internet, Federal University of Parana, Brazil
- Edith Zavala: Towards Adaptive Monitoring for Self-Adaptive Systems, UPC, Spain
- Clay Palmeira da Silva: The CUBE: A User-Centric system-model architecture for Web service migration through multiple devices, University of Tours, France
- Irene Bedilia Estrada Torres: Enhancing the Modelling Perspective of Process Performance Management, University of Seville, Spain
- Stefan Kolb: On the Portability of Applications in Platform as a Service, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Germany
- Jan Meznaric: Decentralized method for gradual and resilient dynamic updates in microservice architecture, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Celal Timurhan Sungur: Resource-driven Processes: Concept, Use, and Incorporation, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Daniel Puschmann: Extracting Information from heterogeneous Internet of Things Data Streams, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
- Francisco Jose Ibarra Caceres: The Connective Power of Reminiscence: Designing a Reminiscence-based Tool to Increase Social Interactions in Residential Care, University of Trento, Italy
- Neda Ghiassi: An Hourglass Approach to Urban Energy Computing, TU Wien, Austria
- Ronny Hans: QOS-aware Cloud Infrastructure Provisioning in Heterogeneous Environments, TU Darmstadt
- Frank Blaauw: The non-existent average individual: Automating personalization in psychopathology research by leveraging the capabilities of data science, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- Giovanni Quattrocchi: Fast and Fine-grained Elastic Resource Provisioning for Modern Software Systems, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Martina De Sanctis: Dynamic Adaptation of Service-Based Systems: a Design for Adaptation Framework, FBK-DAS Trento, Italy
- Alireza Khoshkbarforoushha: Workload Modelling and Elasticity Management of Data-Intensive Systems, Australian National University, Australia
- Saman Kamran: Dynamic Labeling and Matching of the Shared Contents and Users’ Interests, University of Italian Switzerland (University of Lugano), Switzerland
- Jacopo Soldani: Modelling, analysing, and reusing composite cloud applications, University of Pisa, Italy
- Fahimeh Farahnakian: Energy and Performance Management of Virtual Machines: Provisioning, Placement, and Consolidation, University of Turku, Finland
- Ali Shemshadi: Correlation Management and Search for the Internet of Things, The University of Adelaide, Australia
- Ali Gholami: Security and Privacy of Sensitive Data in Cloud Computing, KTH Stockholm, Sweden
- Uwe Breitenbücher: Eine musterbasierte Methode zur Automatisierung des Anwendungsmanagements, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Stefan Glawischnig: An urban monitoring system for large-scale building energy assessment, TU Wien, Austria
- Grace A. Lewis: Software Architecture Strategies for Cyber-Foraging Systems, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Rafael Angarita: An Approach for Self-healing Transactional Composite Services, Paris Dauphine University, France
- Jesús García Galán: Automating the Support of Highly-configurable Services, University of Seville, Spain
- Tuan Anh Nguyen: Energy Adaptive Buildings: From Sensor Data to Being Aware of Users, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
- Christoph Fehling: Cloud Computing Patterns Identification, Design, and Application, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Aitor Murguzur Ibarguren: Dynamic Variability Support in Context-aware Workflow-based Systems, Mondragon University, Spain
- Tobias Binz: Crawling von Enterprise Topologien zur automatisierten Migration von Anwendungen - eine Cloud-Perspektive, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Mahboobeh Moghaddam: Combinatorial Auction-based Mechanisms for Composite Web Service Selection, University of Sydney, Australia
- Jörg Lenhard:Portability of Process-Aware and Service-Oriented Software: Evidence and Metrics, University of Bamberg, Germany
- David Schumm: Sichten auf Geschäftsprozesse mit besonderer Betrachtung von Compliance, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Chrysostomos Zeginis: Cross-layer Monitoring and Adaptation of Multi-Cloud Service-based Applications, University of Crete, Greece
- Alexander Nowak: Green Business Process Management: Methode und Realisierung, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Karl Heinz Wolf: Early Warning based on the Next Generation Emergency Calling Framework, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Stefano Tranquillini: Models and systems for managing sensor and crowd-oriented processes, University of Trento, Italy
- Frieder Ganz: Intelligent Communication and Information Processing for Cyber-Physical Data, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
- Yan Shvartzshnaider: Redefining the Internet Service Abstraction - From Data Pipes to Information Spaces, University of Sydney, Australia
- Alessandro Russo: Models and Architectures for Dynamic Processes: from Activity-centric to Data-centric Operational Support, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
- Hristo Novatchkov: A Server-Based Mobile Coaching System Integrating Ubiquitous Data Acquisition Technologies and Intelligent Real-Time Analysis, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Ehsan Ullah Warriach: An Embedded Middleware Platform for a Smart Home, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
- Alireza Zarghami: Architectural support for dynamic homecare service provisioning: decision as a service, University of Twente, the Netherlands
- Nelly Angelina Schuster: Coordinating Service Compositions - Model and Infrastructure for Collaborative Creation of Electronic Documents, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
- Ulrich Lampe: Monetary Efficiency in Infrastructure Clouds â Solution Strategies for Workload Distribution and Auction-based Capacity Allocation, TU Darmstadt, Germany
- Dragan Ivanovic: Analysis of Service-Oriented Computing Systems, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Rolf Kluge: Preselection of Electronic Services by Given Business Service Based on Measuring Semantic Heterogeneity within the Application Area of Logistics, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia and University of Leipzig, Germany
- Ngoc Chan Nguyen: Service Recommendation for Individual and Process Use, Telecom SudParis, France
- Giacomo Ghezzi: SOFAS, Software Analysis as a Service - Improving and Rethinking Software Evolution Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Domenico Bianculli: Open-world Sofware: Specification, Verification, and Beyond, University of Lugano (USI), Switzerland
- Robert Zach: An Open-Source, Vendor and Technology Independent Toolkit for Building Monitoring, Data Preprocessing, and Visualization, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Faramarz Safi: Adaptable and Decentralized Orchestration Engine for Service Oriented Architecture, University Putra Malaysia
- Malinda Kapuruge: Orchestration as Organisation: Using an organisational paradigm to achieve adaptable business process modelling and enactment in service compositions, Swinburne, Australia
- Vikas Agarwal: Supporting Non-Functional Properties in Web Service Compositions, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
- Nico Kerschbaumer: View-Based Interorganizational Workflows, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria
- Seyed Hossein Siadat: A Soft Approach for QoS-Aware Service Adaptation, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Fabiano Dalpiaz: Exploiting Contextual and Social Variability for Software Adaptation, University of Trento, Italy
- Eduardo Manuel Goncalves da Silva: User-centric Service Composition - Towards Personalized Service Composition and Delivery, University of Twente, the Netherlands
- Donato Barbagallo: A data quality based methodology to improve sentiment analysis, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Lukas Wallentin: Cashflow: A virtual currency system for mobile ad hoc networks, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Telecommunications, Austria
- Simon Scerri: Supporting E-mail-based Collaborative Work across the Social Semantic Desktop, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
- Martin Murth: Efficient Coordination with Semantic Shared Data Spaces, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Computer Languages, Austria
- Dhaminda Buddhika Abeywickrama: Pervasive Services Engineering for SOAs, Monash University, Australia
- Ralph Mietzner: A Method and Implementation to Define and Provision Variable Composite Applications, and its usage in Cloud Computing, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Thorsten Scheibler: Ausführbare Integrationsmuster, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Marco Comerio: Web Service Contracts: Specification, Selection and Composition, University Milano-Bicocca
- Armin Haller: An ontological framework for Business Process Integration in Virtual Organizations, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
- Javed Ferzund: An Emperical Investigation into Changes and Bugs by Mining Software Development Histories, TU Graz, Austria
- Monika Kacmarek: Selection of Semantic Web services for Business Processes, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia,
- Willibald Karl Krenn:Self Reasoning in Resource Constrained, Autonomous Systems, TU Graz, Austria
- Peter Massuthe: HU Berlin and TU Eindhoven
- Ksenia Wahler: A Framework for Integrated Process and Object Life Cycle Modleing, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Kenneth Wang: University of New South Wales, Australia
- Julien Ponge: University of New South Wales, Australia and Blaise Pascal University, France
- Farshad Moradi: KTH Sweden
- Hamid Motahari: University of New South Wales, Australia
- Piyanath Mangkorntong: University of New South Wales, Australia
- Rainer Huber: A Novel Analytical Modeling Framework and its Application to Transport Layer Performance Evaluation, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Joachim Fabiani: Generic Access Network Modeling for Next generation Network Applications
- G. R. Gangadharan: University of Trento, Italy
- Vahid Hashemian: University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
- Rudolf Pailer: Service Platforms for Next Generation Telecommincation Networks, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Klaus Umschaden: Signaling Security in Next Generation Networks, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Rainer Schmidt: An Architecture and Programming Model for Component-based Grid Applications, University of Vienna, Austria
- Sam Guinea: Service Monitoring, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Michael Sheng: University of New South Wales, Australia
- Alexander Lazovik: Interacting with Service Compositions, University of Trento, Italy
- Thomas Költringer: Design und Evaluierung von Texteingabesystemen, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Klaus Brunner: Dynamic building model service, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Ivar Jørstad: Future mobile service architectures - Service personalisation and continuity in future mobile services. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Co-Supervisor
- Hong-Linh Truong: Novel Techniques and Methods for Performance Measurement, Analysis and Monitoring of Cluster and Grid Applications
- Alexandru Jugravu: A High-level Programming Paradigm for Java-based Parallel and Distributed Applications
- Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui: Supporting Context-Aware Services in Pervasive Environments, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
- Konrad Pfadenhauer: Model Driven Service Architecture for the Shop Floor, Vienna University of Technology
- Hilmar Schuschel: University of Potsdam, Germany
Finished MSc Thesis Students
Link to all supervised MSC Thesis at the Vienna University of Technology Library Online Catalogue