Novel Models and Techniques for Software-defined IoT Cloud Systems


Provisioning and Governance of Software-defined IoT Cloudsystems

Cloud computing is ever stronger converging with IoT offering novel techniques for IoT infrastructure virtualization and its management on the cloud. However, system designers and operations managers face numerous challenges to realize IoT cloud systems in practice, due to the complexities involved with provisioning large-scale IoT cloud systems and diversity of their requirements in terms of IoT resources consumption, customiza- tion of IoT capabilities and runtime governance. In this paper, we introduce the concept of software-defined IoT units – a novel approach to IoT cloud computing that encapsulates fine-grained IoT resources and IoT capabilities in a well-defined API in order to provide a unified view on accessing, configuring and operating IoT cloud systems. Our software-defined IoT units are the fundamental building blocks of software-defined IoT systems. We present our framework for dynamic, on-demand provisioning and deploying such software-defined IoT systems in the cloud. By automating main provisioning aspects and providing support for managed configurations, our framework simplifies provisioning of software-defined IoT systems and enables flexible runtime customizations. We demonstrate its advantages on a real-world IoT cloud system for managing electric fleet vehicles.

Check the latest video illustrating our provisioning framework

  • A poster of Software-defined IoT units for cyber-pysical systems can be found here.


  • A framework for provisioning and operational governance of software-defined IoT systems GitHub Repository


  • Stefan Nastic, Sanjin Sehic, Le-Duc Hung, Hong-Linh Truong, and Schahram Dustdar (2014). Provisioning Software-defined IoT Cloud Systems. The 2nd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud-2014), August27-29, 2014, Barcelona, Spain. (to apear)
  • Christian Inzinger, Stefan Nastic, Sanjin Sehic, Michael Vögler, Fei Li, and Schahram Dustdar (2014). MADCAT - A Methodology for Architecture and Deployment of Cloud Application Topologies. International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering, April 7-11, 2014, Oxford, UK.
  • Sanjin Sehic, Stefan Nastic, Michael Vögler, Fei Li, and Schahram Dustdar (2014). Entity-Adaptation: A Programming Model for Development of Context-Aware Applications. Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2014), Mobile Computing and Applications (MCA) track, March 24-28, 2014, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea.
  • Stefan Nastic, Sanjin Sehic, Michael Vögler, Hong-Linh Truong, and Schahram Dustdar (2013). PatRICIA - a Novel Programming Model for IoT Applications on Cloud Platforms. International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2013), December 16-18, 2013, Hawaii, USA.


If you need any further information please contact Stefan Nastic.