Cynthia Marcelino

Research Scientist

Dipl.-Ing, BSc

+43 1 58801 18459

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last edited: 6.12.2022

Short CV

Cynthia is a project assistant and a PhD student at the DSG at TU Wien. In 2021, she received her master’s degree in Software Engineering & Internet Computing at TU Wien. In 2022, after years working as Software Engineer in the telco industry, she joined the Distributed Systems Group of the Institute of Information Systems to pursue a PhD.

Research Interests

Thesis & Project Supervision

If you are interested in one of the topics above, I can co-advise your bachelor’s or master’s thesis.

Co-Supervised Theses

Grants and Awards


  1. Marcelino, C., & Nastic, S. (2023). CWASI: A WebAssembly Runtime Shim for Inter-Function Communication in the Serverless Edge-Cloud Continuum. In IEEE/ACM Symposium on Edge Computing, SEC 2023, Wilmington, DE,USA, December 6-9, 2023 (pp. 158–170). IEEE. [Paper]
  2. Arcanjo Marcelino, C. K. (2021). Data Locality-Aware Scheduling for Serverless Edge Computing (Diploma Thesis). Wien. [Paper]

Academic Community

Program Committee Memberships

  1. The 25th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2024). [TPC mem.]


I have been a reviewer for the following