Cynthia Marcelino

Research Scientist

Dipl.-Ing, BSc

+43 1 58801 18459

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Short CV

Cynthia is a project assistant and a PhD student at the DSG at TU Wien. In 2021, she received her master’s degree in Software Engineering & Internet Computing at TU Wien. She has a strong industry background as a software engineer and consultant in the telco sector, where she worked on large-scale distributed systems and cloud-based solutions. In 2023, she joined the Distributed Systems Group of the Institute of Information Systems to pursue a PhD, focusing on serverless computing for the next generation of the compute continuum.

Research Interests

Thesis & Project Supervision

If you are interested in one of the topics above, I can co-advise your bachelor’s or master’s thesis.

Co-Supervised Theses

Grants and Awards


  1. Marcelino, C., & Nastic, S. (2024). Truffle: Efficient Data Passing for Data-Intensive Serverless Workflows in the Edge-Cloud Continuum. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 17th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC ’24). [Paper]
  2. Pusztai, T., Marcelino, C., & Nastic, S. (2024). HyperDrive: Scheduling Serverless Functions in the Edge-Cloud-Space 3D Continuum. In Proceedings of the Ninth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC ’24). [Paper]
  3. Marcelino, C., Shahhoud, J., & Nastic, S. (2024). GoldFish: Serverless Actors with Short-Term Memory State for the Edge-Cloud Continuum. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT ’24). [Paper]
  4. Marcelino, C., & Nastic, S. (2023). CWASI: A WebAssembly Runtime Shim for Inter-function Communication in the Serverless Edge-Cloud Continuum. In Proceedings of the Eighth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC ’23) (pp. 158–170). [Paper]
  5. Arcanjo Marcelino, C. K. (2021). Data Locality-Aware Scheduling for Serverless Edge Computing (Diploma Thesis). Wien. [Paper]

Academic Community

Program Committee Memberships


I have been a reviewer for the following