Andrea Morichetta

University assistant (Postdoc)

+43 1 58801 184902

Google Scholar


last edited: 22.11.2024

Short CV

Andrea Morichetta joined the Distributed Systems Group of the Institute of Information Systems Engineering in January 2020 as a University assistant.

He received his Doctoral degree in Electrical, Electronics, and Communications Engineering in January 2020, in Politecnico di Torino in the Telecommunication Network Group. He worked under the supervision of Prof. Marco Mellia, with a grant fully funded by the Big-DAMA project. From 2017 to 2020, he collaborated with the SmartData@PoliTO center for data science and big data. In 2017 he visited, for a summer internship, Cisco in San Jose, CA. From January 2019 to July 2019, he was a visiting student at AIT, Vienna, Austria.

His research focuses on the intersection of intelligence and systems, combining data analysis and machine learning to distributed systems design. The work pays particular attention to unsupervised methodologies, emphasizing security and parallelization.

Research Interests



No. Title Type
184.237 Distributed Systems VO, 3.0 ECTS
184.260 Distributed Systems Technologies VU, 6.0 ECTS
194.058 Project in Computer Science 1 PR, 6.0 ECTS
194.059 Project in Computer Science 2 PR, 6.0 ECTS
184.194 Seminar in Distributed Systems SE, 3.0 ECTS

Thesis & Project Supervision

I am willing to co-supervising bachelor and master thesis for motivated students interested in topics that match my research focus. For any proposal/question/idea don’t hesitate to contact me.

Supervised Theses

Co-Supervised Theses

In progress


Academic Activities


I have been official reviewer for


Publication co-chair for

I have been a PC member for

Awards and Honors


  1. Hazra, A., Morichetta, A., Murturi, I., Lovén, L., Dehury, C. K., Pujol Vı́ctor Casamayor, … Dustdar, S. (2024). Distributed ai in zero-touch provisioning for edge networks: challenges and research directions. Computer, 57(3), 69–78.
  2. Firmani, D., Leotta, F., Mathew, J. E. R. I. N. G. E. O. R. G. E., Rossi, J., Balzotti, L., Song, H., … others. (2024). INTEND: Intent-Based Data Operation in the Computing Continuum. In CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS (Vol. 3692, pp. 43–50). CEUR-WS.
  3. Lackinger, A., Morichetta, A., & Dustdar, S. (2024). Time Series Predictions for Cloud Workloads: A Comprehensive Evaluation. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE) (pp. 36–45). IEEE.
  4. Morichetta, A., Lackinger, A., & Dustdar, S. (2024). Cohabitation of intelligence and systems: Towards self-reference in digital anatomies. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE) (pp. 102–110). IEEE.
  5. Pinter, P., Morichetta, A., & Dustdar, S. (2024). Distributed Model Serving for Real-time Opinion Detection. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE) (pp. 64–73). IEEE.
  6. Sedlak, B., Morichetta, A., Wang, Y., Fei, Y., Wang, L., Dustdar, S., & Qu, X. (2024). SLO-Aware Task Offloading within Collaborative Vehicle Platoons. ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:2409.17667.
  7. Sedlak, B., Pujol, V. C., Morichetta, A., Donta, P. K., & Dustdar, S. (2024). Adaptive Stream Processing on Edge Devices through Active Inference. ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:2409.17937.
  8. Gajanin, R., Danilenka, A., Morichetta, A., & Nastic, S. (2024). Towards adaptive asynchronous federated learning for human activity recognition. ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:2411.14070.
  9. Loisel, F., Zeqo, G., Morichetta, A., Lackinger, A., & Dustdar, S. (2024). RainCloud: Decentralized Coordination and Communication in Heterogeneous IoT Swarms. In 2024 International Symposium on Parallel Computing and Distributed Systems (PCDS) (pp. 1–10). IEEE.
  10. Casamayor Pujol, V., Morichetta, A., Murturi, I., Kumar Donta, P., & Dustdar, S. (2023). Fundamental research challenges for distributed computing continuum systems. Information, 14(3), 198.
  11. Morichetta, A., Pusztai, T., Vij, D., Pujol Vı́ctor Casamayor, Raith, P., Xiong, Y., … Zhang, Z. (2023). Demystifying deep learning in predictive monitoring for cloud-native SLOs. In 2023 IEEE 16th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD) (pp. 1–11). IEEE.
  12. Pujol, V. C., Donta, P. K., Morichetta, A., Murturi, I., & Dustdar, S. (2023). Edge intelligence—research opportunities for distributed computing continuum systems. IEEE Internet Computing, 27(4), 53–74.
  13. Pujol, V. C., Morichetta, A., & Nastic, S. (2023). Intelligent sampling: A novel approach to optimize workload scheduling in large-scale heterogeneous computing continuum. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE) (pp. 140–149). IEEE.
  14. Morichetta, A., Casamayor-Pujol, V., Nastic, S., Dustdar, S., Vij, D., Xiong, Y., & Zhang, Z. (2023). PolarisProfiler: A Novel Metadata-Based Profiling Approach for Optimizing Resource Management in the Edge-Cloud Continnum. In SOSE (pp. 27–36).
  15. Morichetta, A., Spring, N., Raith, P., & Dustdar, S. (2023). Intent-based management for the distributed computing continuum. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE) (pp. 239–249). IEEE.
  16. Bekbulatova, V., Morichetta, A., & Dustdar, S. (2023). FL-SERENADE: Federated Learning for SEmi-supeRvisEd Network Anomaly DEtection. A Case Study. In 2023 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech) (pp. 1072–1079). IEEE.
  17. Murturi, I., Donta, P. K., Pujol, V. C., Morichetta, A., & Dustdar, S. (2023). Learning-driven Zero Trust in Distributed Computing Continuum Systems. In 2023 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech) (pp. 0044–0049). IEEE.
  18. Bartelucci, N., Bellavista, P., Pusztai, T., Morichetta, A., & Dustdar, S. (2022). High-Level Metrics for Service Level Objective-aware Autoscaling in Polaris: a Performance Evaluation. In 2022 IEEE 6th International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC) (pp. 73–77). IEEE.
  19. Li, K., Wang, X., He, Q., Yi, B., Morichetta, A., & Huang, M. (2022). Cooperative multiagent deep reinforcement learning for computation offloading: A mobile network operator perspective. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(23), 24161–24173.
  20. Pusztai, T., Nastic, S., Morichetta, A., Pujol Vı́ctor Casamayor, Raith, P., Dustdar, S., … Zhang, Z. (2022). Polaris scheduler: SLO-and topology-aware microservices scheduling at the edge. In 2022 IEEE/ACM 15th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC) (pp. 61–70). IEEE.
  21. Casamayor Pujol, V., Donta, P. K., Morichetta, A., Murturi, I., & Dustdar, S. (2022). Distributed computing continuum systems–opportunities and research challenges. In International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (pp. 405–407). Springer Nature Switzerland Cham.
  22. Marcelletti, A., & Morichetta, A. (2022). Exploring the Benefits of Blockchain Technology for MLOps Pipeline.
  23. Faroughi, A., Morichetta, A., Vassio, L., Figueiredo, F., Mellia, M., & Javidan, R. (2021). Towards website domain name classification using graph based semi-supervised learning. Computer Networks, 188, 107865.
  24. Morichetta, A., Trevisan, M., Vassio, L., & Krickl, J. (2021). Understanding web pornography usage from traffic analysis. Computer Networks, 189, 107909.
  25. Nastic, S., Pusztai, T., Morichetta, A., Pujol Vı́ctor Casamayor, Dustdar, S., Vii, D., & Xiong, Y. (2021). Polaris scheduler: Edge sensitive and slo aware workload scheduling in cloud-edge-iot clusters. In 2021 IEEE 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD) (pp. 206–216). IEEE.
  26. Pusztai, T., Morichetta, A., Pujol Vı́ctor Casamayor, Dustdar, S., Nastic, S., Ding, X., … Xiong, Y. (2021). A novel middleware for efficiently implementing complex cloud-native slos. In 2021 IEEE 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD) (pp. 410–420). IEEE.
  27. Pusztai, T., Morichetta, A., Pujol Vı́ctor Casamayor, Dustdar, S., Nastic, S., Ding, X., … Xiong, Y. (2021). Slo script: A novel language for implementing complex cloud-native elasticity-driven slos. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS) (pp. 21–31). IEEE.
  28. Morichetta, A., Pujol, V. C., & Dustdar, S. (2021). A roadmap on learning and reasoning for distributed computing continuum ecosystems. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE) (pp. 25–31). IEEE.
  29. Kroiß, M. (2021). From backend to frontend: Case study on adopting Mmcro frontends from a single page ERP application monolith (PhD thesis). Wien.
  30. Nastic, S., Morichetta, A., Pusztai, T., Dustdar, S., Ding, X., Vij, D., & Xiong, Y. (2020). Sloc: Service level objectives for next generation cloud computing. IEEE Internet Computing, 24(3), 39–50.
  31. Morichetta, A. (2020). Machine Learning and Big Data Approaches for Automatic Internet Monitoring (PhD thesis). Politecnico di Torino.
  32. Morichetta, A., Trevisan, M., & Vassio, L. (2019). Characterizing web pornography consumption from passive measurements. In International Conference on Passive and Active Network Measurement (pp. 304–316). Springer International Publishing Cham.
  33. Morichetta, A., & Mellia, M. (2019). LENTA: Longitudinal exploration for network traffic analysis from passive data. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 16(3), 814–827.
  34. D’Alconzo, A., Drago, I., Morichetta, A., Mellia, M., & Casas, P. (2019). A survey on big data for network traffic monitoring and analysis. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 16(3), 800–813.
  35. Morichetta, A., & Mellia, M. (2019). Clustering and evolutionary approach for longitudinal web traffic analysis. Performance Evaluation, 135, 102033.
  36. Morichetta, A., Casas, P., & Mellia, M. (2019). EXPLAIN-IT: Towards explainable AI for unsupervised network traffic analysis. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM CoNEXT Workshop on Big DAta, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Data Communication Networks (pp. 22–28).
  37. Morichetta, A., & Mellia, M. (2018). Lenta: Longitudinal exploration for network traffic analysis. In 2018 30th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 30) (Vol. 1, pp. 176–184). IEEE.
  38. Faroughi, A., Javidan, R., Mellia, M., Morichetta, A., Soro, F., & Trevisan, M. (2018). Achieving horizontal scalability in density-based clustering for URLs. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) (pp. 3841–3846). IEEE.
  39. Mellia, M., Metwalley, H., Bocchi, E., Morichetta, A., & others. (2018). A method for exploring traffic passive traces and grouping similar urls.
  40. Ciociola, A., Cocca, M., Giordano, D., Mellia, M., Morichetta, A., Putina, A., & Salutari, F. (2017). UMAP: Urban mobility analysis platform to harvest car sharing data. In 2017 IEEE SmartWorld, ubiquitous intelligence & computing, advanced & trusted computed, scalable computing & communications, cloud & big data computing, internet of people and smart city innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI) (pp. 1–8). IEEE.
  41. Morichetta, A., Bocchi, E., Metwalley, H., & Mellia, M. (2016). Clue: Clustering for mining web urls. In 2016 28th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 28) (Vol. 1, pp. 286–294). IEEE.