Professors |
e-mail* | Ext.** | Office hours | Room |
Schahram Dustdar
(Full Professor, Chair of the DSG) |
s.dustdar | 18414 | by appointment (e-mail) | EA0328 |
Stefan Schulte
(Associate Professor) |
s.schulte | 18417 | by appointment | EA0316 |
Secretaries |
e-mail* | Ext.** | Office hours | Room |
Christine Kamper | c.kamper | 18416 | Mon, Wed: 13:30 - 14:30 Tue, Thu: 9:30 - 11:00 |
EA0322 |
Renate Weiss | r.weiss | 18402 | Tue-Thu: 11:00 - 12:00 and by appointment |
EA0322 |
Margret Steinbuch
(Research Project Administration) |
m.steinbuch | 18450 | by appointment | EA0322 |
Faculty |
e-mail* | Ext.** | Office hours | Room |
Clemens Lachner | c.lachner | 18452 | by appointment | EA0325 |
Ilir Murturi | i.murturi | 58413 | by appointment | EA0320 |
Thomas Rausch | t.rausch | 184838 | by appointment | EA0325 |
Christos Tsigkanos | c.tsigkanos | 18451 | by appointment | EA0320 |
Sysadmin |
e-mail* | Ext.** | Office hours | Room |
Alexander Knoll | a.knoll | 18411 | by appointment | EA0323 |
Research Scientists |
e-mail* | Ext.** | Office hours | Room |
Cosmin Avasalcai | c.avasalcai | 184904 | by appointment | EA0319 |
Michael Borkowski | m.borkowski | 184830 | by appointment | EA0318 |
Philipp Frauenthaler | p.frauenthaler | by appointment | EA0318 | |
Vasileios Karagiannis | v.karagiannis | 18428 | by appointment | EA0318 |
Philipp Raith | p.raith | by appointment | EA0325 | |
Marten Sigwart | m.sigwart | by appointment | EA0318 |
PhD Students (part time) |
e-mail* |
Emmanuel Mulo | e.mulo |
Olena Skarlat | o.skarlat |
Martin Treiber | m.treiber |
Roland Moser | - |
Philipp Waibel | p.waibel |
Visitors |
Room |
* add @infosys.tuwien.ac.at to every e-mail address
** prefix the listed extension with +43 (1) 58801