Links to my open source projects:
- Leela:
Leela is a Web Service infrastructure for loosely-coupled business services. Each peer is controlled in one or more federations. Within this environment peers can collaborate in a simple-to-use, loosely coupled, and ad hoc style of communication.
- Frag:Frag is a highly flexible object-oriented tailorable language. It is intended as a configuration and composition language for components, written in other languages, such as Java, C, and C++, and as a language for developing DSLs. Frag runs in Tcl and Jacl.
- SAIWS:SAIWS (Simple Asynchronous Invocation Framework for Web Services) is an add-on to Apache Axis. It allows web service client developers to invoke web services asynchronously on top of the HTTP and SOAP protocols (without using messaging protocols).
XOTcl :
XOTcl (pronounced exotickle) is an object-oriented scripting language based on MIT's OTcl. It is an extension of the programming language Tcl.
- Actiweb: A web object system written in XOTcl. Its currently part of the XOTcl distribution.
- Lorien: A conference management system used for the
OOSS'00, ASE'01, and RE'02 conferences. More documentation is planned
for future releases. The current release is mainly meant as a programming example for XOTcl and Actiweb.